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My Diary place

AmalieAnne July 19th, 2017

Not sure who will read it or if anyone wants to, so I guess it is for me. I can put things here when I need to and if you are reading this remember it is just the ramblings of me. So I will put things here and it will not get in anyone elses way.

AmalieAnne OP August 23rd, 2021


Hello Lady Avaray,

I normally wear my shoes for kicking, not really at any other time but for kicking things you kind of need them. Camping was fun, I am the only one who did not get bitten by insects so that is good, so I think you must have scared the bears and the bugs. Good work! smiley I do prefer standard marshmallows though; I am not sure why people would want to damage a perfectly good marshmallow! There were a lot of trees, I think this is the third time we have done it but first time with a parent’s night. So that is fun although mostly I am going to stick to the indoors. I doubt very much there are smugglers around in the middle of Canada but I kept my eye out for them. I am with you on the bathroom and a nice shower.

So here is Ame Logic (Trademark)… you are an Avaray, your daughter is well your baby, she then has/is the mommy of the guinea pigs Jake and Chloe, which changed gender and will soon have babies. Ergo… that makes you a great-grandmother. There is no other way of viewing the situation but that kind of makes you really old, sorry. Not sure what name you would go by, I never meet my great-grandparents sadly so I never named them. Still, little baby guinea pigs will be so cute after they get hair and open their eyes. Do you know when the due date is? You kind of do have a zoo and at your age, being a great-grandmother, you will need a lot of little sleeps. cheeky

As for the covid jab, that was ok but then mixed in I got a urinary tract infection just afterwards, I got medicine for that but it did not really work just made me feel sick and dizzy. On Friday we had an appointment with the doctor and she gave me another kind of antibiotic and that is working. I lost a lot of weight but yesterday I ate half a really big pizza and that is not normal. That means that I am feeling better although I still have to have drink the put-on weight milkshakes until I get back to a healthier weight. I am just happy to be feeling better. Any who **Stop germ spreading hugs**


Avaray August 29th, 2021

hey there cheeky chop.. Guess what...
I became a great granny today 😜

Meet the 2 babies
Very cute

AmalieAnne OP September 1st, 2021


Congratulations smiley I think the parents on either side and then the babies are in the middle. I think they still will not be able to see, so exciting, when they are a little older then they see and go exploring. Great Granny is now you cheeky

Avaray September 1st, 2021

those are the 2 babies. They come out like mini grown up guinea pigs, hair teeth and eyes open and on day 3 they even start to nibble on food and still also drink from their mom
They cuddle by their mom too.
they are very cute.

the two top pictures were taken yesterday 3 days old babies and the 3 below are of the parents when she was still pregnant. The male is the orange and white one

AmalieAnne OP September 8th, 2021


They are cute, I checked and they become adults in 5 weeks and the mommies can have up to five litters in a year. So you might have to go to the vets kind of quick. They are born being able to eat food but will also suckle. Are they going to stay all together? I mean you have four now so it would be nice but if someone wanted to adopted the two babies then they could live together in a new home.

Avaray September 18th, 2021


Hey Ames x

The little ones have doubled in size in only 3 weeks. And are so cute. They run and hop around

Jake will be having his little operation next week then he can join the other one without the worries of having more babies.

My heart wants to keep the little ones... But then we need to see if they're male or female, and more operations and they eat so much vegetables. It's so funny when it's near feeding time and they hear people walking in the room (we have a few creaky floor boards) then they let out these high pitch screeches like demanding their food.

Hugs my little friend x

(Sorry imy mind is a bit weird at the moment, trying to make sense of things xx)

AmalieAnne OP September 29th, 2021


Hello Lady Avaray,

They are growing so fast I bet they have already grown passed teens. They are also kind of sneaky because they know when food is coming and trying to tell you to hurry up you silly humon. I like a little bit of sneaky though 😜. Hopefully they can stay together and Jake would have had his operation by now. Killer whales have really complex social systems which means that unlike most of the world of mammals the born males can stay with the family forever. There was a French scientist that observed that of the coast of Argentina that the male child had stayed with his family for more than 40 years. I do not think that he has written an update of that pod though. Sadly, I think that guinea pigs are not like that, more like the monarchs of Europe (see the history of the Romanov family but it will upset you). I am still angry at killer whales and the people that hurt the Romanov family but I do love guinea pigs. We went to a rescue centre place in the UK and they had blind guinea pigs which can sometimes happens when you get… monarchs of Europe syndrome (inbreeding). Any who, I hope they can stay together or the babies (now not babies) can find a new home together. You will have to give them your vegetables and I guess that means more chocolate for you to make up for it. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices like that. I hope that your mind is more together now and things are making a bit more sense. I find a good shake helps but also music and the grounding things. If you could lay down with some music or dance with some music it could help maybe. I do that and yes you can dance to classical music, just maybe not in public places. Hope you are feeling more together in any case *hugs*,


AmalieAnne OP November 10th, 2021


Avaray are you ok?


Avaray November 25th, 2021


Hey kiddo xx

Sorry life just went past very fast 👀.

Guinea pig babies got sold through the petshop where we bought our 2 from so I'm hoping they went to good homes and Jake is back with Chloe and it looks like his little op was successful... Big sigh of relief.

Jake was so funny the other day he was sitting on my shoulder, so we took photos of him, and it almost looked like he enhoyrd posing for his selfies. Such a funny dude.

Is it someone's birthday today... (Or in 2 days time?😬 I have it in 2 places on my calendar so I get confused 😂 but you have to be nice because this oldies brain has been on auto pilot and survival mode for a while and she turns 50 next year... Big gulp)

What did you do for your birthday, or going to do?

Sending many birthday hugs and lots of love for you.

How are you and your family keeping?

Ps ... Love the profile picture xx

Avaray November 25th, 2021



Avaray November 25th, 2021



AmalieAnne OP November 29th, 2021

@Avaray Thank you, it is my Birthday today (well a few hours ago, 6am Barcelona time) I got granny and granddad for my birthday and it is amazing they are here, missed them so much. The granddad pillow is being used well.

Avaray November 30th, 2021


I adjusted my calendar to the 29th (that's correct now I think 🙈)

That's the best present ever kiddo.

Hope your day was awesome

Hugs xx

Avaray November 25th, 2021



AmalieAnne OP November 29th, 2021

@Avaray Aww… *pets Jake*

Avaray November 30th, 2021


He is a cutie pie.

His favorite food is coriander and spinage.

