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Family Stress

unassumingSummer6022 August 1st, 2017

Okay...whew... I'm not one to do this often but I've been suffering a lot lately.

Basically long story short my childhood was full of abuse - physical, mental, and even sexual (some I remember vividly, some I think I've blocked out).

I do now believe that my sister, who was the golden child growing up, is now a full blown narcissist.

She was always more spoiled and demanding than I was ever allowed to be, but in recent years I believe she's completely turned on me at times.

Basically this is the pattern. She starts out by giving me gifts and treating me very well. She then begins to have these life problems and tries to seek my advice constantly. If I offer advice she rarely takes it. Often downright refuses any help. Just wants me to dump emotional garbage on I guess...

If I seem to disagree or go out of line with her motives I suffer for it. She's been very verbally abusive at times. She loves to manipulate. I feel as if I have to walk on egg shells around her constantly.

Over time it has drained me ( on top of a pile of other problems). I've tried very limited contact but now she's saying we don't spend enough time together even though I usually see her every week.

She gets my father to drop her off quite unexpected all the time no matter what my plans are.

She will do anything to get her way. She's now making up blatant lies on fb and threatening self harm constantly. Yet she refuses professional help...It's all keeping me on edge. Ugh...

undefinedandundetermined01 August 1st, 2017

@unassumingSummer6022 so sorry to hear what u have been through. I too have had alot of abuse as a child the same as you.

The problem i have is my sister in law she is just like what ur sister sounds like. She completely flipped out at her mother one day when my partner and out kids went over for one of her child's birthdays (thankfully i was not well so didnt go) she was swearing ect in frount of hers and my kids and completely lost it. She too had been saying she was struggling with depression and through lots of me trying to help her refused any help.

From experience anyone who threatens self harm probably wont do it. Its a very private thing talking from experience and most who self harm dont tell anyone else or go beyond to keep it hidden.

As hard as it sounds like it is i want you to know on here you are never alone. Everything takes small steps we cant change our family but we need to look out for ourselves.

Try stay strong sending you massive hug xx

unassumingSummer6022 OP August 1st, 2017


Thank you so much for your kindness and compassion. I needed that so much right now. I am sorry that you are in a similar situation and have to put up with that behavior. Yeah the self-harm threats have really put a strain on me but my sister is unwilling to receive any help. She only does this when she doesn't get her way. She's been like this a long time. Once again thank you and hugs right back to you.

undefinedandundetermined01 August 1st, 2017

@unassumingSummer6022 just remember ypur not alone. There is always some one out there that is willing to listen.

If ur sister wont accept help then there is nothing more u can do but take care of yourself if she needs you i have no doubt you will be there. We can only help those who will accept it.

Stay strong :) xx

unassumingSummer6022 OP August 1st, 2017


Thanks so much for your reply. I'll definitely do that. Wouldn't you know, she and my dad dropped in and she's sitting in my house. The irony! I'm definitely going to put emotional distance between her and myself. I'm definitely keeping conversation light and avoiding certain topics that will likely drain me. I'm also avoiding falling into therapist mode. I have to say that while it is not my fault that she's so self centered, I have fallen into a lot of her "traps" due to my lack of preparation and discernment.

The craziest thing is that I don't hate her. I'm just going to learn to navigate better and I've been limiting contact. And I won't stop my plans for her either.

Thanks again for your kind words and your help.