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Family Drama :' )

User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 January 6th, 2023

Hey uh-

(Kinda TW - (Sexual Assault) )

So lets start where it all started...

So, last summer my grandpa moved into our house and he kinda gave me bad vibes. (I was raped before by my uncle so I get PTSD about small things). I was upset with my biological dad one day and my grandpa was walking towards me (like we were going to pass each other) but he kind of wrapped his arm around me and stopped me and asked if I was okay. This was the first time I really felt uncomfortable around him. Another time he was asking me weird things like- "do you have a boyfriend?" or "Has anyone else besides Josh (my uncle)?". He would bring up my uncle a lot and it would give me flashbacks every time. Almost everyday he brought him up I would cry myself to sleep that night and sometimes the night after.

One day I was coming home on the bus and I usually sat near my siblings because they would get bullied a lot. When I got on though, they were not there. So, I sat with my friends instead. When I got home I ran inside and was going to ask my mom where they were but my stepdad and my mom were gone along with my siblings. So I asked my grandpa. He told me to look at my phone. I grabbed my phone and saw my mom and stepdad sent a text saying that they were going to California (I went with just my mom to California a few weeks before). I had drivers ed (online) that day so I was sitting in the kitchen, setting up everything. My grandpa walked inside and yelled at me to let the dogs in and feed them. The meeting just started and they were taking attendance so I couldn't leave and I told him that. He started yelling at me more and my PTSD was building up. I also have anger issues so I kind of raised my voice at him, we were yelling at each other for about 10 minutes and he eventually said "I'm moving out". I didn't know what to do so I called my mom. A while later we agreed that my older brother would come pick me up so I didn't have to be with him. While I was with him after our argument he wasn't feeding me or anything. A few times he would get dressed up and I asked him where he was going and he told me he was going out to eat. He told me to clean the whole house and feed and water all the animals. And every night he would order or pick up food from somewhere. He never brought food home and if he did I wasn't allowed to eat it.

Ever since this weekend last summer, we haven't talked to him. He blocked all of my family on everything.

My mom's friend, Lilly wasn't blocked on *** and saw that he posted something. When she saw the post it was him with another family. We had no idea who any of them were so after looking for over 3 days we found out, my mom has a sister and twin nephews. My mom is 40 and we are guessing my aunt is in her early 30's or late 20's. My mom talked to her aunt and her aunt said that she knew he had another daughter, apparently he found out last summer (a little before the weekend he moved out). We think another reason he was trying to move out is because he wanted to meet his other daughter.

My mom is my closest family member and I love her so much. She is always tired, depressed, quiet, she never gets sleep, shes almost always cranky, and I've heard and seen her crying in her room, looking at her phone. This has been off ever since she found out this news.

I also just needed to get this off my chest. It hurts me so bad to see her like this.

If you have read this whole thing I want to thank you. If this triggers you I am very sorry.

(Moved to an appropriate forum, Sunisshiningandsoareyou, 01/12/23)

User Profile: Skansly
Skansly January 6th, 2023


Its just a really normal situation , you are just thinking too much about it.

1 reply
User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 OP January 6th, 2023

@Skansly I know this happens a lot but it worries about my mom. shes not normal. shes usually a really happy and energetic woman. and every morning I wake up (at 5am) shes awake with bags under her eyes... idk- maybe I am overthinking...

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User Profile: spongbobishappy
spongbobishappy January 6th, 2023


MissyRider :

I read your entire posting.

i am inviting you to join me in the Sharing Circle Chat room where you

will be listened to and you will receive support !!

User Profile: Keith34344
Keith34344 January 7th, 2023


dont worry, you are worrying a lot. You have made through it so just keep going and stop overthinking

1 reply
User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 OP January 7th, 2023


I was giving you the backstory of what happened before.

I'm worried about my mom. And I'm not overthinking and i'm not worrying too much. I am concerned about her. I feel like if this was happening to one of your parents you would be worried too.

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 7th, 2023

@MissysRider07 I think she's hurting. She probably feels alot of betrayal. She probably feels alot of loss. Would she talk with you? Could you maybe take her for a coffee or something and just tell her that you're worried about her? I think it's ok to worry - I mean you love her and care about her and if this isn't how she normally acts - seems natural to worry about her

5 replies
User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 OP January 7th, 2023


First of all- thank you for not saying to stop worrying....

And yeah.. I guess I could try to take her out for something to eat, or even a walk. I just hope she is willing to get out of the house and talk about it.

Thanks < 3

4 replies
User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 8th, 2023

@MissysRider07 No Thank you needed :) Yeah that's not something you just stop worrying about. Especially if you're really close I think it's really great that you care about her as much as you do. I hope she'll talk with you alittle - I imagine with everything she probably feels pretty alone. I know you're there for her - which is awesome but she's probably trying to protect you from all this too

Take care ok? I hope things get better for you both

3 replies
User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 OP January 8th, 2023


Oh my gosh that made me tear up :'D

And yeah, we are very close.

You take care as well! Thank you for the ideas (:

2 replies
User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 10th, 2023

@MissysRider07 I hope you don't mind- I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing :)

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User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 OP January 10th, 2023



Haha, no i don't mind at all! We're doing alright.. I got her to come out of the house and we went to a spot on the river we went to a lot when I was a kid. We talked about what was going on she said she had a lot of mixed emotions going on (which I completely understand.) she explained to me about everything going on (i'd prefer not to go into details since it's not really my story to tell and i know it was hard for her to just tell me). I think it getting off of her chest she has felt better. She has been outside, riding her horse more, going places, hanging out with her friend, she doesn't hide in her room anymore, she talks on the phone with family and friends more... so yeah. I think she's doing better (: . And I'm alright... Finding out the details of the family drama I get why she was so depressed.. but yeah, we're good (:

In a small sentence: We are doing a LOT better. Thanks for asking! It makes me feel a lot better❤️😊

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 11th, 2023

@MissysRider07 No details or thank you needed :) This is wonderful news though! I'm so happy you got a chance to talk with her! And that it helped her get back into her life again. Its so great that she getting back into the things she did before she got all this news

I'm glad you're doing all right too. It's alot of information for you both to take in and process and I think it's awesome that you're there for each other ❤️

Thank you for the update! Take care ok?

1 reply
User Profile: MissysRider07
MissysRider07 OP January 11th, 2023


Of course! You take care as well ❤️

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