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My Diary place

AmalieAnne July 19th, 2017

Not sure who will read it or if anyone wants to, so I guess it is for me. I can put things here when I need to and if you are reading this remember it is just the ramblings of me. So I will put things here and it will not get in anyone elses way.

AmalieAnne OP August 26th, 2020


I am very much an indoor person smiley

Avaray August 28th, 2020



AmalieAnne OP August 6th, 2020

Their Stories; Conclusions [Instalment Seven]
There are many other stories that could be told, each individual one, would result in some very unique journey towards the same ending. What follows next is most likely known to you, on Thursday 6th August, this morning, a plane took off. After approximately four hours later that plane crashed into the sea, despite some being able to survive for a short time, it is with sadness that I report there were no survivors. All hands, including crew died within a few moments of each other, this is their shared connection. They left people they loved and they were missed by the people that knew them. Those that in the final few moments of the flight knew they were about to die do not have stories to tell. Others though, did, you have only followed five of them. That is not to say there arent more. Their fate has found its own way to where it needs to be, one cannot simply change their or others fate.

Danieles Story
Daniele, Lucies mother, had never forgiven herself about allowing Lucie to travel alone. By the time she arrived at this place her daughter had been dead for many years. To only add to the guilt, after hearing what happened to her daughter, she found Musco, Lucies teddy. It was with sadness only a mother could have, she thought she had failed to provide comfort in her daughters death. Both Daniele & Lucie had just arrived, time was of little consequence here. Before her eagerness took hold, she had spoken to Jeff. Words of comfort were offered, but he suggested talking to two people. As Jeff told her where to find them, he walked towards his next duty, a woman who seemed to be called Claire. Daniele, Musco in tow, as she never had thrown him out, went to talk to the older couple. She found them with ease and they both told Daniele about how they wished they had children of their own, even grandchildren, but never had the opportunity to have that sort of family.

They were very much aware of Lucies distress after the crash; they both felt the need to comfort her while she was alone. Determined that they would never let her go through this by herself, by this I refer to Lucie dying. Lucie died shortly after waking up on the floating wing of the plane. It was with great joy they could be there for her. As they told Daniele about their efforts, she began to cry. Still, they assured her that Lucie was now in need of her and she should go see her. From Danieles perspective, it had been over 30 years since she last held Lucie. As she walked to the hospital, she was directed by inner forces towards her daughter and then there she was. She held back the tears as one of the nurses told her that Lucie required some sleep to restore her from the negative and conflicting thoughts about both of her parents. The physical wounds would and were just manifestations of the past which would dissolve quickly, so she should not be concerned with them. As Daniele approach Lucie she could see her child lost and confused, as she approached Lucie called out Mummy. Daniele told Lucie to sleep, she placed Musco in her bed and stroked her hair. As Lucie fell asleep Daniele started to cry, not out of guilt, remorse or anger but joy of having her daughter back.

Claires story
Claire had also been on the same plane; the only difference was that she knew she was about to die. Rather than having a story of her own Claire simply arrived at this place. She came to this place knowing but when she got here, she was told of her husband Timothy. As they both boarded the plane, Claire was stressed because Tim was suffering from severe dementia. He was both scared and confused at what was happening. He had been suffering with memory loss for many years while Claire slowly saw her husband Tim was slowly fading in front of her. The memory of Jeff, as a friend, had been forced into Tims mind to help him feel more comfortable. It worked, although Tim did not recognise Claire as his wife, Jeff said that given time his memories would be restored. It was fun though to see Tim with a childlike energy, he had always been that way before the dementia tried to steal who he was. Claire was also new to this place, so their excursion to the lake was a new experience for them both. Feeling safe in Jeffs guidance, when Claire was rather rudely pushed into the lake, she could not help but laugh to herself. The fact that after a while Tim joined her in the fun was a sign that perhaps he was starting to remember a little of her.