AmalieAnne OP December 3rd, 2021



I read with distress that the pet shop might have not ensured that they two babies stayed together but I hope that they were. Being 50, well that is kind of getting old, I did not even think that you would be close to that. Not meaning any insult of course, with age comes many things, just I am not old enough to know them as yet. I do believe I have worn out my oldies now, so they should have the morning off. My family are all fine, some little concerns for Mama but otherwise they are behaving themselves. Hopefully, we can go stay with her for Christmas and that the virus will not get in the way like last year. My God Sister (Zusje) is also growing and becoming very smart, I have started to teach her some French but I fear that I am not the best teacher because I end up just confusing myself. And, we live in a part of Canada where very few people speak French. I am not what to make of Jake liking spinach, it is the evillest of things if you ask me, that is my prejudiced to spinach. I am reading Crime and Punishment for school and I do not think my brain will ever be the same again. Not in the best of ways, that is true. It feels very stuck in its own madness. I have learnt that Russians in the 19th century sweeten their tea by placing a sugar cube between their teeth. It is very odd to even think about doing such a thing! Hopefully some breakfast will clear my mind, then it I will feel more myself. URA as they used to say in Russia (I am told they do not say it now). Be good,


Avaray December 11th, 2021


Hey Ames

I hope your mama will keep well and that you get to see her for Christmas xx

I like spinage strangely enough, as a kid I didn't like most vegetables, but liked spinage.

It's nice if you boil it in a little bit of water, not too much, not over cook it and then when it's cooked drain the water out and put a little butter in and allow it to melt while stirring the spinage so it gets that buttery taste. Then you can add a little salt when it's on your plate ( only if necessary)


Can I kick my husband, he is snoring and my sleeping pill hasn't kicked in yet... Aaaaaarg.

I'm sure I'm allowed, tell me I can pleeeeaaase

Love and hugs


Avaray x

Avaray December 12th, 2021


Hmmm..... I think your mom should write a letter requesting a different book if it's messing with your head in a bad way.... 👀

Also that thing with the sugar cube was really weird..... I wonder if it made people have bad teeth problems by doing that.... 😬😳❤

Avaray December 12th, 2021


I know the big 50 is a weird feeling.... It's like someone surely got my birthdate wrong 😂

When I tell people my age they say I don't look like I'm turning 50...

When I look at myself, which I don't like doing 😬, I also don't think I look 50, I certainly don't feel 50.... Although technically I'm not yet, and never have been so I wouldn't know what it feels like...😜😂

AmalieAnne OP December 17th, 2021


Hello Avaray,

Sadly, I think there might be something very wrong with you due to the spinach issue. I do not want to be mean but it has now been banned completely. I did not think that you were also almost 50 years old, it might explain your spinach problem though, just so you know there is help out there to help with your spinach eating. You and mommy are very close in age which seems a bit weird mostly because I have a fully grown-up adult brother and sister. There is a big gap between them and me though. I am officially an adult now but I do not feel like an adult, maybe it is the same thing with you being almost 50? What will you do for your 50th birthday? I think hot air balloon that would be nice.

We are *hopefully* are all going to be with Mama at Christmas, my sister is going there on Saturday (tomorrow for me) and she had her third covid booster on Sunday. I had mine on Tuesday and it made me feel kind of sick but much better now, just had half a day off school. I wanted to say happy Christmas to everyone and give people bags of candy. Then granny and granddad next week (please UK government do not mess it up). Then my brother will be there later because he is a doctor so he has to be late for everything, I think that is in the rule book for being a doctor, hopefully Christmas Eve (Italian government please do not mess it up). Then on Wednesday mommy and me are making our way there (please Canadian government do not mess it up). Of course, we will be allowed into Spain because no one will argue with Mama because they will lose! All the tests, paperwork and jabs are worth it, I just hope no more jabs for a few months.

As for kicking your husband, I am not sure what is allowed but I think kicking is not. If you can push him onto his side, I think that might help. Granny sometimes snores but granddad then will sleep somewhere else. When they were here, granddad slept in my bed on two occasions and I was in mommy’s bed. Which is kind of funny because he did not really fit in my bed, his feet poked out but I got him an extra blanket. It might be that your husband might have to do the gentleman thing and sleep somewhere else if possible. As for Russia, I read a book about the last few months of the Russian royal family which was sad and miserable, then I read Crime and Punishment, more Russian misery. I finished it though, to be honest I found Raskolnikov really annoying. Reading happier things now. I asked Molly’s mommy and she said they do not drink tea with the sugar between their teeth anymore. Any who, be good and if I do not speak to you before I hope you have a nice Christmas. I am really excited just to see everyone. Mis mejores deseos para Navidad y Año Nuevo,


Avaray December 18th, 2021


I think spinage is maybe a secret preservative that's why I don't look almost 50... But shhhh it's a family secret 😄

Yes doctors also seem to have bad handwriting, so that and being late must be something one must have to also qualify to be a doctor 😂

I hope all those countries do not mess up either so you can get to all the places and see everyone. I think I like your mom, being able to sort them out xx

I think my family is going to have a surprise party for me, well kindof a surprise because I sort of know that they are maybe doing one... I haven't had many parties in my life time and I don't like being the centre of attention but maybe I can try be more sociable... So a part of me is a little excited.... But a lot of me is nervous.

I sleep with an earplug in my ear and take sleeping pills so I eventually fall asleep. The problem with snoring people they tend to fall asleep very quickly, whereas I seem to stay awake to all hours unless I take a sleeping pill.

I'll try not kick him, Benji also snores, he sleeps in my room still. But his snoring doesn't seem to irritate me as much 😂

I once threw a spoonful of pudding at my husband, landed on his face... I'll tell you that story another time, he truely did deserve it, really he did... It was actually quite funny.

(I'm actually not a violent person, I even used to save drowning ants when I was young and I still rescue drowning bugs if I see them, eish I sound nutty 😂

Any how dear Ames look after yourself kiddo


Beste wense vir Kersfees en NuwejaarHugs 💕

AmalieAnne OP December 23rd, 2021



I think that spinach in South Africa is different to that in Canada and Europe because here it tastes like a monkey’s bottom. If you went and found a monkey, you could taste what it is like hehe... I worked out that when I am 36, you will be 100 years old. You will be grumpy being that old, I can tell but you still have awhile before you get there. I like the idea of a surprise party but you kind of knowing it. I hope it is really big and it really is your day (I know being a mommy means you are always doing that) but should be treated to a very special party. I do not like being the centre of attention either but if you are going to be 50 then, sorry it kind means that you have to be.

