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something i need to get off my chest (trigger warning for abuse)

shipatseaswatersatpeace December 19th, 2023

this is something that i need to get off my chest. please don't judge.

the furthest back i can remember is when i was 4. my family would often abuse me even if i did nothing wrong. as the years passed it got worse and worse. i think one of the most traumatizing moment was when i was 6, i dropped a bowl and the bowl shattered. my father walked into the room and started yelling and coming closer i was so scared that i immediately started to pick up the broken pieces with my bare hands. this made the man who i thought was my father grab me and throw me at a wall. i awoke the next day in the cold wet back shed with no food or water. 

due to how graphic the other parts of this story where i didn't add a lot i don't feel comfortable sharing the rest of the SA details

thank you for reading. have a wonderful day/night

WorkingitThrough2 December 21st, 2023


Hello, @Ship.

I am so very sorry for your father having abused you like that😒. You did not deserve that type of treatment. I have had a lot of SA abuse and Physical abuse, so I can truly resonate with you. I know the inner pain and confusion of being abused by someone who is supposed to love us and take care of us, but instead, they violate us. It causes us to grow up with difficulty of whom to trust and all kinds of issues.

I am glad that you took a step of faith to come here and post your truth.I validate your truth, and I am here to support you in whatever way I can. You are not alone here. Many of us have been through the same kinds of abuse and are here on our learning journey of how to overcome the things that—happened to us. I encourage you to keep talking; that helps a lot. Do you have Professional help with this?   I would suggest it if you can. You are strong, and you have survived, which is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Now is your time to heal and be supported by people who care and are willing to walk with you on this journey to becoming whole again. I wish you all the best, and I hope to see you around the forum. Please stay safe, You are more than enough❤️

shipatseaswatersatpeace OP December 21st, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 thank you

your reply means a lot to me i have been battling this for a long time and only just now started professional help. i hope to see you on the around as well

once again thank you❤

WorkingitThrough2 December 21st, 2023


You are more than welcome❤️

Happy holidays🎄🎄

shipatseaswatersatpeace OP December 21st, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Happy holidays!🎄

JadeR222 December 25th, 2023

Thank you for sharing your story with us. It sounds like you went through a very difficult time when you were younger, and no child should have to go through something like that. It must really have affected your sense of safety to be treated in this way. You are really strong for getting through this and for coming here to try and heal by working through and sharing your story with us. I wish you a lot of healing!

Snowy00 January 29th


There's no judgement here. It sounds like you had a very traumatic and rough childhood. You didn't deserve to be treated like that at all. You were a child. I've been through a lot of similar trauma in my childhood as well. It can be a lot to handle. I am so happy you chose to come here and share what happened to you. This is a safe space, and you can always feel free to message me if you need to talk! 💗
Much love,

March 15th

@shipatseaswatersatpeace Hi Ship. 

I am so sorry to hear you had endure this. I know how these feelings can be feeling like everything is against you. I don't know if you have talked to anyone around you about how you have felt lately? You seem to be making great strides from what you have mentioned. Congratulations!

hopefulRain22 August 8th

Awh I'm so so sorry, it broke my heart to read all of that 💔 You were so young when it happened, it must've hurt so much, especially to come from your (alleged) father. You deserve to be held and loved and cared by your parents he never ever had the right to lay his hands on you like that. He sounds so cruel I'm sorry you had to bear growing up with him my heart goes out to you. It must've been so painful to be thrown like that awh I can't even stand to imagine it. I can feel the confusion and heartbreak you must have felt when you found yourself in the shed without anything to have I'm so sorry. He had no right in treating you like that, it wasn't fair at all. I can imagine it must've been too much at the time to keep inside given how little you were, did you ever get a chance to talk to someone about it? Even if you didn't, I'm so glad that you found the courage to open up here, you're so brave for doing that 💖 You'll never be judged here, ever. This is a safe space for you and your feelings 💖 I really hope sharing your story here helped make you feel better. You're always welcome to reach out any time, okay? I'm always happy to listen 💖 Anyways, how was your day today? Bye bye hope you're doing alright take care 💖
