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something that happened to me.

stardust42 June 24th, 2019

I'm confused about what happened to me. I was with someone I was dating casually. And it started out consensual but it didn't stop when I wanted it to. It hurt and I felt like I was being raped. But because of how it started, I don't know if other people would consider it rape. I never told anyone because I didn't know what to call it. But now, years later, I'm still struggling with it. I think about it a lot and have panic attacks. I have nightmares about it. It seems like the more time passes, the worse it gets. Lately, it's been really bad. I don't know why. I don't know what's triggering it, but it's all I can think about lately. I can't focus on anything else. My mind just keeps going back to what happened.

16lostsoul98 June 24th, 2019

@stardust42 I'm so so sorry that happened love, but a listenr would be much ebtter in helping you than me rn, here's to hoping you'll get better!

stardust42 OP June 24th, 2019

@ivoryTree588 Thank you. I think I am going to talk to a Listener. And I might try therapy. It's such a relief to be able to tell somebody, even if it's just online.

16lostsoul98 June 25th, 2019

@stardust42 I get that feeling so much, please take care love!

txhyxo June 25th, 2019

@stardust42 what happened to you was rape. i know you blame yourself & feel that it doesnt count bc you gave consent at first. but you have the right to change your mind at any time. any time. someone could go down on you or you both be completely stripped & you could still change your mind. in the middle of doing everything. you still have the right to change your mind. consent isnt a long lasting thing. they should be asking for consent every time & have the human decency to stop when you ask them to. this is not your fault. what they did is not okay. im proud of you, though. it takes a lot of strength to handle things like this. no matter how weak you feel - you are mUcH stronger than you think.

stardust42 OP June 26th, 2019

@txhyxo Thank you. I feel like I understand what happened to me now and why I can't just get over it. I just told a friend irl. I wish I had a better understanding of consent when it happened. But I'm starting to find support now and I'm feeling more hopeful.

adventurousBranch3786 July 28th, 2019

@stardust42 If you say no they need to stop even if you have done it before!