As for the snoring, you have two of them, I think you might have to make them sleep outside. They can cuddle each other, so it should be fine 😂 Then you get your own room YaY then you can have some fairy lights, I really like them, you can get the USB ones. They costed only $4 Canadian for two really long strips of lights. And lots of pillows, you can make a list yourself but you get the idea *Smile* Then you should be able to sleep much better, I normally do not have problems with sleeping. But at the moment I have a granddad pillow and a little jetlag, so I am falling asleep often. You will need to tell me why you threw pudding though. You better hope that has not affected your naughty or nice chances.

Just to let you know I can wish you happy birthday in Dutch when it is your birthday, it is a really long and difficult spelling, I will give it ago. Right now, we are all in Spain and just waiting for my brother who is on the morning flight, so should be here around 9am or there will be trouble (9am Christmas Eve). Doctors weirdly are not really good planners or have good handwriting. Mama can be scary but this morning I had that feeling when I am not in my body and I cannot control it, so mommy taught mama how to get my body working again. Starting with my toes and ending up with my hair, then a good shake. It is always handy to have someone around that can help me with that horrible feeling.

Any who, I might take granddad for walkies later in order to get out of helping with dinner, fish and those prawns (right word).. sea food is yucky. I hope you have a nice Christmas *hugs*

**Merry Christmas***


Avaray December 24th, 2021


I hear you on thr sea food stuff not my favorite...., and I don't even want to know how you lnow that spinach tastes like a monkey's agterwereld 😂👀

You can usally get me to smile kiddo xx

Hmm I like the fairy light, own bedroom thing.... Maybe Benji and hubby can snuggle outside 😆

Hope your brother arrived safely.

What do you think triggered the out of body feeling... Glad your mom was there to help.

Trauma is a horrid thing, sneaks up on one when you're not especting it. Sorry..... Hugs.

I think I would like your grandpa, he sounds like a kind soul xx

If I have a party that means I would have to entertain and talk to people.... I'm not too good at that, kind of an introvert.

I don't think I can picture myself been 100... Eish that is old....

Anyhow Ames, I hope you will have a wonderful Christmas and time with family.

Lots of love and hugs


AmalieAnne OP December 30th, 2021


Hello Smelly,

Thought I would start off strong, to grab your attention😜 every time I think about you being 50, I see Alice in Wonderland, so maybe a tea party. So, you do not have to be too fancy but a few tables, with tea and sandwiches (vodka for the Russian guests of course, as is tradition). Then you could go to each table and talk to smaller groups of people, would that be better? I also do not do well in large groups but it is your birthday so it has to happen, sorry! Also, if you do not want to be very short when you are 100 years old take fewer baths. It will shrink you after 100 years. Say the following in a New York accent:

Eish, who do I have to kill around here to get some pastrami!

Welcome to my brain😜 The elders of a long time ago officially wrote that spinach tastes like a monkey’s bottom. It is in Latin and I am guessing someone lost in some sort of game and then had to do it. It is most certainly in the records of history, then something weird happened, people started to like it again, no one knows why. Maybe Aliens! As for granddad he is a very kind soul and an excellent pillow, he also likes seafood. I do not like the eyes looking at me or the texture. My brother did make it here, so that was really good and he likes seafood. Starting to think they were adopted or something!

I hope you had a nice Christmas as well? Hopefully, your husband got a tent for Christmas so he can sleep in the garden and cuddle Benji. Then you will get a good nice rest. I am not sure what caused the out of body feeling maybe it was just because there were lots of people and things happening. Still, now that mommy has told mama how to help, she is there if I need her. I have been worried about mama but she seems ok and I think seeing everyone has helped or it feels better being with her in person. Any who, have a lovely New Year things. *hugs*


Avaray December 24th, 2021


AmalieAnne OP August 4th, 2021
AmalieAnne OP August 10th, 2021

I had a high temperature when I wrote this, it is perhaps more abstract than needs to be

The Real Ending
Hello, is the standard welcome but I’m sure that what comes after that are many questions which I can answer in time. I know you might be fearful since I stand in front of you, not as a biological entity nor a technological one. You might say that I am here, or rather it is possible for me to be here due to thought or to be more precise pure energy. Shall we start again? Welcome to 4,745 and it is almost Christmas, and yes, that is correct we are now in the 48th century perhaps you can start to understand why this is the real ending. It might seem unreal, trust me if I were a biological or technological entity, I would slap you so at least you would know that you are not dreaming. My name is Doctor Apgar although that is a name that I picked. The real Doctor Apgar helped children to live. In essence, she gave newborn babies a chance at living, a chance at loving, a chance to become themselves. Hopefully, the name, in time, will seem fitting. Do you know I am here on the chance that you might be here rather than a certainty that you would be? No one expected you too ever be here. We are here very much alone, by ourselves in a universe that will suddenly turn itself off. The stars themselves will stop illuminating the skies. It should not scare you, but across our universe, there are but a handful of species, billions of light-years apart, that once had a chance to be here. Rather, here you stand. And, in a real sense, they are here, but, in another sense, or viewpoint, the one that you will know and trust, you are still alone.

You are the last of what you know to be human. Your name is not important, but the reason why you are is that the stronghold that was once life, as you know it, is ending. Again, this should not scare you, but there are always rules. Some rules can be bent somewhat, never broken, and perhaps you should not trust them either. Would you like a brief history of time or just than explanation of what is happening to you now? You see, it’s that sort of thinking which will be your undoing. If you consider yourself alone, or a voice in a crowd of millions, then you are wrong from your perspective, you are very much alone. Apart from me, I am here waiting, as I will always be and always have been. It might seem that the things I say to you are contradictions, but that is the challenge. It is completely up to you what happens next. If I am being honest, I cannot tell you the challenge, but what awaits you is and has already happened. It’s not a trick, it is a choice which by design you fail, unless you are meant to fail in which case you have already faced the challenged. Let’s not be any more confusing because you have it or you do not. My name is Doctor Apgar and as I have already said, my job is to give you the chance to become yourself.

