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Is it really okay that users are making advertisement threads?

grilledavocado January 29th, 2020

Haven't noticed a report button for this type of behavior. Honestly, it's concerning that a website that is supposed to help people has a subcommunity full of lotion ads.

Shanna January 29th, 2020

I agree--its frustrating to see the forum filled with so many. And no, it isn't allowed. I know it isn't ideal, but I report them by clicking the flag and categorizing them as "other"--you are welcome to flag them when you see them, it's helpful in getting them deleted eventually.

RarelyCharlie January 29th, 2020

@grilledavocado That's a more complicated question than it seems.

Historically, 7 Cups benefited from the spam because it had the effect of promoting 7 Cups in search engine rankings (Google, Bing, etc.) and it also increased the number of visitors to the website, even if those visitors were only looking for lotions Grinning with big eyes

Later, 7 Cups removed the forums from the search engines, but spammers still make many (fake) member accounts, so they still boost the number of members 7 Cups appears to have, and it's possible this is still useful for 7 Cups' marketing purposes.

The latest news about spam was in the December 2019 Community Update, which seemed to hint that some action might be taken at last.

It's technically quite simple for 7 Cups to block the spam. Some time ago I made a forum spam filter for my own use and I think it only took me a couple of hours. But unfortunately 7 Cups has never been very responsive to the community's technical needs, and what might have taken me a couple of hours might yet take 7 Cups many months, or be bumped off the to-do list by something else and forgotten.


EvelyneRose February 6th, 2020


please feel free to let someone know! Quickest way is to PM a mentor or use the listener support room to see if anyone is around who can do it. Each post should also let you flag it so the forum flag team can get it :)

ZodiacLeo2753 February 11th, 2020

Yeah this website isn't supposed to be used for that.

Shanna February 13th, 2020

Just wanted to say that I daily continue to check the forum for spam and flag it for removal and (in my experience) the lag time for posts being deleted has gotten a lot shorter--I notice the posts being gone much earlier in the day after I flag as opposed to still being up for days. Ideally there'd be a better block to these posts being created in the first place, but wanted to acknowledge that in my opinion things seem to be improving!

EvelyneRose February 13th, 2020


they changed things recently to help forum safety!

InfiniteApogee October 17th, 2020

I just got a drive by Zoom meeting advertisement. I reported it.

I guess 7Cups will decide to do something about it when it starts making people leave the site.

But judging how they aren't doing anything on people just using 7Cups to solicit dates, I won't hold my breath.

October 17th, 2020

No it's not

October 17th, 2020

No it's not