Your Vent:
"Life can be rough but if we all show kindness to each other everything will just be easier"
“You’re not in the wrong, but I wished everyone had better responses.”
You’re an idiot to one person and You’re a bully to the other one.
If you weren’t my Asst. Mgr, and had no girlfriend, I’d ask you out or jump you in a heartbeat. He’s hotter than ***.
"I love you more than I could ever put into words"
“I wish I could have said goodbye”
Is she not okay rn?
(Just concerned)
"I'm sorry I didn't understand you- we're both traumatized and doing our best to deal with the holes in our lives. I glorify my problems and dwell in darkness while you stuff your problems away with bright shiny things and only look toward the light- but neither of us are right in our unhealthy extremes. I want us to find healthier middle grounds. Together."
You stole my strength
I wish i could've told you goodbye, or gone to your funeral, but im glad i got to be your first kiss, im only sorry i was your last too