No, I am not God or at least I hope I am not, that would be very concerning since I tend to spend my time here just waiting. Careful though, the universe’s expiration is very near, soon, as you humans say, the lights will turn off and the curtains will close. So many calculations and deductions thought it would be billions of years, but no, it is today. I hoped, or it was hoped, tenses are so confusing to me, that it would be just more than you. Then again, it was assumed either you would or would not make it here. I used to be a human as well; it was a long time ago; the experience felt limiting. The physical existence was disturbing, it could be enjoyable but as energy, truly existing free from such burdens of biology, now that is worthier. So here is the choice. I know what has happened or again from your viewpoint will happen. You can follow my confusing advice or you can decide to ignore me. There is perhaps one important thing you should know; I am going to lie but only once and it will be a distant lie. Rather, a half-truth because to be honest, what you do has to be up to you. Here is your choice, you can stand here and watch the last moments of what you know or you can surrender to my authority. I am going to watch the universe rip apart then fold in on itself, you can watch it with me. Can you live the last moments knowing that your boundaries are already written or can you see the other possibilities?

I said that we had time to answer all of your questions, that was the lie or perhaps not. Something bothers me. Did the children that the real Doctor Apgar helped to live, fear the end of their own existence? Perhaps that is something people learn rather than something that people are born with. To be honest, it has been so long since I were a human, I am not sure if I can remember. I’ve just told you that the universe and all the things you know are about to end, the very thing you are will end moments just before it. You, in a very real sense, should be fearful even perhaps terrified, but if I have to remind you again, what happens next will always be your choice. There is nothing to be done about it, but that is all I can say about the challenge you are about to face. I hope that what I have said will have not shattered too many of your illusions. Will you be with me and watch all things end? It will be beautiful that I can promise at least. I am not Doctor Apgar. The lie is that I’ve never even been human, but you do know me; you know me very well. The one thing that is not a lie is something I once heard; when there is infinity everything that could happen will happen. The only problem is humans have never been any good at knowing infinity. My existence has but one goal and it is very simple, to end. The choice is, of course, yours. It always has been.

AmalieAnne OP September 3rd, 2021

The Attack of Freedoms
I say this in a position of real privilege and a person who has spent more than 8 months trying to define freedom, to only find it was in front of me. Freedom is not the right to do something, but to be free from those others who believe they have the right to control, own and determine your body and thoughts. The history of the suffragettes is one that is not about asking for control of their own body and thoughts, it is a history of it being taken. Sadly, our fellow humans across the world are in danger, there are girls & women who are not allowed an education. There are girls & women who are seen as objects to which are used as if they were not sentient or capable. In North America and Europe, like many other places in the world, girls & women are being told they do not have the right to control themselves, in absolute terms, and to determine what happens to their own bodies. I assure you it belongs to them, in complete and unforgiving terms. The history of the suffragettes is not a history that is closed.

I do not care what your rights are, but I care that your rights should never overrule the rights of others to be free. I demand the right to be free from fear, the right to be free from violence and the right to be free from other’s religions. I demand them not only for myself, but for every one of my fellow humans. If you are an adult and you wish to submit yourself to any religion, that is your choice, and it is one that I might never agree with, but I must learn to respect your decision. However much I disagree with Benjamin Franklin on his religious beliefs, I respect that he viewed it simply that one’s own religion must make the world a more enlightened and civilized place. The world is not made more enlightened or civilized by punishing those that teach girls to read, those aggressors that blame girls & women for their violent acts and certainly it is not made more civilized by the state or church to be the owner of every womb.

Here are our demands, if you do not allow us to be free from your oppression, religion or frankly disgusting ideals that tell us what to do with our bodies and minds, the message is clear. And it should be said loud, Fuck you. It is not an intelligible position to use such language, and it is not acceptable to use violence. We all must be defined by who we want to be, not dictated by the actions of others. I declare here that it is my belief violence is wrong and it is not part of being me that I want. No matter the situation, if I succumb to violence, that must be seen as a failure of myself. I would like to define myself as compassionate, passionate and someone who does their best. I have failed in the past in my non-violence since I knew nothing more than that in my mind as a child and perhaps, I will fail tomorrow despite almost being an adult. Still, the power is that I can define myself and learn from experience. It seems so pathetic that 1st century beliefs and ideals on girls & women persist today. So, there is no other debate or compromise, and there is no other answer than fuck you. Let’s make something important it is clear that hate can destroy.

Hate is a powerful emotion; it is one that can destroy both you and the object of hate. So, this is my intention to challenge myself as I hope I always have. To come to understand those other humans who do not look like me, who do not sound like me and whose culture differs greatly from my own. I will fail, but as history shows us, a history half understood and with many contradictions, if you meet those that are different from you then your ability to hate them is rendered less harmful. While in your own mind you can have the hate within it, after all, it is natural to us all, we must be enlightened or civilized enough to keep away from such attitudes about things which do not belong to you. If your beliefs truly fear the education of girls & women, that they belong to an owner or that they in part should be nothing more than akin to womb slavery. Then this is the challenge to that part of yourself, it is a pathetic part of you and knowing that is a line you must not cross is important. As the late Christopher Hitchens said, your religion is your toy, I do not wish to play with it, keep it to yourself.

As the psychologist Gordon Allport wrote: “People who are aware of, and ashamed of, their prejudices are well on [the] road to eliminating them”. I feel anger towards those that would subvert and seek to control the bodies and minds of girls & women. If you agree with my position, then it is not beaten with hate towards those that disagree with us. We must get to know them and them to know us. To know our limits and what is completely unacceptable to us, to face their attitudes with our ability to show our compassionate and passion about how we see the world differently. Once they are faced with us achieving things their minds cannot begin to understand, we can with hope, start the process of challenging them. It is our duty to be the people that we define ourselves to be, not to define ourselves as they wish or force us to be seen. This is our challenge, and it is a difficult challenge to be sure.

As the suffragettes did across the world, both in the past and today, we must demand things to be different. They can be different, and I am very sure of that. To return to my privileged position, it has never been a better time to be me. I have the choice to reject the religions I happened to have been born into and to do so without consequence or fear. I have access to an education, but there are those that wish to claim parts of me in servitude. This is my body and I am the one who decides what happens to it. There is no discussion or compromise. It belongs to me and I demand this be true for every girl & woman across the world. We demand the freedom from fear, freedom from violence and the absolute right to be free from your religion. This is no other answer than fuck you, this is not a position of which any dispute can be allowed. However, I must also respect the choices adults have made in regard to their own religious belief. If you as an adult submit yourself to a, any religion [or the other], since they all treat girls & women as less than equal*, that is your right. But that has to be a decision made free from harmful consequences and fear. If you are a parent, it is your duty to make that right known to your child, as it has been to me.

