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Idk what to do...

kittyCat28 March 5th, 2020

So I finally got my first job as a patient care tech at the hospital and I'm so excited! I've been wanting to do this for so long... and now I'm worried. what if my abuser shows up? what if I have to treat them? am I allowed to hand it off? all these questions keep floating around in my head and im starting to wonder if my dream job is a bad idea and should stop before I even start....

GayCutter911 March 7th, 2020


Congratulations On your new job!!! I'm super proud of you!

About your anxiety over your abuser, if they ever do show up. I'm sure that you can get someone to either be present while you treat him, or have them treat them instead. Those worries are the worst and I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I'm not an adult and I haven't had an actual job before so I'm not familiar with rules and stuff. Remember to take care of yourself first. Because if you're unwell, then you won't be able to take care of deserving patients

Again, congratulations on your job! I hope your proud of yourself!

Sending (safe) love and hugs

Flowingstreams March 5th, 2020


Congratulations on your job!!!! That is so amazing!!!! I can share what I have done for self-care.... One of the customers in my job was making me very uncomfortable with the comments being made. At first I felt really embarrassed, like I was the only person with a problem like this, but when I talked to my supervisor, I realized that it wasn't just me, and that other employees had similar problems, and that it is something that supervisors have dealt with before. So, if I'm worried about something happening, I talk to a supervisor and ask what happens if there is someone I don't feel comfortable with...and how to manage that. In my situation, another manager stayed present the entire time, while I dealt with the customer. When the customer asked for us to discuss it privately, my manager interceded and said that the whole purpose was to support me, and it wasn't appropriate to suggest discussing things in private.... It really helped knowing my managers were there to support me, not to judge me....

Don't know what their hospital policy is, but I imagine they probably have policies set in place, as doctor's usually arn't supposed to treat their own family, so my guess would be they probably have some way to work things out..... Hope your administration or human resources is able to support you, so if the situation does occur, you feel assured... and if it doesn't ever happen (fingers crossed)... All the better! No matter what you're prepared! For me, just having a game plan for self-care, helps decrease my anxiety...

And once again! Truly, that's so awesome you got your dream job! How are you going to celebrate yourself? Hope you do something special for yourself! yes Congratulations!

kittyCat28 OP March 6th, 2020

@Flowingstreams thank you๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• if I said anxiety hasn't been ruling my life lately, I'd be lying๐Ÿ˜… but you're right, I'm sure there is someone who is understanding enough to help me when I need it! tomorrow me and my sisters are going to go get bubble tea and go book shopping to celebrate! thank you for helping me see things a little brighter

Flowingstreams March 7th, 2020


Enjoy your bubble tea and book shopping with your sisters! Hope you all have a super duper wonderful time! Really happy for you that you can celebrate yourself and enjoy this moment! Yay kittycat28! We are all routing for you!

tidyBanana9001 March 7th, 2020


I know that this must feel very, very scary to you. I often imagine my own abusers showing up at random places in my life. I just want to give you a hug, and tell you that it's gonna be okay. Even if your abuser comes, as @GayCutter said, you might be able to have someone else around, or ask someone else to treat them. And then, I don't know the context in which they abused you, so I wonder if it's possible for them to still abuse you, or whether it's the old traumatic memories that are makingn you feel unsafe.

When you feel unsafe, no amount of information truly makes you safe. I would suggest you to have other people to talk to and let it out (you have us here, for example). Someone in real life is even better, if there is someone you can share it with and confide in. You might even engage your senses mindfully to overcome the fear response

kittyCat28 OP March 9th, 2020

@GayCutter911 @Flowingstreams @tidyBanana9001

Thanks for all your help! I'm feeling so much better about this now, and I've told my sister and Mom about how I feel. turns out, after high school they joined the military and moved out of state, and I am so relieved. thank you for all your kind words, I hope your day/evening is amazing ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•