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How do I manage and not shut down?

niceMoon4358 July 22nd, 2016

It's a particularly difficult week with my symptoms in the forefront. I'm doing my best to keep anxiety in check and dissociation to minimum but that only goes so far especially once I bottom out from the anxiety spike. Things got worse about 6 weeks ago and have built up since. I'm working on some difficult things in therapy which probably escalates my reactions some as well. I also start back full time work aug 1 along with continuing my full time phd program I started in may. I feel like I have a lot working against me, but I can't drop any of it. I just want to to be able to deal with the symptoms and issues so I don't wake up everyday questioning everything and go to bed wondering if I make any difference or if I'm a waste. Sry...I know in some ways this may sound benign and that I should be able to figure things out...I wish it was though.

purplesunny98 July 22nd, 2016

@niceMoon4358 Things that can help manage anxiety


-Open up your window when you wake up, vitamin D is helpful.

-Wake up on time. Don't mill around in bed.

-Drink a glass of water before eating.

Throughout the day

-Grounding is a technique when you are suffering from extreme anxiety. Name 5 things you can see, deep breath, name 4 things you can touch, deep breath, name 3 things you can hear, deep breath, name 2 things you like the smell of, deep breath, name one thing you like the taste of, deep breath. This can give you a sense of control in a situation that can seem out of control.

-A different grounding technique is to pick a number (I use 4) and count to it over and over and over again, slowing it down each time.

Hope this helps!! Sending love,

Stay Sassy


niceMoon4358 OP July 22nd, 2016


thanks. I give these a shot. I've done some variation of the ones you suggest during the day, but I often forget abt them or what to do bc I'm getting so caught up in the anxiety cycle lately. Maybe I should make a list and carry it with me. The morning suggestions I've not really ever paid attention to other than the getting out of bed part, which is by far the worst it's been right now. I'm not sleeping well and with everything I fall into this trap consistently. I'll try to work on it though.

Eagle2474 July 23rd, 2016

@purplesunny98.. I just read what you posted about "grounding".. I've never heard of it, but it makes sense. I suffer from extreme social anxiety and how you described grounding made sense to me. I'm going to try everything you wrote. Thank you... Oh, also is there more information on these techniques to help one gain control of the moment?... Again, thank you

purplesunny98 July 23rd, 2016

@Eagle2474 Copied this from my favorite website about anxiety)

Treat anxiety with grounding skills tree_of_life_grounding_anxiety

If you want to stop feeling spacey, or you feel yourself slipping into the spiral of anxiety, try some of these helpful anxiety management techniques:

Bring up todays newspaper on the web, notice the date. Read something fun!

Breathe slowly and steadily from your core. Imagine letting fear and worry go, evaporating along with each breath.

Trace your hands against the physical outline of your body. Experience your own presence in the world.

Call a friend and have a chat.

If you are feeling ‘stuck, change how youre positioned. Wiggle your fingers, tap your feet. Pay attention to the movement: You are in control of what your body is doing, right here and now.

Eat or drink something. Is it hot, or cold? Sweet, or sour?

Meditate, if thats OK for you. Otherwise use distractions like television or music to help settle down.

Use your voice. Say your name or pick up a book and read the first paragraph you find out loud.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Smile, even if thats the last thing you feel like! How does that feel? What can you see? (If negative thoughts come to mind, write them down to look at later but let them go for now. Youre anxious enough as it is.)

Write out whats going on. Keep writing until you start to notice it makes a difference, lets some of the things youre anxious about out.

Take a shower/bath. Notice the sensations of the water.

Write somebody you care about an email.

Imagine yourself in a familiar, comfortable place. Feel the safety. Know it.

Take a look outside. Count the number of trees and street signs.

Exercise. Jump up and down on the spot. Try some gentle yoga, or ride a bike.

Hold onto something comforting. Maybe a blanket or an old stuffed toy.

Laugh. Even if thats hard. Just the act of laughing about something, anything can break that spinning out of control feeling.

When youre not too stressed, make a list of the things that provoke your anxiety. Take it to your therapist and ask them to help you find ways to desensitize you to some of those things. Then those triggers wont be quite so powerful, and your anxiety coping skills will work better.

If you get PTSD flashbacks, when youre feeling OK, make a list of the furniture in your home and what room its in. Give the list to a friend you can call to help you focus on whats now and safe.

List 5 really positive things in your life. Put the list where youll see it and remember that theres more to the world than just panic and fear.

Think about the last week. Was there a day you didnt have so much anxiety? Remember how it felt to be less anxious than you are right now. What was different? What can change?

niceMoon4358 OP July 24th, 2016


so far this morning is really bad. Can't shake this one. Feeling on edge and like I won't make it through this wave.

TrineT July 24th, 2016


It is so incredibly difficult, but you can do it, focus on just one thing at a time, such as breathing, then getting out of bed (if possible), find a spot you feel relatively safe in. I can be too overwhelming when you think of all the tasks of a whole day, so just focus on one moment at a time. Do you have any special methods or techniques that normally work for you - perhaps just continue doing them over and over.

I am going through a "wave" myself at this time - I hope you will just continue to hang on to your routines/techniques and your comfort cares. I cant tell you how to get through it because I don't know the answer even for myself. But don't give up your fight.

niceMoon4358 OP August 7th, 2016

im nervous about therapy this week. i feel like i messed things up last week, brought up some stuff that im ashamed of and have been feeling it all week. just not sure what to expect. i dont know what else to do

niceMoon4358 OP August 18th, 2016

I can't keep focused for more than 5 minutes. I'm not remembering the short term things, but recall them hours later to forget them again. I feel separated from everyone but can see they're here.

Hate feeling this way. Coming home and I start to feel bad and then things get worse and I can't always control. I'm scared to go see my therapist like this. I'm supposed to be ok. I have to be. But I'm still questioning how to tell her about the stuff in my head and if it's important. I just know I am not ok. And it's hard to breathe. I feel like giving up so much lately.

niceMoon4358 OP August 22nd, 2016

Done. Wish I could delete this. Frustrated with myself

HelpfulNick95 October 17th, 2016

@niceMoon4358 I'm sorry to hear that :( Staying focused while suffering with a traumatic past event is a very hard thing to do because those negative thoughts and events keep resurfacing. Grounding techniques as discussed earlier in this thread are a great way to recenter yourself and find that you are in a safe place. To break it down, just start saying things that you know to be true to reassure where you are and what you are doing and that you are in a safe place and NOT in the place you are thinking. "My name is" "My favorite food is" "I am at (place)" "My birthday is " "And I am safe". Please do not give up as this is something you can beat, and I know with your dedication and courage that you can beat this issue :) Continue to give us updates here to have us help you out.

TheHumanTorch September 6th, 2016

@niceMoon4358 You are a brave person for going through this challenging issue. Thank you for being the person that you are :)