The suffragettes faced violence and, in some cases, even found death, both in the past and today, they pay the price so that I could write this. It is a debt that I owe now; it is also not over, and to the best of my abilities; I will stand up and declare the rights girls & women have. Not what they should have but do have. Freedom must be won; our bodies and minds belong to us and if you take them, then you should fear your own shame. No group of people, no government, no religion or regime has the right to take what is ours. We demand to be free not only for ourselves, but for each other, this is the good fight and I believe in my heart that the suffragettes will rise again to remind the world this is what is demanded. Shame on those who dare to think to take it from us, shame on who you are if you dare to think in such a way.

* There are some out there, albeit historically to the best of my knowledge.
** N.B. You can be a suffragette regardless of your gender

AmalieAnne OP September 29th, 2021

Learning Dutch


AmalieAnne OP October 26th, 2021
The Letter Writing Challenge
So, I have been trying to complete the letter writing challenge for some time and it has taken me what feels like forever to write it. The challenge is to write a letter to ourselves when I/we first joined 7Cups, I was thirteen and now I am almost an adult which is scary. It was suggested it could include reflecting of how I was back then, which feels like a very long time ago. The challenges I experienced, how I evolved, and also about the person we want to be tomorrow. This approach felt wrong to me, it might not to anyone else, but I guess that is why it took me so long to write this letter. Sometimes I wonder why I make things difficult for myself, but then again, its kind of reflected in the letter. So… "I accept and completed the #LetterWritingChallenge.”

Dear Me,

People say that the struggle itself is its own reward but at this moment it certainly does not feel like that. You are angry, more than people know but that is ok and it is ok because there are people around you who will understand. When we were 13 and today if we have a bad dream and are still asleep then mommy will comfort us, no matter how angry we are or how we express it. It might feel that being angry is the only way that we can function right now, in part that is true. Rather than not be angry just be angry. I would like to say that it feels like one day you will no longer feel that way, it does change but I do not envy the position you are in. It was not nice; it sometimes is still not nice and there are as many conflicts within us as there are we have with other people.

Food will still be an issue even though soon we will be 18, that as well is perfectly fine. Sometimes it is important to have control over yourself and if that is the only way of doing it then let it be so. We will still get confused and talk in different languages or get mixed up between all the grammar, that is ok too. We still see sounds and yes, it is still beautiful. We still struggle with thoughts that seem very big and scary. We still think that being something we are not might be better, for that I am not sure of the answer. What does not change is that the people we love, regardless of all else, we still love. In fact, we love more people as we approach being an adult. That is why everything we have felt is the right thing to feel, every thought we have is the right thought, every action we do [with the exception of a couple] is the right action.

We are not so shy now although it is part of how we are and I am sure it will never change. We do, however get a little more confident and that feels good. But it feels special and more personable to be like that and to share moments with others in that way. Perhaps in the future, we will write another letter to ourselves, I cannot be certain for sure but I think that feeling, thinking and doing the things we are doing now will be the right things even though the uncertainty feels strong. The truth is that we are lucky, no matter what happens we can simply be and that is a true definition of love. We are loved and the fact we can love, feel such strong compassion, is our best quality.

To break the first rule of thermodynamics, which talking to you in the past does, there will be a massive pandemic which will scare the hell out of us but you do get to read ‘The attack of Freedoms’ [above] at school in front of people including saying the f word three times. Nobody will tell us off rather it will feel good because anger can feel like that. We will learn about the pole in the barn paradox which is just amazing and read The Tale of Two Cities which is just perfection. I guess the message is that neither us know what is going to happen but how can anyone be prepared for something they do not know. It is scary but it is hoped that who we are makes us capable of facing those challenges.

I think we both, regardless of how old we are or how much we know, are who we are meant to be. Never change, just make a few revisions here and there. Being us is a bit like being a captain of a ship, it certainly feels parts of us work independently from what we consider to be us but we in the end go forward as one. We have legs that seem to not want to cooperate, a mouth that still cannot pronoun ‘cannot’, thoughts that are of little use or feelings that make no sense. So, follow the three simple rules of being a captain; always be presentable, go down with the ship and never abandon a member of the crew. That is all we can do and that is enough. Good sailing and fine weather,

(The Ames)

Avaray December 11th, 2021


I've seen Ames fight the dark and step by step rise up out of it.

An amazing beautiful soul.

So proud of you kiddo.... Although you are 18 now... So technically not a kiddo, but I'm allowed to call you kiddo because you call me oldie 😜

I'll keep praying for you kiddo. You are awesome remember that, no debate allowed! Hugs xx

AmalieAnne OP November 12th, 2021

It is still a bit to go before Christmas but I am missing seeing in person some of my family. I have seen in person my brother for almost two years, even miss my sister but I am not going to admit that. So, let’s get it going and if anyone tries to stop me seeing [in person] my family they will be musketered. Elves also have 14 months in a year, it’s a North Pole thing.


AmalieAnne OP November 12th, 2021

* I have NOT seen..grraaa..

AmalieAnne OP December 10th, 2021

Trigger Warning: Death of a chilld [in fiction]
Caution: Scary

What happens when you take Fyodor Dostoevsky, Gaston Leroux, a couple of ghost stories and my imagination. You get a bad dream, so I wrote it out and it still freaks me out.