As all three of them walked pass the hospital Lucie spotted them through a window, she saw two men and a woman, but one of the men had concern and perhaps a little fear on his face. The other man quickly directed him away and Lucie could see the joy returning to his face. They were walking to Claires and Tims house, as Jeff had warned it might be better to wait until Tims memories had been restored, at least in part. The flashes Tim had, was him simply seeing an observation of his own dead body after the crash. This too would fade as the memories came back and accepting what happened became real. After some more cups of tea something clicked inside Tim and he knew who Claire was, Jeff almost instinctively started some music, as they started to dance around. This for Claire was perhaps too emotional, she really did have her husband back and for that reason alone she also felt childlike and blissful. I only know a little more of what else happened, but their house soon stopped being Tims house and started to be their home. Jeff, took his leave at this point and left Claire and Tim in a slow dance, knowing that he and this place had done its job.

Concluding Maries Story
It would not be right to force everyone into a position in which they had to forget their old lives and simply get on with it, that was no ones aim. Before this becomes confusing it is important to note something, what is real to someone else is real, even if it is not real to you. Marie disembarked the plane as did everyone else, the experience she had on the island with Earharts plane, was still very real to her. As she moved through life, she would often look at the label she found in her pocket after her dream-adventure. In fact, she had framed it as a reminder that the whole event happened, it brought excitement even if it was just an illusion of sorts. Still, that encounter if we could call it that, drove Marie to become first a pilot, then a wife, mother and in the later years working on projects in space exploration before finally becoming a flight director. She had lived a full and meaningful life despite the fact she died when the plane crashed. Perhaps you consider all this some sort of an illusion, as something that never happened, that was never real but to Marie it was. They existed for Marie therefore, the only logical conclusion was it all existed.

So why did she end up on that island, with Amelia Earharts plane, well… you might have noticed that things tend to be somewhat difficult and Jeff along with his colleagues often need a little time to create a space. The space for Marie to live so, she was taken to Amelia Earharts plane while she was on her own doomed plane, it was a rather nice distraction, a time which the rest of her life could be worked out. For this is what needed to happen. As Marie got older and became a grandmother for the fourth time, she was often asked about the label. It was now kind of a funny family story, ‘The adventures of Dr C H Berrys Freckle ointment cream. Marie found that her grandchildren were both bemused and amused by it, the story they thought had been made up. Still, it had actually happened and by now Marie knew that she was coming towards the end of her life. Later on, shortly after her 96th Birthday she joined the others who had been on that plane. Having led a very fulfilling life that contained her hard work, dreams, wishes and love. A life certainly worth making time and space for.

Concluding Sophias Story
Jeff would like me to point out he had no involvement in this one, Sophia was certainly too stubborn for him in any case. When Sophia vanished after a flash of light she went to another place, one where she could explore. This time she taught herself some of the skills required, like how to start a fire. Then she moved again, in time she could choose when and where she wanted to go. It did not take long before Sophia became and felt comfortable being an explorer like the ones of the past with beasties and all. After her first experience with the large beast and the ghosts she gave up on small partly indigenous groups preferring to explore the world as a ‘true explorer. She became fond of peaches although eating insects was certainly never going to be on the menu. She enjoyed this travelling, rather than thinking about what or how things were happening, she just got enjoyment from it. Meeting with people, exploring vast underground caves and seeing things very few people could ever see.

The first experience, the one with the beast of sorts chasing her and the perhaps ghosts, did not put her off at all. She often went back, but this time to annoy them, they soon became completely fed up with her, but then again, perhaps they should have not tried to scare her in the first place. In the end they came to an agreement that she would stop annoying them if they made a formal apology. One day she will meet the others that were on the plane, it will come, but for now she was just doing her own thing. Directed only by herself, of course, remember that time is more an issue for the living than those that have died. Time didnt matter and when the time did come for her to finally stop exploring, she will join the rest. They will know her as arriving at the same time they did, being somewhat confused as they are but being a much more independent person. In control and having done what in death, she could not do in life. We do know, however, the last adventure she had and it was one that Jeff certainly was grateful in handing over. You see Sophia had been in so many situations and met so many different people all who thought in a slightly different way, not only could she tell stories to the others for years but also help Albert.

