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Day 4: Developing a Growth Mindset: How did you foster a positive learning attitude?

ASilentObserver December 4th, 2023

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a relaxing weekend. 

Carol S. Dweck in her book Mindset explains the difference between fixed and growth mindsets. It was explained that anything is possible with a growth mindset. No obstacle is too great, no challenge is too daunting. It is through our dedication, perseverance, and unwavering belief in our potential that we can truly unlock our truest, most limitless selves. 

Today I am going to share a story with you that I believe many of you already heard of. This is a story of a village girl becoming a renowned scientist.  

A young girl named Max lived in a small village. Every day, Max would wake up early and go to the village library. There, she would read books on a wide range of subjects. From science and history to art and literature, Max liked to learn about new things. She would spend hours reading books and gaining new ideas, thoughts, and curiosities. However, Max’s life was filled with lots of challenges and struggles too but she saw every obstacle as an opportunity for growth. She understood that setbacks and failures were simply stepping stones on the path to opportunities.

As the years went by, Max's thirst for knowledge and growth only intensified. She went on to become a renowned scientist, making groundbreaking discoveries that would change the world. But no matter how far she traveled or how much she achieved, Max always remained true to her roots. She never forgot the small village, challenges, and struggles that had nurtured her growth mindset and shaped her into the person she had become.

Now I want us to take a moment to reflect on the story and share your thoughts on the following questions:

  • What is a growth mindset to you? 
  • How do you practice a growth mindset? And are there any challenges to it? 

Let’s get started and share your thoughts with us.  I look forward to discussing and exploring a growth mindset with us. 


KatePersephone December 4th, 2023


  • What is a growth mindset to you? A growth mindset to me is a mindset that focuses on doing better everyday instead of dwelling in the failures.
  • How do you practice a growth mindset? And are there any challenges to it? I practice a growth mindset by reminding myself that I am human and that progress is not linear. The challenges I have noticed is mainly that I sometimes I really feel I am not making any progress at all.

ASilentObserver OP December 4th, 2023

@KateDoskocilova Thank you for sharing your perspective with us Kate. It sounds like focusing on progress over time, rather than successes and failures, helps you in challenging moments. I am glad you have a caring approach to self-improvement. How do you stay motivated on your learning journey when it feels like you aren't making progress? 

KatePersephone December 4th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I try to focus on consistency rather than motivation and remind myself of the end goal, which is getting in uni!

ASilentObserver OP December 4th, 2023

@KateDoskocilova Focusing on consistency and the end goal of getting into university is a focused and smart approach.  You are dedicated to handle procrastination very smartly, Kate. I believe in you and here with you as you take your small steps. 

KatePersephone December 4th, 2023

@ASilentObserver thank you, Obs!

celerysticker December 4th, 2023
  • What is a growth mindset to you? 
  • How do you practice a growth mindset? And are there any challenges to it

To me, a growth mindset is believing in and encouraging yourself. A growth mindset means you see challenges as an opportunity to grow and do better than before. It means you see failure as a way to do better, not as the end-all be-all. This mindset means being realistic about your goals (seeing both positive and negative sides) but being encouraging and recognizing that even when some days are harder than others, it doesn't mean your progress has gone to waste.

You can practice a growth mindset by first removing as many negative influences as you can (this includes the music you listen to!). Encourage yourself in small ways before jumping onto big goals (such as making your bed) and give yourself little rewards/senses of accomplishment whenever you complete something. I find it easier to picture myself as a friend if I feel like I can't take care of myself as me. Some challenges can be when you have repeated failures or feel like you've worked really hard to get not a lot of progress. It's important to remember that problems in life will have their place and that even with continued losses, it doesn't mean your time or energy was wasted. It just means you have to be extra gentle to yourself and rely on those around you. It's always good to have someone near you who can keep you accountable through all this.

ASilentObserver OP December 5th, 2023

@celerysticker Thank you celery for sharing your perspective. 💜 I like the approach of encouraging yourself through both successes and challenges. I am glad you put effort into practicing self-care and maintaining a supportive environment. How does focusing on self-encouragement in small daily tasks help you overcome challenges? 

celerysticker December 5th, 2023

@ASilentObserver thank you!! I certainly need to get better at all those things so I appreciate you giving out questions as a way to remind myself of what's important to focus on.