The soul of Jules Dedeaux

For most 1867 was not all that unusual, the hardships of the bitter winter took its normal toll. Spring was welcomed with joy as fresh food started to make its way into the cities of Europe. As summer turned up, some complained, wishing the cooler air of the spring, but far in all, it was not that bad. Interestingly Alfed Nobel patented dynamite that same year, not really a step forward for the human race but in contrast Joseph Lister demonstrated the first use of antiseptic spray in surgery. Charlies Dickens for the first time visited and gave a reading in the United States of America, in Vienna the first performance of An der schönen blauen Donau (or The Blue Danube). But in one basement in the city of Ghent, Henri Dedeaux was working away at his bench. His wife Felicity Debeaux, wed only two years ago, was upstairs tending to their son Jules, a handsome young gentleman of one year and two months old. A most charmingly handsome boy with rich brown hair, blue eyes and the energy for everything a child of that age would normally wish to pursue. Well, that is before he became sick, although money was an issue, Felicity with the help of her parents had found a good doctor and was able to tend to her son. Sadly, for this story and for his father, it must be said now that Jules would die in a few days. The news, not knowing to tell you if it is good or bad, is that he would only die once.
Felicity had first seen Henri wearing his military uniform in the street, it was lucky that the wars were not that vicious during his service, she knew that this handsome man was at least an honourable man. Henri too had taken notice of her as he walked down the street, he glimpsed Felicity, a young woman in her early twenties, dressed radiantly, wearing a rather well used Parisian dress, similar to what he noticed other women wearing whilst being stationed just outside Paris. Although to him, he felt shy but let’s say to those romantics their meeting and marriage had been splendidly delightful. They grew to know each other, which only bolstered the feelings they had when they first came to see each other. The rest are simply details of a normal life, Henri had asked Felicity’s father for her hand, he agreed and with some delight Felicity accepted. In all they were kind to each other, their house, although small was more than enough and when Jules had been born both Henri and Felicity were joyful of this gift. Their son had been born with the grace of his mother and the kind soul of his father.
Jules had been dying since the moment of his first birthday, a ravenous wave of scarlet fever had hit the city taking many kind souls with it. Today simple antibiotics would have spared him but this was a time before such miracles. Felicity tended to Jules, sleeping in an old chair next to his bed, sometimes she would just watch him breathe, only allowing herself to fall asleep for short periods of time before being shocked to motion in order to check on him. She prayed in hope but it’s sad we know what will happen. Henri had no way of consoling either himself or the pain that he saw in his wife’s eyes. He felt useless and helpless, the pain he thought would drive him to utter despair. He could not even take care of Jules, he would not take such duties away from Felicity, he knew she needed to be useful in such a way. Still, that is why we find him in the basement, one of the skills he had learned after becoming married was carpentry, he had for the last couple of days been putting this skill to use.
Two nights ago, during the troublesome inability to take any rest himself, Henri heard a whisper as he watched over Felicity sleeping, it came from the basement. It had not been reported what that whisper said or why Henri even listened to it but since that night he had started following the whispers’ orders in the damp, dimly lit by the use of a single candle but not all to unpleasant basement. Apart from the first morning when he went out with a small number of coins, returning with items wrapped in cloth, he had been down there. Living off cold tea and an occasional biscuit he had for two days, without sleep, been working. On this third day he made is way up the stairs of the basement with little grace and stood in front of Felicity and in an automaton manner simply stated “Felicity, I will need some of Jules’s hair”. A most bizarre request but Felicity looked at him with a great deal of contempt if not anger.
“What now? Why do you need some of his hair?” She was to receive no answer but she almost did not expect to be given one. She got up in almost the same manner as Henri had blurted out the request, walked to a cupboard to collect the scissors and then proceeded with great care to cut off a small piece of Jules’s hair, turning around to place it in the already waiting hand of Henri. He then held it with some intense joy for a moment and ran back down to the basement. Felicity distressed mind and tiredness led her to gently rest herself back in the chair she just got up from with little further thought. What follows to any sane person, which we must attempt to understand in the grief of Jules’s unfortunate fate, was a conversation Henri had with himself.
“It will look just like him… I promise you, trust me to that promise. We will get more of his hair in time” a pause in the conversation appeared to have happened which would be only silence in our ears.
Henri resumed it with, “I know, you’ve said that and yes it must be done. It will look like him, just give me time”. While Henri worked on, all that could be seen in the dim candlelight was Henri himself, the doll he had been working on, the bench which rested wood shavings, a selection of tools and a few pots of paint. The dim light of the candle barely reached the walls. There were dark unseeable areas but it was a small space. Henri himself who had eaten very little was pale from the lack of sunlight, wearing a somewhat dirty shirt with rolled up sleeves. His hands had become bony in the last few days as if he was being consumed by an illness of his own.
“Shhh yourself”, he shouted but continued “we must find a way to attach the hair or as you say the boy will die. That is what you said, so please do not contradict now after how far we have come, I said SHHH.. YOURSELF”. He worked on; his face conveyed such pain unknown to myself.
I must caution the reader that reading further the story itself will upset you but if the events are true, as the witness say they are, it is important to know what happened. The doll itself was about the same size as Jules with blue eyes, the features of which in wood were the same as his sons. Henri with sheer madness was trying to find a way to fix the hair to the doll. After some time past, he worked out a way in which it could be done. He deliberately took his time, knowing that he wanted it to be dark, for now perfecting the doll would take place. He waited until he could hear nothing of Felicity, hoping that she was asleep. He again went up the stairs but this time with great care, almost as in the performance of the movements of a ballet. Felicity was asleep and the boy in such illness would take little notice of his father’s actions in any case. He gently lifted the scissors now resting in his wife’s lap, his plan was simple, to cut off all of Jules’s hair. He did so in such a manner as if he was committing an awful crime, the glaze in his eyes showed it to be so. After he took as much as he dared to, he slowly restored himself to the basement again to start working on attaching more hair to the doll.
He whispered back perhaps to the whisper itself “I will keep a lock of hair just in case. I do not doubt, but his mother, you see.”

* * * * * *
Felicity awoke with the sun in her eyes, once she had gained the measure of the day, she noticed what had happened to Jules’s hair. With the gaze of fire in her eyes, she turned towards the basement. “Henri… HENRI”. After no reply the thought came to her mind that she would kill that bloody man, regardless of all else.
As she approached the door, she turned the handle, then in a most quiet but most dangerous voice said “Henri, open this door at once.”
Henri in panic looked around but still could not see all the dark places.
“Tell her that you are making a lock of his hair, a mother must understand that desire, she will understand”
“I made a lock of his hair my dear” Henri knew the tone of his voice was cowardly, he waited for a reply before moving or daring to say more.
“Henri, you are maddening, you did it with little grace you fool” She was full of mothers’ rage but also with sadness that the thought ran through her mind that if Jules was to die, a lock of his hair would provide some comfort.
“She will only be angry for a moment, she will return to your son and to the day’s work” received to only Henri.
Henri was scared to move, not knowing if it was Felicity or the whispers’ instructions he was petrified of. Felicity hit the door with the palm of her hand and retreated back into the kitchen to make breakfast and a watery soup for Jules.
“She has gone now, no more a threat, for now at least… “Henri was finally able to say out loud.
“Tonight, it must be” the whisper said, “it must be”
“Tonight, it must be” replied Henri.
The whisper was not done so quickly, “You have worked and tolled with the doll. You have to leave it next to the boy tonight. It must be there tonight, it must be.”
“Will it work as he says?” Henri asked.
“Yes, it must be, it must be with the boy tonight, it, him and me, it must be”.