Sophias Last Adventure
Perhaps calling it an adventure is the wrong word, last mission might be a better description. She like all the others had been connected to each other as soon as they boarded the plane, they were destined to share their deaths. Albert story was unpleasant to say the least, but Sophia was determined that some progress should be made. At the start Albert would shout ‘Go away leave me alone, this might have scared Sophia before her many adventures, but the small little creature called Albert was far from impressive or scary. No one knows what she said, but she must have been convincing, slowly Albert would take down the wooden planks that were nailed to the windows. A small but significant step, next he would come outside into the cold dark village. Still, only for a little while before running back in. This progress itself was long and still ongoing, Albert has at least made it half way to more friendly places before turning back. Jeff had never seen such a creature like Albert change so quickly. Sophia was determined that one day he would join the rest of them, but it would always be small steps until Albert found it within himself to forgive and in a weird way, despite being dead, to live.

Did Lucie become an artist? Well, those and all the other questions that might be in your mind wont be answered, that would certainly be telling. Let it be said that there are many more stories to be experienced, many more to be written, who knows what each story contains and which ending might appear. We might not be able to change our fate, but we can change the way we get there. That human determination, perhaps even free will, can be found in what has not already been written. This is our challenge, choose your journey carefully because it is the one that you will have to experience. This story ends not like many others, it started with a group of random people, which a single event connected them. Although this is not really the end, remember those connections, never mind how weak, will always be there. That is all the hope I can give you. Thank you for reading their stories.

This version of the afterlife here is closely linked to the version presented in ‘The World Unseen written by Anthony Borgia, although he was incredibly boring, it was something that stuck with me.

AmalieAnne OP August 27th, 2020

AmalieAnne OP September 7th, 2020

I thought that I draw that a little bit better, now I am doing it again because I had touching cottonwool

AmalieAnne OP September 7th, 2020

I thought that I draw that a little bit better, now I am NOT doing it again because I had touching cottonwool - naughty brain, he never sees if there is a not or... not!

intelligentWheel627 September 11th, 2020

They both are gorgeous, Ame! Thank you for sharing with us. You inspired me to try drawing too but I only managed to scribble some stick people and other simple stuff that I was taught in the kindergarten. 🤭

You have been in my thoughts. How are you?

I have some spacesuit hugs waiting for you, if you would like them. 🙃

AmalieAnne OP September 16th, 2020



Thank you, it is quite difficult to work off a picture but you know if you go on YouTube there are lessons and you can find one that you like, then draw it. I do not always get it right if I am honest but I keep trying until it is kind of ok. If you like it then it is kind of easier to do. I am ok, just a little bit nervous for school on Monday. It is going to be weird and no hugging which is… frustrating. How are you? You changed your profile picture but I like it. smiley Thank you for the spacesuit hugs, I like that. Is that you in the picture? *spacesuit hugs* You can share your drawings if you like but when you want to.


intelligentWheel627 September 23rd, 2020


Hi again Ame! Yes, that is me squeezed into the spacesuit, always ready for safe cuddles.

First day of school is always a bit scary, I think. Not being able to have hugs from friends just complicates things further but I hope that your toes were correct and it turned out to be a good day. Would you like to tell me about it?

The Youtube tutorial is a great idea! I need to gather some courage to try it out. I'm really so bad at drawing that you will laugh your socks off! Photography is more of my thing. I'm not very good at that either, lol, but I do enjoy it very, very much. I tried to find a ship picture for you since you seem to like them but sadly the big ones haven't sailed in front of my camera very often, if at all, so here are some smaller ones for you. ;)

