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We’ve Launched Talk Therapy on 7 Cups!

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS December 14th, 2023
Hi everyone,

Thank you for being here and getting involved in all of the events leading up to the big announcement. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about online therapy at 7 Cups. We often receive messages asking us how online therapy works at 7 Cups so I wanted to share more with you all and also highlight our new feature at 7 Cups which we are very excited to share with you all!

What Happens During 7 Cups Online Therapy and Coaching?
7 Cups is an on-demand emotional support platform and a caring and thriving community of people who support one another. The 7 Cups Community has supported over 60 million people in emotional distress since 2013. The community is available globally in 189 countries and 140 languages. We provide 1:1 free support sessions with a trained listener, personalized growth paths to help you feel better, and online therapy with licensed therapists. 

At 7 Cups we also provide online therapy with a licensed therapist. Online therapy is essentially the same as traditional therapy, except you do not have to wait to see your therapist and you’ll be connected with your therapist instantly. 

As soon as you arrive in the dedicated room with your therapist at 7 Cups, you will have a set date and time to meet your therapist on an audio/video call as you will be able to view the therapist's availability. Some of you may prefer to only message your therapist and sign up for the Messaging Therapy plan which is $199 monthly and you’ll receive a thoughtful response each day to everything you have written. For those that prefer a real-time therapy experience, the Live Video and Audio Therapy plan will cost $359 per month for a 45-minute live therapy session with your therapist over audio/video each week. 

Frequently you will check in to see how things are going and adjust the therapy goals (if necessary) moving forward. Your therapist will provide you with exercises to complete during this process for your personal growth. You will work on any mental health issues you are experiencing to develop coping skills that work for you. Online therapy and coaching at 7 Cups are tailored to your individual needs and preferences. 

🌿We also have more exciting news and as part of our annual event, we are giving one member a complimentary month of online therapy! To enter the prize draw all you need to do is respond to this post. The winner will be selected at random and you will be notified on the 1st January 2024. 🌿

Things to Know about Online Therapy and Coaching at 7 Cups
  • Therapy is a journey, and you get what you put in. It takes time, dedication, and consistency to progress in therapy and your therapist will be there for you every step of the way
  • You can send a message to your therapist where and whenever you like 
  • Therapy at 7 Cups is an affordable alternative to many other online therapy options
  • You have the flexibility of whether you prefer to have text-based therapy or if you wish to receive therapy over an audio/video live session. If you wish to leave your camera off then this is entirely your choice and it is important you feel comfortable during your therapy sessions.  
  • Therapists respond via a written thorough message Monday - Friday 1-2 times per day on the Messaging Therapy plan and you can send unlimited messages to your therapist.
  • Therapists schedule a weekly 45-minute session with clients who are on the Live Video and Audio Therapy plan with messages in between if you send them a message.

How Can I Find the Right Therapist at 7 Cups? 
At 7 Cups, we realize the importance of finding a therapist that you feel is a good fit for you. Just like any relationship, it can take time to find the right therapist for you. We aim to make this process even easier for you which is why you are able to select your therapist. 

🌻Please note: we will continue adding names to the list until the 31st so you still all have time to enter. The prize draw to enter for a free month of online therapy is only available on a member account. So keep commenting and we will add you to the list. If I have not responded to your post directly, it does not mean that you have not entered. All individuals who have commented will be entered. 🌻

From all of us here at 7 Cups, we wanted to say thank you for being here with us and getting involved in the exciting events to follow! 

Feeling better starts with a single message! 

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ShineShootingStar December 14th, 2023

Hi Lisa

I hope I'm responding to this post correctly...

7 Cups has been truly a blessing in my life especially during some of my darkest hours...

I would like to be entered into the draw for the complimentary month of online therapy...

Thank you.

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 14th, 2023

We are glad you are here with us and 7 Cups is always here when you need it. You’ve been entered into the draw. :)

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Lilacrose398 December 14th, 2023

@KellyBrastMA hey, could you tell me more about this drawing? Sorry, I’m new to the app. Is it a monthly drawing where an individual can get free therapy?

Lilacrose398 December 14th, 2023

Sorry, I meant @ShineShootingStar

Lilacrose398 December 14th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS if it is free, please add me to the drawing as well

KellyBrastMA December 14th, 2023

Great news! Thank you for all your hard work putting this together! You are appreciated!