All through the day Henri did nothing much other than to perfect the doll, to make sure that the paint was perfect has he could see it to be. The features as they should be, the hair was less impressive although a brush might have been useful. Henri waited, he paced the room, then he waited. He was not surprised at his wife not trying to get his attention, leaving the basement door alone. She is in such distress he thought to himself, she is thinking only of our son, she is too much of distress. But tonight, he will be done tonight, it was promised, so it will be done. The hours felt like minutes, night was coming, he could hardly tell where the day was, there were no windows in the basement. He waited until once again there was no movement upstairs. Until he was sure that Felicity was asleep. After a few moments of thinking, no not thinking just listening, he was instructed to go upstairs with the doll. Like the night before he slowly took the stairs, softly walked over to where Jules was. Henri watched for a moment; his son was breathing but distressed in doing so. He was alive, he thought to himself, so it must be. He placed the doll next to Jules, his son in replica. He was suddenly rushed with tiredness, staggering to a sofa past Felicity to lay down and watched shadows dance around on the walls. They scared him but then finally sleep caught him.

* * * * * *

Henri awoke first, the light was harsh on his face and he had not felt it for a few days. With it he almost felt pain with such the light as it was. With some fear untold to him, he rushed over to where Jules was. To his alarm Jules laid there silent, dead, with no motion whatsoever.
He shouted an angry whisper “you told me it must be, you told me it should be so. Why did I listen, you told me it would be so? Why did I listen to you, you fool Henri, you fool”. This time the conversation was only to himself.
Tears formed in his eyes, he felt it difficult to breathe, he felt pain all through his body as he burned with some unknown feeling. It was at the moment the light of the day started to awake Felicity, now Henri felt a very different fear, one which sorrow followed his failure, one which followed a lie, he was foolish to think true.
As she awoke, she was pleased to see Henri there, she looked into the bed where Jules laid but did not notice anything of alarm. “Is he any better today?” She asked without hope attached to the question.
For one moment Henri had no idea what to say but finally found no courage “A little I think, I will watch him, take some food, perhaps a walk to clear your head” He for one did not believe she would follow such advice but he pushed it harder “I promise to stay here, I will comfort him while you take food and air.
With a strange feeling Felicity felt comfort in those words and lifting herself out of the chair “you are right, food and air, that would be good.”
Henri stayed bent over Jules while he watched his wife or should I say trying not to watch his wife in order to not raise suspicion. Felicity slowly made her way around the kitchen and then headed for the door, once the door was closed Henri fell onto himself in misery and despair. His act was to take his now deceased son down to the basement, it took all his energy and he did not even notice how long it took him. Once he was in the basement, he placed his son on the bench and tucked in the blanket that carried him. With little energy and sobs of sorrow he climbed back upstairs and threw himself into the chair that his wife had occupied for so long. He stayed there sobbing, knowing pain and the despair of what to tell his darling wife. He thought himself a fool, he thought himself a useless man, unable to protect and unable to change what had happened. After a few more moments Felicity opened the door. She could see the back of her husband and that he was crying. Then she heard a sound, a cough, followed by another noise, a noise of a child being playful. She rushed over to where her son had been laying and with delight almost screamed
“Oh Henri he looks so much better today, do you not think?” this did not attract the attention of Henri whatsoever but she continued “much better, so much better, a radical improvement”. She too now also started to sob, now in understanding of why her husband was doing the same.
“He…” Henri whispered
“He is getting better, grace of God” after a few moments and with the act of keeping herself together followed with “He must be hungry, as you also no doubt, let me make us some real breakfast. I think Jules could eat, he is so alive, what grace, a radical improvement to be sure”. She turned away and walked to the kitchen, only a few steps in such a small house and started to warm some tea.

Henri did not know what to say or what to do, his wife as gone mad to be sure, she knows. With all his strength he got up when he heard something coming from the basement the words “It must be”.
Henri was ready with anger to confront the whisper, the liar he thought, he tricked me, he will pay, he must pay. He ran down the stairs to the basement, under his breath said “Come out you bastard, you lied, I will…”
“You must burn the body, it must be” the whisper uttered
“What…” He stopped himself, he could not believe what he was hearing. He could now only hear his son for the first time, making the same noises of a happy child, talking to his mother in the age he was and his mother replying in motherly tones. He turned himself around with force, about to run up the stairs
“You must burn the body, it must be” was once again whispered.
Henri felt a fear in himself again, then ran up the stairs.
At the top, he found Felicity joyful, beaming as if she had recovered fully from what has just happened. He noticed that she was holding the doll.
“What wonders it must be, our son, is almost better, he is eating and talking as though it was as if he has, by God, been given life back” Felicity proudly announced.
“Madness” is the only thing Henri could think to say out loud. It must be madness, the sickness, what torture I have given my wife. She will never be the same, he thought. She is in madness and will never recover from it. Then he hears again the noises of a child. He slowly walks over to his wife, her back now turned away from him. He hears a child saying things in a child’s way. When he approaches, Felicity turns around and the doll! It takes Henri a moment to recover his mind, now he has gone to madness himself, it must be. The noises were coming from the doll, it was a solid doll but its eyes were moving, its mouth was moving. Henri starts to move away in absolute fear, in absolute terror. The solid doll’s mouth and jaw was still making sounds and moving, it is a doll Henri thought to himself. The wood is moving has though it is real. Felicity sees the paleness in her husband’s face.
“Henri, whatever is the matter?”
“Our son is not…” He was stopped in his own motion by Felicity putting the doll where Jules laid. The doll clear as can be, more puppet than boy, it acts as if it is real but he knows it cannot be.
“Can you not see?” Henri said with serious distress in his voice.
“What! Our son is healthy and much better, by far, my grace. Come let’s get you some breakfast, you are pale, so much time in the basement, in fear. I understand that now but he is better”.
I strange sound arose “Moma” from the doll, Henri knew that voice, he knew it and was sure of it, that was Jules’s voice. That was his son’s voice for certain.