AmalieAnne OP September 30th, 2020

@intelligentWheel627 Thank you for the picture of your spacesuit smiley it is nice to see others doing the hugs and cuddles correctly [until this covid stuff goes away for good]! I do not have my bestest friend at school because she got old and she finished her diploma but I am seeing her later for ‘sports’, urgh... it was fun last week though. Since she is family, we do not need to wear spacesuits. I still have not change my mind about, sport things are boring apart from Real Madrid who are the best (even if I am not sure of the rules). Either way I am get very tired from school sports makes me really tired. Other than that school is good, even have a nice teacher which is one thing I was worried about. I have a friend; she is also an oldie now but she is really good at drawing. Still, if you do not try then… I would not laugh. Just find something that holds meaning to you and express it. In the photograph the thing that came to me is calm and the way the boats were reflected like a mirror in the water. So, it is a good photograph. Any who *spacesuit hugs*

AmalieAnne OP September 18th, 2020

I am going back to school on Monday, my school is not that big but it is kind of scary because my bestest friend will not be there this year. Neither will be my bestest teacher because she is looking after my God Sister. So, we have a plan and if the worst happens, they will call mommy. Since she drives very fast it will not take her long to recuse me. Still, going to try my best to be brave and not be too scared while trying to do the plan of little achievements rather than a very big scary one.

Avaray September 18th, 2020


Hey there my brave Warrior Amalie, thinking of you, you got this xx you have come so far in your journey since we first met, seen you push through the fear and stand back up when you have been at a low, it's ok to be scared, take one day at a time, maybe start writing a book, "A day at a time, for Warrior Amalie"

Hugs, praying for you 💜

AmalieAnne OP September 30th, 2020

@Avaray Slowly getting used and getting lots of sleep cheeky

Avaray September 18th, 2020


Avaray September 18th, 2020


Avaray September 18th, 2020


Avaray September 18th, 2020


Sent you armor and a fast get away horse

Hugs Ames

AmalieAnne OP September 21st, 2020

@Avaray Thank you smiley it is almost 6am so going to get dressed, have breakfast then fall asleep in the car. My school is really away but mommy drivers very fast. Kind of scared but I have a list so, I can tick things off.. kind of helps me. Still going to be scary but.. my toes are being good so that is a good sign

AmalieAnne OP November 4th, 2020

Haven at Night

AmalieAnne OP November 10th, 2020

As she opens the large envelope and turns it upside down the contents at first do not fall, with a little shake a flurry of things spread themselves across the table. She checks to make sure everything has made its timely exit and then puts the large envelope to one side. Not content at the random nature of which things have landed, a quick organisation is required. Each put in place as if it were to be examined by an official archaeologist inspecting such things. First, there are smaller letters each holds the thoughts of others and the replies to questions sent to them in a different large envelope which she filled what feels like a very long time ago. The letters are important but other artefacts take her interest first. A receipt for a bridge, made of wood and costing a large sum of money. Some would say a fortune even if she says that now out loud the money has been spent. A train ticket with two cities which she knows, now she thinks to herself the bridge was actually rather cheap. An empty packet of seeds, the seeds have been planted and already grown but just the thought of broad beans growing and being eaten is not pleasant. The empty packet though makes for interesting reading. Perhaps one day she thinks, she might be old enough to consider growing and eating them.

A long piece of wool from a large ball ready to be used but still requiring approval is closely examined, does it have the required colours and thickness? I guess so, her reply will be in the return envelope once her fingers are feeling a bit better. Next, a postcard with a picture of some unknown, to be explored church in Italy and on the reverse, it has been left blank. Postcards which have not been filled in, are kind of lonely things but she appreciates the effort and the thought of adding it to her collection feels her with a sense of satisfaction. Another place she has to visit in the future has been added to the collection. It was a sunny day when they took that picture which can almost be felt through the postcard itself. A small book written by someone unknown of prayers and other ‘godly’ things to do, it was published without the author caring to place their name on it. She does not often pray perhaps because she feels that God is not out there but in here. She will put that with her grandfather’s shaving brush in the orange box. He stopped using the shaving brush many years ago despite his hair migrating from the top of his head further south. Still, he kept it and now she thinks it might one day have some use, perhaps it has a use now but she cannot see it.