Focusing on self-encouragement can help me overcome challenges as it can be very easy to get overwhelmed when I think about everything I want to do in the future. It's important for me to try and ground myself and focus on the here and now. I have to remind myself that while I can do difficult things, there's only so much I can do here and now so I shouldn't try to solve every possible future problem all at once. Focusing on self-encouragement can also help me realize that I have the ability to tackle future problems when they arise, so I don't need to try to do everything now.

ASilentObserver OP December 6th, 2023

@celerysticker I appreciate you opening up and sharing your thoughts with us, Celery. II am glad  focusing on self-encouragement and being present can help reduce feeling overwhelmed. You have identified some wise insights about tackling problems as they arise rather than trying to solve every future challenge at once.

soulsings December 4th, 2023


  • What is a growth mindset to you? 

A growth mindset is believing that whatever challenges I face will make me stronger and more resilient and help me attain my goal.

  • How do you practice a growth mindset?

I practice a growth mindset by surrounding myself by positive ideas about my potential and my ability to achieve whatever goals I set for myself.

  • And are there any challenges to it? 

The biggest challenge is to start to take the first steps by defining the goal and the process to get to the goal.

The next challenge is creating a routine that is doable whereby I can work every day towards the goal and then stick to the daily routine. If I fall off a day get back onto it. 

ASilentObserver OP December 5th, 2023

@soulsings Thank you for sharing your perspective on growth mindset. It seems focusing on challenges as opportunities to gain strength and resilience is meaningful to you. Believing in the ability to overcome difficulties and keep progressing towards is a good perspective and approach.  I like the idea of surrounding yourself with positive ideas about your potential is important for practicing a growth mindset. i am glad to hear you have goals you're working to achieve. I agree taking the first steps towards your goal and defining the process can feel challenging.  It sounds like creating and sticking to a routine is top of mind for you. You are dedicated to getting back on track when needed. Maintaining that dedication often helps us continue moving in a positive direction.

ASilentObserver OP December 5th, 2023

@LemonLilly Thank you for sharing about learning more about mental health issues to better support your loved ones. Gaining understanding through open communication and self-reflection seems helpful for both you and your family. What most motivates your desire to learn and provide support? Thank you for your helpful perspective lilly. i appreciate it <3

soulsings December 10th, 2023

I think a growth mindset aims for a goal that is possible and keeps me thinking positively.

Thank you for this thread. I hope more people see it

Adding Taglist updated 12-9-23

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WorkingitThrough2 December 10th, 2023


For me, a Growth Mindset is the ability to recognize that we all have challenges but the art of not allowing the struggles to weigh us down to the point of being incapacitated and unable to move forward.  Having a Growth Mindset means we must see the struggle for what it is and then develop a strategic plan to move from that into a productive and healthy way that enhances the strengths we acquired during our incapacitation. Always willing to venture out into the unknown deep with a positive attitude.

Things that I realize about myself and my mindset is that I stay too long in the negative, and when the positive surfaces, I can't recognize it for being stuck in my own mud. I could learn a lot from Max😊

ASilentObserver OP December 11th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Working. It sounds like recognizing struggles yet not allowing them to weigh you down is an important part of growth for you. Focusing on developing strategies to move forward productively from challenges in a way that enhances your strengths is a wise approach. I can understand why getting stuck in negativity makes it hard to see positives even when they surface. 

Tinywhisper11 December 10th, 2023

@ASilentObserver a growth mindset is to learn how to live alongside your problems, and learn what your feelings and emotions are. 

I learnt to keep a positive mindset because, God have me a second life/chance and I'm not going to waste a single minute of it. And also cause I'm immature😁😁😁😁

15 days to go 🎅🎅🎅 merry Christmas ❤

ASilentObserver OP December 11th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 It sounds like you have gained an insightful perspective on making the most of this second chance. Learning to live alongside our challenges and getting to know our emotions takes wisdom. What kinds of things have helped your positive mindset grow stronger? 

Tinywhisper11 December 11th, 2023

@ASilentObserver mostly thanks to 7 cups ❤❤

14 days to go 🎅🎅🎅🎅 gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤

Fradiga December 10th, 2023


So... who was she you were talking about?

ASilentObserver OP December 11th, 2023

@Fradiga I am not 100% sure either Fradiga. I only shared what I knew



What is a growth mindset to you?

The growth mindset is mind keeping  to build new skills, learning , repairing it self.

how do you practice a growth mindset? And are there any challenges to it? 

Do some exercising , playing games, watching good shows , reading , learning ...

ASilentObserver OP August 12th

@delightfulUnicorn38 It is great that youalready engaging in many activities that promote personal growth. How do these hobbies help you feel about yourself when you're doing them?