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Did system....

DCcat1989 August 5th

I feel like I'm the only "oldie" who is a system..... Please reply if you are also a system...

Hi I'm Dandan and I have did. I have 5 alters who can range from 3-34....  My system includes a cat, a little, a protector and a teen, and myself (host). 

My goal is to feel less alone 

blitheSun94 August 6th


Hi, DC,

There are many people here with DID who can help you feel less alone. In addition to that, I encourage you to explore the DID topics here in the trauma community. 

I do not have DID, but I do have a lengthy history of trauma and dissociation. 

Are you currently receiving treatment?


mytwistedsoul August 6th

@DCcat1989 Hey DC and everyone! You're not the only "oldie"    

We're a system of 16
It does feel lonely doesn't it? I'm sorry you deal with that too
Idk if it help but don't forget our Wednesdays chats. You're always welcome there too
DCcat1989 OP August 9th




Also tag any other systems please guys 😊😊 

Bubblesystem1 August 9th

@DCcat1989 sorry do we know you? I’m just confused why you tagged me?

DCcat1989 OP August 9th