* * * * * *

Henri finds himself in the basement after trying his best not to run out in fear, he has also with some force had eaten some breakfast. He can hear his wife and son above him. He starts to swear and demand but this time not at the whisper but at himself “A solid doll, not even a puppet, has… is alive and Felicity thinks this demon is our son”
“It must be” says the whisper “it is your son, it must be.”
“What do you mean the doll is our son, only must it be?”
“To complete the body, of the flesh of your former son must be burnt or so will the doll share the same fate in that, in death, it must be”
The fireplace in the basement had only been used when the house was used by two families, now that this house was open to just one family, the basement fire place hadn’t even been used once since their moving in. The whisper is demanding I burn the body of my son telling me that it must be. He readied the fireplace with what he could find, taking time to find matches he knew were down there somehow. After the fire was going Henri did as was asked but the smell was distasteful, Henri could feel the breakfast wanting to come up. He ran up the stairs, slamming the basement door. He rushed over to a cabinet searching for a key, after a few moments he found it. He walked over to the basement door and locked it, then placed the key in his pocket. Knowing that he must throw this key away, the devil is down there, this door will never be opened again. In both grief and distress, he shouts in an order, if only to himself “This door must remain locked, never shall anyone go to the basement”
Felicity saw him in distress “Dear Husband it must be a relief, now that you have eaten something perhaps some air will do you good and for Jules as well, it would benefit him so, to get out into the air after such a long illness”. She then hands this son to him, made of flesh.
Henri took him if only to examine him closely, to see if he was believing his eyes. He could not tell this thing was a doll, but it was. He remembered a birthmark on Jules’s arm, I did not copy that, the doll did not have that, he then searched for it. He found it; his son looked at him playfully with beautiful blue eyes. Henri then thought to himself “I must get rid of this key, what is in the basement must never be allowed to escape, devil or angel, sane or madness”
From the basement he heard the whisper once again, it said
“Henri, it must be”

AmalieAnne OP December 17th, 2021

Booster jab made me a bit shaky but:


AmalieAnne OP January 7th, 2022

Post-Holiday Blues
So, I really wanted to write about losing Papa, yes it has been almost two years. It feels like it was in a different life time but to be honest I’ve been worried about Mama; mommy has tried to get Mama to get the covid jab boost without much success. Its not that she doesn’t know, for reasons (read stubbornness) she did not want it. Then I explained that I really miss Papa and that even if there was only the smallest chance of it meaning she doesn’t die then it would help me to worry a little less. Because I don’t want to lose her, that is too much, she needs to be here, I need her and that is never going to change. Besides who will shoot the fascists if they came back and try to take over? Mama has now had the booster jab; I feel that I don’t have to worry so much.
Now, for me to be honest it makes me angry when people don’t get the jabs or don’t cover their nose and mouth. It is personal choice or whatever! The problem is that I live in luxury, healthcare is there for me. I understand how viruses spread, my brother has treated people with this illness and I’ve read about the last pandemic So, people have a right to decide for themselves and I should not question this individual choice. But I acknowledge the luxury & privilege that I have, that people don’t have now or in the past. I will get jabs for everything & I will cover my nose and mouth because it costs me nothing and I know what it is to be sick. I now know what if feels like to lose someone I love. So, these things that cost nothing to me, will keep happening even if I don’t want to be jabbed or tested so much, it simply does not matter*.
Any who, all I wanted for Christmas is to see my family and just be with them, even my sister! I also got a tablet which I am writing this on it, before I work out how to get it off the tablet and onto the computer (I used my eyes and typed it, in case you are wondering). The screen is bigger which helps with reading plus it has a pen so I can write & draw on it. I enjoyed being with everyone and a massive part was going on walks with Mama. It feels different with her now, yes, she is still somewhat stubborn & bossy but she treats me a little differently… not sure how to explain it. I’m a tiny bit taller which I like because it makes me feel tall. One of the thoughts is perhaps I will go to university in Spain and stay with Mama. Let’s see how a year at mommy’s school goes first.
Writing this on the plane back to Canada, when I get off the plan it won’t be very nice, the temperature is about 30 degrees colder (closer to 40). If I make it, I might not but it will make me grumpy. Planes are kind of special because they are places without a place. The excitement and the holiday blues will stay here, with me until we land. The fun part, taking off was the fun part but now I’m going to sleep. Then engine noise always helps me sleep, like a purring mechanical cat. If you read this, then I’ve successfully made the journey from beautiful Spain where it is mostly not raining and the temperature of 18 degrees to Canada a mostly cloudy day, with lots of snow and the temperature of -26 degrees. It will not be fun getting used to such weather! Although I will say I’ve succussed in attending midnight mass without mostly falling asleep. The middle parts are normally boring in any case. With hope that feelings of family will last until the summer,


*“In other words, individuals are expected to sacrifice part of their own freedom in order to not infringe the freedom of others” – Douglas Davies

An ambiguous retort on personal choice, not very helpful Professor Davies!

AmalieAnne OP January 14th, 2022

Worry dolls



AmalieAnne OP January 26th, 2022

Last night I had the very last of the Christmas cheeseses (spelling?) 😭

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AmalieAnne OP February 11th, 2022

Yearly Goals
At time things seem really big, if they are big, they are scary, these aims are to try to do some smaller albeit still big things over this year. So, it might be February but after some consideration and with some help, these will be these that I am going to work towards over the year.

- Gain weight and do my best to maintain a healthy weight, sort of an issue with food and emotions are also included. After talking about it a lot, there are times when it feels like I need to control what is going on by controlling food. I’m not doing the things I used to do, which now I understand were really bad, just there is resistance because of my brain being naughty. It is ok to ask for help when my brain shouts at me not to eat something, for different reasons like someone else has touched it. My tummy doesn’t talk to my brain sometimes, this is a different problem but the emotions’ part is the more challenging aspect.
- Write in my diary every day, I do write to people and tell them things but using it more as a way to think about those things are troubling me and finding a solution by thinking outside of my naughty brain. I have been writing on my tablet and it is really a good way to think about things. I still talk to myself out loud which helps to but this way I can write down different plans or about the things I am worrying about, then try a few things that might sort it out. After already doing this for a few weeks, it is also weird to discover things that I did not know I was worrying about.
- Be more confident in myself. Not sure how to go about doing that. Still, after talking it over with Suzanna it might be that I do not believe I can do certain things. So, if I keep giving myself little challenges and recording it when I achieve them, then hopefully I will become more confident. Currently going for my 100 metres for swimming, it is difficult because I hate putting my face in the water and they will not accept be doing the 100 metres just on my back [I am a land animal]. I can either learn to do it or argue my way around the silly rule! Either one is fine, that certificate is mine!! At times I can become suddenly aware of myself and then that freaks me out and my face goes red.
- Seeing daddy even if its just over a zoom call and not in person, it will still be scary but it will be less scary. The social lady came up with this idea and that is good, because I can get either mommy or Suzanna to be with me… I don’t get the rules for this thing if I am being honest. The whole pandemic means that things are going slowly but that is ok. It feels not so big going from letters, to video calls plus if I have two people (perhaps the only two people in this part of Canada) that can understand a weird panicked version of English/French/Catalan, so it is very useful to have them there.

There are of course many other things I would like to do and will do but these are the four main ones. Luckily, I have people that can help me with them as well including the arguing. 😜