AshleyCoxLMHC December 14th, 2023

This is fantastic news! Offering video therapy opens up a world of possibilities for clients seeking support. As someone deeply committed to mental health, I'm thrilled to see this forward-thinking approach making therapy more accessible and convenient.

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JaeyongChoLCSW December 14th, 2023

Thank you so much for putting this together!

xxParkerxx December 14th, 2023

I wish y'alls would add therapy for teens. Or maybe on demand trained crisis counselors or something for teens.

KajsaFutrellRTC December 14th, 2023

This is a wonderful step that 7 Cups is taking with offering live video and audio therapy!  
I am excited that I can now offer this to clients here at 7 Cups.
The asynchronous texting is good but now I can offer even more support, while still maintaining a professional supportive environment.
I'm looking forward to beginning!

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JuiShankarPhD December 14th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS, Hi Lisa,

Thank you 7Cuos for this amazing opportunity to connect clients dnd therapists!

MistyMagic December 14th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS  This is fantastic news for everyone! The new options will make therapy much more accessible to all.  Well done everyone for pulling this together!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Walker7957 December 14th, 2023

Hello 👋

PaolaGiordaniMA December 14th, 2023

This new additions will certainly be of help to many! Great news!

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AndreaTuckLCPC December 14th, 2023


This is a great opportunity to add diverse ways to service our clients wherever they are in their mental health journey. I can't wait to see who will be helped by the new format. Congratulations 7Cups!

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onwardforevenmore December 14th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS. Please enter me into the drawing. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

SparkyGizmo December 14th, 2023


Hi Lisa! 😊  ❤️ Thank you for this forum post, for the announcement and might I say your timing is impeccable my friend! Wow! 😳 For me, it's truly the best time of the year to hear this great news as I am so very hopeful for 7 cups as well as for all of us here on the platform! 🎄🎅

This is brilliant! 💡 I see this as a true game changer to help "bridge the gap" for the "love deficit" in the world, to help more people and in a way that they may like to specifically receive that support and help (I have heard many request this option in the past, the want and need is there). Providing this option is amazing and I imagine it will increase our online presence, make us much more competitive in the online market place and increase our market share.  

I take a great deal of pride in being a part of 7 cups, as I should. There is so very much to be proud of around here. I also like to see challenges as opportunities and to *work through the path of the problem*. You have made yourself very apparent, front and center and I love your leadership style. You are highly approachable, highly invested in all of us as human beings as well as the platform. I love interacting with you!     

When a strong leader leaves the door open in this way, it makes it a safe place for sharing and for collaborative efforts, it can be quite amazing the ideas that come forth and potentially transformative. 

Having said that, I am no "nay sayer", I love what you and every one else have done to bring this to fruition. In an effort to help you get more "traction" and potentially see even better results I'm wondering if you might like to "reverse engineer" some of our brains around here, change our mindset, change part of the culture that exists as well as our verbiage whether the behavior is widely known or not. 

What is said in the LSR to fellow listeners requesting support with their member chats is "we never offer therapy around here as it's too expensive". One person learns from the others that come before them and so one becomes a duck in a row. It can be a bit frightening to say things in a different way if one is surrounded by highly dogmatic leaders that could be a bit punitive if one were to offer a different way of presenting it. 

Cost is highly subjective. I would have no idea of anothers budget, what they may be willing to spend less on for better mental health if needed to do so, how important their mental health is to them, what their annual income is, whether they have insurance, etc.

In addition, the information that isn't being presented is the ease of use, receiving therapy from the comfort of ones own home, less stress, privacy and anonymity, great for those that may live in a "time deprived household", have busy life styles, great for those that may be agoraphobic, get to stay in your pajamas, lol 😊 as well as what it would cost to get in your car and drive to a therapist locally.

While I am not in therapy here and I am not in therapy out in the real world and have never been, I am aware of the cost of goods and I feel that 7 cups prices are a gift and highly competitive. Per hour, my understanding is that it's around $125-$150 in the United States. Seems highly cost effective to me, comparatively speaking. 

Lisa, also, I love your forum post from years ago. We as listeners all fail to remember something very important that you said to us. I won't quote you, but I recall it was something along the lines of....if you have been working with a member for 2 weeks or more and you aren't seeing an improvement, it could be time to mention the option for therapy. 

I have to wonder if we as listeners are with holding the therapy option for others and in a variety of different ways. 

I remember Glen mentioning that he was waiting for 2 more "lightning in a bottle" moments as he feels that we have had three prior. I hope this was one of them! ⚡ 

I hope the information I provided from my perception was helpful for you to potentially think of ways to change our mindset and get on board with the new and past options for therapy if you feel that it's something needed. 

