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What's in your Worry Jar?

Heather225 December 18th, 2023

This month, 7 Cups launched video and audio therapy! To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth. Read more here.


Imagine something you’re worrying about right now. Imagine writing it down and trapping it inside of a container, sealing it and putting it on a shelf, not to be touched again until you’re ready to open it back up. This exercise uses the concept of a worry jar. The idea behind it is that by writing down your worries and placing them in the jar, you're symbolically letting go of them and releasing them from your mind. This can help reduce the hold that worries and negative thoughts have on you and help you feel more in control.

Here's how it works:

🫙 Grab a jar (or any container you like!) or download a virtual worry jar template. Decorate it if you want to make it personal and inviting.

🫙 Write down your worries, big or small, specific or vague. Don’t filter - just let it all flow. Pop them in the jar!

🫙 Add new worries as they come up and release old ones

🫙 People also like to include affirmations, positive thoughts, or goals in their worry jar to help counteract the negative thoughts!

The worry jar helps to…

🫙 Externalize your worries: Getting them out of your head and onto paper can feel like a huge weight lifted.

🫙 Gain perspective: Seeing all your worries written down in one place to see how big or small they actually are

🫙 Practice letting go: When you put a worry in the jar, you're symbolically letting it go. It's not gone, but you're giving yourself space to breathe and not dwell on it.

🫙 Focus on the present: Free up your mental space to focus on what's happening right now and reduce anxiety!

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to use a worry jar. Do what feels best for you. You can revisit your worries in the jar later or let them go for good.

Reflection prompt: Visualize your worry jar. What would you write on the first slip of paper? What worries would you like to let go of today?

And/or if you’d like to include affirmations, positive thoughts, or goals, what would you put in to help counteract the worries?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 19th, 2023


Aw this seems really cool, I've seen people do it hehe, but haven't tried yet myself. Great post, H. Will defo try out soon. My worry jar would probably overflow lollll but good thing, we can always get a new and bigger jar!😂 

I love the idea about having a positive affirmations jar too, affirmations or maybe little quotes and kind memories that counteract the worries and stresses, providing some comfort and assurance!🥰

Heather225 OP December 19th, 2023


you could have 1 jar for the worries and another for the goodies lol i think a positive affirmations jar would go a long way especially if you put things that make you happy in it like crystals or trinkets or even candy you could pull out when you need a reward 😂 but yes if you do make any physical or virtual please do share!

Clio9876 December 20th, 2023


The idea of an affirmations jar to go with the worry jar is great.


So glad you think so too hehe!

Tinywhisper11 December 19th, 2023

@Heather225 that's a awsome idea ❤❤ thanks for sharing this with us ❤ merry Christmas

Heather225 OP December 19th, 2023


Merry Christmas!!!! 

KatePersephone December 19th, 2023

@Heather225 thank u for this post, H <3

Heather225 OP December 19th, 2023


my pleasure!! if you decide to make one even digitally lemme know!!!

amiablePeace77 December 19th, 2023


This is a wonderful idea Heather225! I'm a great believer in writing things down that worry us because to me it frees space in our minds.

What would you write on the first slip of paper? What worries would you like to let go of today?

I would write down: "Life is not always fair but finding peace in an unfair situation which is out of your control allows me to move on and continue to be happy" 

amusingWest5360 March 9th

@Heather225 I'm going to make one of these because I'm always thinking about something that is either causing me stress, anxiousness, sadness, frusteration, I feel like this would be so useful to have by my bed so that if I wake up with an anxious thought or depressing one I can write it down and put it in the jar

Heather225 OP March 11th


agreed! having something tangible like a worry jar i actively use and look at has worked for me. do tell me how it goes for you!

Georginahowe March 10th

What worries me is that im looking for a new job and recently started college again after being off due to health issues 

FaithfulPrune9638 March 10th

I wonder what would happen if someone made a worry jar and put a worry stone in it? How effective would something like that be?

Heather225 OP March 11th


that's a good question. i imagine it'd be effective if you put intention into it! (i'd be tempted to take it out and use it though 😅)