Need to know I’m not alone😬
Does anybody else feel left behind? Like by close relatives,friends etc? I’ve always felt majorly misunderstood once my sister moved out. It just feels like everyone is super out of touch when I express my feelings. Whatever, I just wanna know I’m not crazy🙃
share if you want to🎤🎤🎤
hope everyone is having a great week!
@brightCranberry9413 aww cran I'm sorry sweetie ❤ your not crazy. I don't have any family so not sure what your going through. So I'm just gonna give you a giant tiny hug ❤❤
Don't worry, you're not crazy. I understand the feeling. Sometimes it feels like the entire world has left me behind. There are days I feel the need to somehow catch up. On those days I have to remind myself there is no need to hurry, that where I am is acceptable.
That's much better than my old mantra "I am exactly where I am meant to be". Honestly it does not feel as though I am meant to be here. It feels like most of my life I have not been where I am meant to be emotionally, physically, and mentally. It feels as though my life were meant to be different, like I was deprived of the love, happiness and sweetness I was meant to know and cherish.
As for my family, I don't feel they've left me behind Instead, I feel I've left them in the dust. They are behind the entire world, more behind than me, and they choose to be that way. They had dragged me down with them. And now I am far past them. I've grown so much in the past few years. Maybe you are also growing out of a toxic family. Have you ever considered this?
If you are growing out of toxic people, I am very proud of you. I truly am. If not, don't worry. You'll get there, but no need to rush. Arrive at your own pace. Don't give up on yourself and I promise you'll arrive faster than you think.
You're not alone, after I made the decision to move out of my parents house away from the abusive/toxic environment. I was purposely left out of the loop from the family, victim blamed and gaslit for the decision I made
I resonate so much with your experience. However, I have come out all the better for going no contact with my dysfunctional family. We I should say two dysfunctional families. I got adopted out and the other family was worse.
Hang tight and you are going to make it for sure😊
I'm glad that you are doing alot better now, makes me happy to hear that I wasn't alone dealing with things like this. Granted I was never adopted out, however now that I am now a mom of my own child, thats why I left her bio when I did. I noticed that it was becoming toxic, so I left him and now she has a step up daddy that loves her. An his parents are always here for the both of us 😍
@brightCranberry9413 trust me blud it isn't just you who feels this way and it is completely normal to feel this way too and you are not alone.This is coming from a person who is going thro the same thing at this given moment
I am so sorry that the family does not support you. I understand the feelings you are experiencing—gaslighting and just feeling like I am out of sink with the world. You are not crazy, and don't let anyone try to make you feel like you are❤️