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What do you do when you keep having nightmares?

Hellelujahs August 19th, 2016

I've been diagnosed with PTSD for a little over a month now. I'm the beginning I wasn't experiencing any nightmares but now I am getting multiple nightmares every night and when I wake up the morning I am just as exhausted as when I went to bed. To make matters more difficult, I've started to become afraid of going to sleep because I don't want to have more nightmares. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me cope with the nightmares?

baZzchik54 August 19th, 2016


Hi there Hun , I'm so sorry this is happening to you, these type of nite mares can be very debilitating. I have had multiple bad dreams a nite or nitemares as you've mentioned and also have PTSD. That being said I've been dealing for decades but each one still has the same draining effect, but one thing I dint find helpful is a hot bath before bed. Pamper yourself. Get some Lovely Lavender Epsom salts have a nice warm tea or hot milk and I also journal to get anything lingering on my mind before bed. May not be the correct scenario for this particular problem, but couldn't hurt. Take good care and I hope you can get some rest. Mindfulness and short meditations are wonderful tools alsošŸ˜‰

Oyster August 19th, 2016

@Hellelujahs I'm sorry to hear that. Sleep is a wonderful thing and it is terrible when we are robbed of it. It may be connected to your PTSD in which case I'm not sure I'm much help. That said, meditation and yoga before bed helps me personally. It may be worth a try. I wish you the best! :)

Cenozoic August 19th, 2016


Listen or sing a song you like before or during your sleep. It might change your emotions or brain patterns to something more relaxed.

InfiniteCutiePi August 19th, 2016

I pray and dont tell people about it

Also, i read some verses from the quraan and get back to sleep :)

Fauna August 19th, 2016

Turn on some classic songs

TrineT August 19th, 2016

There are a lot of ideas and suggestions in this link that is posted under Trauma recovery resources.

you might find that you have to pracetice some of them before they become effective, others work to calm you down and help you bring you to a peaceful mindset before going to bed.

Finding a good listener is also a good solution.