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My Story

practicalIdeal2007 July 23rd, 2018

I'm not sure what to say here. How little say, how much to say. My story is a nightmare. A nightmare that some simply dismiss as fiction because it's too much. People tell me that "most people couldn't handle what I've been through". To me this says that I should give up because I can't handle it either.

My early years were surrounded by abuse physical, verbal and sexual. We didn't do love, hugs are compassion in the house I grew up in. I was molested by a family friend from 5-13. At 13 I discovered I was pregnant and had an abortion. That decision still haunts me today. I escaped the situation by moving in with a 27 year old man. I eventually married him. When I realized he was a pedophile it was too late. I had no one else in my life and I was stuck. At 19 I finally escaped his grasp. My life reached a point of semi stability. I was then in a major accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, among other things. My partner at the time could not handle the situation and left. Alone, hurting and depressed I spiraled through life for many years. I finally started to make some progress and move forward. Then in March I was assaulted by 3 men in the park. Any progress I made came crashing down. I've been fighting for a reason to keep on ever since.

I have been diagnosed with PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Sever Anxiety and Sever Depression. The nightmares, flashbacks and unexplainable feelings I get are more than I can bare. I know that nobody can fix it. I can't fix it. I've tried. I only wish there was some hope to hold on to. Some reason to believe that I won't be stuck in this dark pit forever. There's so much more to this story, but I won't get into it.

I'm sorry if this is too much information. I'm not sure what else to do at this point. Thank you for reading.

practicalIdeal2007 OP October 22nd, 2018

There was a time that I dreamed of amazing things for my life. A time when I was to young to understand the devastation I'd lived though. Despite everything I still saw good in the world. It was a gift that helped me through those years. That light I saw was eventually extinguished. I lost faith in everything and everyone. Everything became unsafe. Danger lurked in every corner. I had finally begun to see some good again and was quickly plunged back into darkness.

I cannot explain how terrifying it is to once again try to claw out of the darkness. To find a safe place again. To trust again. The dreams I once had are long gone. They're no longer attainable. I don't dare to have new dreams. I wrote this about life, and I hope that it's wrong. I hope that the shimmer of light is real.

Life seems hopeless
A Never ending tragedy
Moving without ceasing
One hope one dream comes crashing down
A shimmer of light I see
One more star that I am sure
will come crashing down on me

Anomalia October 23rd, 2018

@practicalIdeal2007 - Your poem is beautiful and heartbreaking to read. I don't have any words of wisdom, but did want to respond that I am here. And while you're feeling trapped in the darkness, I've brought a candle that we can light to bring a little spark into the darkness for as long as you need it until more light starts to come in.

practicalIdeal2007 OP October 28th, 2018

@Anomalia I've been thinking about a lit candle in the darkness today. It's cold and dark today and I have 3 candles in front of me. They provide both light and a small amount of warmth. One candle can light another and it takes nothing from the first. Fire is an amazing concept. All it takes is that one small flame and it could light an infinite number of candles. If I can just keep sight of that one small light it has the potential to illuminate everything.

Anomalia October 30th, 2018

@practicalIdeal2007 - That's a really beautiful way of thinking about it, and you're absolutely right. I would also add to that that when another candle is lit, it doesn't diminish the flame from the first one, it just creates more. I think that hope, kindness, and love are like that, too - I often hear people say things like "I don't want to take kindness away from someone else" or "someone else deserves love more than I do", but like the flame, showing kindness or love or finding hope with one person doesn't mean there is less to go around.

Image result for candle motivational quotes

practicalIdeal2007 OP November 26th, 2018

I've been thinking about a story I read many years ago. The Yellow Wallpaper, it was written in 1892. I wrote a research paper on it once back in 1999. I write research papers for no reason other than to write them. The story recently came back to my mind. It is interesting to me how I can't remember things from yesterday, but I can remember a story I read nearly 20 years ago with great detail. My mind is a labyrinth of mystery. The story is about a women who likely suffers from depression. In the end of the story she rips all the wallpaper off the wall in an attempt to free a women trapped within it. She comes to believe that the trapped woman is her. The reason I am reminded of the story is because I feel like the person who is ripping down the wallpaper in a desperate attempt to free myself. Only I'm not trapped in the wallpaper, I'm trapped within myself. I don't know the point of writing this, I'm just thinking in words.