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Day 3: Using Affirmations to Increase your Overall Wellbeing

SoulfullyAButterfly December 3rd, 2023


Affirmations - short, powerful statements designed to change our conscious and unconscious mindset - have the ability to elicit positive change. They work by challenging our negative thoughts. They can fortify our beliefs, attitudes, and emotional responses, which in turn strengthen our overall sense of wellbeing.

Consider the power of the statements you make to yourself daily. Imagine waking up and saying, "Today is going to be a great day," versus, "Not another day of this." The energy each statement brings is entirely different.

Research shows that affirmations can increase our sense of self-worth, boost optimism, and even potentially decrease stress and depressive symptoms. These cultivate a balanced state of mind, enhancing our overall wellbeing.

Practical Tips:

1. Keep it Positive: Instead of saying, "I’m not going to get nervous," try, "I will remain calm and confident." The brain typically glosses over the word 'not' giving power to what follows. 

2. Make it Personal: Use language that resonates with you. If a statement feels too distant or unrealistic, it may indeed have the opposite effect. 

3. Repeat Regularly: For the best results, affirmations need to be repeated frequently. It can be helpful to set a specific time during the day - early mornings or before bedtime.

4. Visualize: Connect with your affirmations. Visualize the change you want to embody, enhancing their impact. 

Practice Exercise: 

Create two affirmations following the tips mentioned above. Write them down, repeat them aloud during your day, and notice how you feel. Feel welcome to share how this activity went with us!

Embrace positive change and self-awareness today! Click >here< to take the PHQ-9 assessment to gauge your mental well-being.

Discussion Questions:

1. Can you share an affirmation that made you feel good today?

2. How often do you use affirmations in your daily life? 

3. What positive changes do you notice when you use affirmations consistently?

7 Cups has an exciting therapy update to share this month. To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth. Read more here.

HealingTalk December 3rd, 2023


Thank you for this very useful, information-packed, concise and beautiful post!

I agree that awareness and control of our self-talk is a powerful tool for feeling better and improving in all aspects of our lives. I have used affirmations in all kinds of situations, from sports (a classic that even olympic athletes use) to work, to helping with emotional crises. 

Affirmations are particularly effective for me when I am in a meditative or self-hypnotic state. So a previous session of breathing exercises, deep relaxation, etc. helps me a lot to become more receptive, and let affirmations sink into the unconscious, from where they are most powerful in influencing my mood and behavior.

Answering your questions:

1. I have been using an affirmation lately, including today: "No matter what happens, my value as a person will stay intact"

2. I am using this and a few other affirmations daily, sometimes several times a day, particularly when working on a  challenging project.

3. These affirmations make me less anxious, calmer, I feel better, they help me a lot to overcome procrastination (a big problem for me), and they make me much more productive. And in turn, being productive and calm at the same time makes me feel happy.

Thank you again for a wonderful post and a great thought-provoking activity!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP December 5th, 2023

@HealingTalk thanks for sharing! I think your affirmation is such a strong and important reminder. I am glad it is helping you 

HealingTalk December 5th, 2023


Thank you Soul! It's a truism really, we all have intrinsic value as a person. But we might fear that if things go wrong with a project, an exam, a public speech, a date, a social situation, etc., we will become worthless. And this fear might make us super anxious and paralyze us. The purpose of the affirmation is to assert the right view of things. A context in which we can take reasonable risks and know we, and our human dignity, will survive even if we fail. It does work for me. 

soulsings December 3rd, 2023


1. Can you share an affirmation that made you feel good today?

I will help other people as much as I am able. 

2. How often do you use affirmations in your daily life? 

I tend to have a thought of the day and keep reminding myself of it throughout the day

3. What positive changes do you notice when you use affirmations consistently?

I am more focused and less hijacked by negative thoughts. 

SoulfullyAButterfly OP December 5th, 2023

@soulsings thank you for sharing! Trying our best is most important for sure

SunShineAlwaysGrateful December 3rd, 2023

Great post I love affirmations I journal them and often refer to them and I love quotes that are affirmation types …. It helps keep me present and positive.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP December 5th, 2023

@SunShineAlwaysGrateful I relate too! i think writing them down though is so smart, I'm going to make that as one of my 2024 goals ✨

KatePersephone December 4th, 2023


1. Can you share an affirmation that made you feel good today?

I am the powerful creator of my own life experiences and I choose how I respond to the world around me.

2. How often do you use affirmations in your daily life? 

I try to use them at least once a day, but sometimes life gets busy and I forget to do so.

3. What positive changes do you notice when you use affirmations consistently?

I notice feeling more confident.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP December 5th, 2023

@KateDoskocilova great affirmation! We can only control our responses but that is enough to help us feel more calm and confident. 

SoulfullyAButterfly OP December 5th, 2023

@LemonLilly I'm so glad this post has helped you tune back into your intentions and affirmations! Thank you for practicing with us.

Mekuland3050 December 6th, 2023

I dont do affirmations that much but i do see positive effect of it i see uplift of my mood and feel good! I wanna say to myself i can overcome my hardship, i can get again great opportunity, i will find my way gracefully and i forgive myself, i deserve the best and everything happns for the best this hard time will pass too i did pass before i can pass this too

soulsings December 7th, 2023

@Mekuland3050 those all sound wonderful and supportive.