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Looking for long term listener

WriteToHeal42 August 9th, 2023

Hello, I'm looking for a long term listener for the next three months (August through October) who is willing to do weekly scheduled check-ins with me.

These check-ins would include asking how I am doing, asking what coping skills I am using, and listening to any stories/memories I have to share.

Ideally the listener would be trauma-informed, and comfortable with topics of depression, anxiety, Ptsd, and DID.

Thanks for reading my message, hope you have a lovely day!

Char1984 August 10th, 2023

@WriteToHeal42 hi and welcome to 7 cups im available for check ins feel free to message me

WriteToHeal42 OP August 10th, 2023

@versatilePurple6415 thanks! I'll send you a message

hopefulPond6108 August 10th, 2023

@WriteToHeal42 Wow, very specific requirements. Good luck.

WriteToHeal42 OP August 10th, 2023

@hopefulPond6108 thanks!

placidCamp6722 August 10th, 2023


Hi glad to hear you share it so openly.

I am available for that period of time if you wish to connect do send a message

WriteToHeal42 OP August 10th, 2023

@placidCamp6722 since we're both members, I can't send you a message, but thanks for the offer!

mytwistedsoul January 18th

@WriteToHeal42 Hey :) Hope you don't mind if I check in with you. How are you? 

WriteToHeal42 OP January 18th

@mytwistedsoul hello, we are not very well at the moment. We're very dissociated. January is difficult for us. 

mytwistedsoul January 18th

@WriteToHeal42 I'm sorry you're all not doing well right now. Is there anything that helps? Do you try grounding? I know that's not a guarantee every time and it takes practice. And often what worked before might not work another time but sometimes it can help

*sending you strength and peace* ❤️
WriteToHeal42 OP January 18th

Thanks @mytwistedsoul

Did some grounding and am feeling better today. I think something triggered me pretty bad yesterday, but I've moved past it for now. Had a really difficult conversation that I needed to have.

Thanks for checking in on me!

How are you doing?

mytwistedsoul January 19th

@WriteToHeal42 I'm glad grounding helped and you're feeling better. I'm glad you were able to get through that difficult conversation. Those types of conversations are hard 

You're welcome. If you ever need or want to talk you're always welcome to tag me :) No pressure either way though ok? 

I'm ok :) Thank you for asking
mytwistedsoul May 4th

@WriteToHeal42 Hey :) I was just thinking about you the other day. We've missed you on Wednesdays.  So I thought I'd pop in and see how you are ❤️

WriteToHeal42 OP May 8th

@mytwistedsoul Hey :) Thanks for checking in! I've been hanging in there. Today was rough (triggering event happened), but my support system was there for me when I reached out.

I actually have a Wednesday off this week, so I hope to join you all tomorrow!

mytwistedsoul May 9th

@WriteToHeal42 It was really nice to see you today! I'm so glad you could make it :) 

I'm sorry that yesterday was a rough one. Those triggering events can come out of nowhere sometimes. I am so glad that you have a support system that was there for you when you reached out. That can be so helpful during those times
Take good care of yourself ok? I hope we see you on Wednesday again soon but I also understand that life happens :)