Finishing the investigation of the artefacts though important less significant to be written here, she turns to the letters. Three in total, she knows that one of these was written under duress and that her sister who sent the rail ticket required some focused annoying in order to get her to write back. She knows who wrote the first, the smell of it reminds her of home and of course the colour of the paper, although making it difficult to read, was known to bring a different warmth than the postcard. The second was easy, the terrible handwriting was a clear indication it was written by her brother. Why do doctors train to write in such a manner that it makes it appear as though it were written on a rocket heading towards the moon? The third, that was the one written under duress of course because the person who would normally write it is no longer here. She misses the long-held communications written by a man whose business was to write formally and quite proper. She never the less, appreciates having it despite knowing it will only have half the information required to know what is going on. She reminds herself that this is her way, she is used to doing things rather than writing about them. She places all three unopened letters in front of her, while returning the precious artefacts back into the large envelope, to be later sorted. If nothing else that in a hundred years it will make the job easier for the archaeologist to examine them.

Do not be fooled this process his long and happens with some hope every month. Now she thinks to herself she does not know which letter to open. Still, the sadness of her grandfather’s bulky pages and perfect handwriting is noticeably missing. Few know how to write in such a way, in a way that makes sure if questioned later people would assume you had been there. A missing letter from a missing writer, a part of her missing. She starts to feel heaviness in her head in just thinking about something she never wants to believe or even feel. So, she puts the letters back in the large envelope and takes out the prayer book. It might not be interesting at all but at least it reminded her of church, the dull procedural nature of it all brings some comfort. In her mind, she starts to write the letter to the missing author, the one with good handwriting, her grandfather. She writes in her head,

Dear Papa,

Please forgive, as normal, the mistakes. I am having trouble thinking in one language or in a manner that makes sense to others. How is it that your handwriting is so neat when my brother’s handwriting is not? Did you miss the class in school that trained you in the bad handwriting or did you simply believe it to be nonsense? I know the answer to that if I am honest, you never paid attention to such nonsense but it is still, I think, an interesting question. If I am being honest, I really miss you and I am not sure how things work without you being here. For me or Mama… Would you recommend that I stay away from board beans, they do not sound nice at all and to be honest most things green tend to only attract the taste of oldies?

She leaves it there, for now at least because the tears are starting to form. This letter will be written on the best paper, sealed with wax with ‘A’ imprinted in it and of course in the most delicately neat handwriting she can manage. Still, this letter will never be sent, it will find its way to the orange shoebox. It is hoped the archaeologist examining the shoe boxes in a hundred years will understand why it was placed in the orange one rather than the blue one. Perhaps the expert will know how important it is, at least to the girl who wrote it. Perhaps, even know how much sadness it brings.

She now gets ready because she has a lesson and needs to change into her school uniform. With the hope that she can just get lost in her music rather than blurt out swear words at her mistakes. Please forgive me, as normal, the mistakes. I am having trouble thinking in one language or in a manner that makes sense to others.

Avaray November 16th, 2020


Hey kiddo xx

AmalieAnne OP November 18th, 2020


Hello Avaray smiley

Avaray November 25th, 2020


Hey Ames

I have you in my calendar 2 times so I hope I have the day correct, otherwise please forgive the oldie 😄

Avaray November 25th, 2020


Avaray November 25th, 2020


I hope you have a fantastic birthday

Lots of love and hugs


Avaray November 25th, 2020


AmalieAnne OP November 27th, 2020

@Avaray Thank you smiley Not quite my birthday but getting there really fast. I love the Penguin video, thank you

AmalieAnne OP December 11th, 2020

This year has been quite horrible, I sadly lost my Papa to cancer and the Covid-19 has scared me so much. Still, thank you to people on 7cups helping me get through it. Thank you to my school where I made two new friends despite now being the shortest person in my class [again] and masks making it difficult for me to understand them. Thank you to the people on the street I live on, where we have all looked after each other and with the scary next-door people I have exchanged pictures for candy. They still scare me a little and sometimes too much candy has hurt my tummy [But I kept drawing pictures]. Thank you to my family both biological or adopted for always loving me and letting me just be me. Thank you for my baby God Sister who is so cute and always happy. Thank you to all medical people, that have looked after people during such a horrible year. My brother who is a medical doctor asks people to stop giving him wine because he is running out of room, you lovely Italian people. Even though I and perhaps you have also had a horrible year, lost someone you still love, I am so grateful for all that I have. So, as I head back home to Spain under very strict procedures, I just wanted to say the world has some truly amazing people in it, thank you and have a nice safe Christmas.