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Jem7Cups December 14th, 2023

I’ve wanted to know how to apply to become a therapist on 7 cups. I am a therapist of 4 years and spend a lot of time on 7 cups forums and think I’d have a lot to offer.

soulsings December 19th, 2023

@Jem7Cups pm me and I can discuss with you.

Vagi December 14th, 2023


I am excited for the draw.. I think I really need this.... idk maybe other person needs this more than me.....hope this gets to right person :)Btw telling you my story... like I am not quite happy from like 2 to 3 months... it feels like depression sometimes... I tired 7 cups free listener... but I need more than that... I went to cousellor in my institute.. but here the problem I was not able to convey everything.. cause I feared that they will tell to my parents...

Now 2 days before I found a podcast (idk if I can share this here)... his podcast are literally a free therapy... I am loving it... but still some problems are unsolved...

This therapy will be a boon for me if I get it.. it can change my perspective of looking towards different things...

But after reading this post.. I feel universe has my back!


Lilacrose398 December 14th, 2023

@Vagi I feel u, I’ve been struggling with my mental health for that long as well. Could u tell me the name of the podcast so i can give it a listen? Don’t worry, you will make out of this! All it needs is a will to change. We’re in this together. I also hope the therapy goes to the right person, but no need is any less important. Let’s stay connected on this beautiful app

Vagi December 14th, 2023

@Lilacrose398 thank you bro!

Podcast:- the mindset mentor by Rob dial

Lilacrose398 December 18th, 2023

@Vagi Anytime:), and thanks 😊 

soulsings December 19th, 2023

@Vagi hi if you are planning to enter the drawing, there is an update that listeners cannot participate on their listener accounts but you are free to add your name under your member account and request to be part of the drawing. Please PM me if questions. 

floatingLeaf4973 December 14th, 2023


Sounds wonderful. It's good news that 7 cups now have video based therapy services as well. I'd like to enter the contest to win therapy. 

amiablePeace77 December 14th, 2023


Thank you for the information. Several people asked for live video sessions so it's great to have that option now

annapaviacounselor December 14th, 2023


I know you have all been working very intensively to create this opportunity. I think that it will bring even more possibilities of healing. 

thanks to you and thanks to all the people that trust and believe in the possibility of growth and change 

AffyAvo December 15th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS Can you clear up who is eligible for the draw? My guess is it's only for people posting from an adut member account, right? Or maybe you are allowing listeners as well.

soulsings December 15th, 2023

@AffyAvo that is a good question. unless things have changed only adult members can sign up for therapy.

Tagging Lisa to chime in on this @LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 15th, 2023

Hi @AffyAvo and Soul! Only members aged 18+ can sign-up for therapy. Good question and I’ll edit my original post to include this :)

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Vagi December 18th, 2023


I am going to be 18 on 26 Jan... and I need this therapy.... can't I sign up?ð¥²

soulsings December 19th, 2023

@Vagi I am not sure about the answer to your question about being 18 Jan 25th.

If you are planning to enter the drawing, there is an update that listeners cannot participate on their listener accounts but you are free to add your name under your member account and request to be part of the drawing if they allow you to participate being almost 18. Please PM me if questions. 

IsayUncle December 15th, 2023


"Please add my name to the drawing" Thanks!

SmitaJoshiPG December 15th, 2023


It's fantastic news that 7 Cups is now providing audio/video therapy, fulfilling a long-awaited need. This expansion is ready to benefit individuals worldwide, marking a significant milestone for accessible mental health support. Congratulations to 7 Cups for taking this positive step forward!

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GumballMachine December 15th, 2023

The text is black on a black background so I can’t enter.

AffyAvo December 15th, 2023

@GumballMachine I can see your post fine so you should be entered. 

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 15th, 2023

Just like AffyAvo mentioned, we can still see your post so can confirm your entry :)

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wontwakewontsleep December 15th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS - Pricey! But a month free sounds nice, please enter me for that raffle. Thanks!

Gettingbettertoday December 15th, 2023


I doubt i will use it myself. I do still appreciate it.

I am dyslexic and typing every thing can be a challenge for me. I can express myself verbally at twice the speed i can write it and without the stress. 

cloudySummer December 17th, 2023

@Gettingbettertoday The raffle is for video / audio therapy, as far as I understand it. That's the point of the whole thing here! So don't worry, you can enter it.