Avaray December 25th, 2020


Love the pic Ame x

Happy Christmas

It has been a very hard year, but at the same time we have so much to be grateful for as you say x

Hugs awesome Ames xx

AmalieAnne OP January 14th, 2021



Avaray January 29th, 2021


Hugs Ames x

Are you doing ok?

AmalieAnne OP February 3rd, 2021



Everything is ok I think, feeling very strange today although it is early still. I just wish some things were different but I might just be grumpy right now. How are you?


Avaray February 11th, 2021


Hi xx

Hope u feeling better... I think one is allowed to be grumpy xx

Avaray hasn't been too good, but I'm tough and strong and kinda very tired 😂

Work has been trying and they were speaking of retrenchment now going to halve our working hours so I'm trusting God for a miracle at the moment.

How is school going. Did u get another lock down or is things a bit more stable? Is your family doing ok, I know a lot of them are frontline and it's amazing the amount od themselves that frontline people give. I hope they are doing ok.

Sending love and hugs awesome Ames💜💜💜

AmalieAnne OP February 17th, 2021



I think it is ok if you want to be the grumpy one now or neither of us, which would be better. The retrenchment thing worries me a little bit, I am hoping that things will work out. I am not sure how the government works where you are but they should help people, so hopefully they will help you if you need it. So, that is a bit scary so I will move on. It is almost your birthday, so how old will you be? cheeky At least your birthday is in the summer, it is really cold here but then again it is Canada so it normally is in the winter. You just have to run when we going for walkies with Molly.

School is going well although I kind want people to get the vaccine so things can go back to more normal. I think that the virus is worse in Europe than here, so that is kind of want the oldies there to get the vaccine. My brother has had it because he works with people that have it, after some time Mama disagreed, I let mommy have words with her. I am not ever going to argue with Mama but at least she has now had it as well. Granddad is having the first one on Saturday and so that leaves granny. I think my sister and me can wait until they have done all the oldies and health care workers.

Keep being tough and strong but not so much the tired part. *hugs*


AmalieAnne OP February 19th, 2021

@Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray

My hands where a bit shaky when I did this but it mostly came out right. Happy Birthday

@Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray @Avaray

Avaray March 2nd, 2021


Hi Ames xx

Thanks so much for my beautiful drawing, always love your art, I hope you are putting it into an album or book to keep.

Yes we've had second wave now just taken us back to level one and work has been challenging in lots of ways.

Who won the "war" mama or your mom?

I'm.... 24.5 again and again ok that adds up to my age, 49 years young. Eish when did that happen 😂

Thanks again kiddo

Love and hugs


AmalieAnne OP March 5th, 2021



You are welcome and you just a little bit younger than my mommy which makes you really old, sorry. Still, there is nothing wrong with that just you have to get rid of the spiders, scare away ghosts and all the oldie things like that. I hope that you and your older family get the vaccine soon, it is perhaps better in Canada at least where I am but as soon as we get people the jab the better. Granny has her jab next week. As for Mama well, mommy did win but that is not a fight I am getting involved in ever!!! Mama is armed and dangerous (but only to fascists normally). Thankfully I did not get her stubbornness laugh I did get it. I was thinking about doing a book of fairies for my God Sister, she is still little but maybe if they could make it into a book that would be kind of a good gift, I could give her. I tend to keep most things though. Any who, *hugs* be good,


Avaray March 18th, 2021


Hey Ames xx

I dont have lots of words at the moment.

Just wanted to say hi and send hugs xx💕

AmalieAnne OP March 19th, 2021


Just ***hugs*** for now smiley