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Day 14: Happiness Scale

Hope December 14th, 2023

7 Cups has an exciting therapy update to share this month. To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care, and Personal Growth. Read more here.

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. Today as part of the therapy events I want to talk about a very interesting way of measuring and improving the quality of our lives and just adding more joy and happiness. 

Long ago I came across the concept called the Happiness Scale. It is a very simple but effective way of starting where you are, working what you have, and doing more of what brings you joy. I would love to link you to the video I watched but I can’t find it! So if this post reminds you of a video and you can find it please send me it so I can link it. 

Here is how the happiness scale works!

Make a list of everything you do in your day-to-day life, you are especially looking for small tasks/routines and rate it on a scale of 1-10 where 1 means it brings you no joy and 10 means it brings you great amounts of joy/happiness. Lets assume Ben is making a list, here is what it can look like: 


Once we have a rating of what each of our routines/tasks rank on the scale, we will highlight the ones that rank 7 or higher. You can even do 5 or higher if you don’t have many 7s and higher. We will work with what we have.


Once we know which tasks/routines rank high, we will actively try to do more of these every day. For example, in the above example, Ben will ensure he does not miss his morning cup of coffee, takes time out to walk his dog, make an effort to schedule time with friends, make time for his book of choice, ensures he can be home in time for dinner with partner. It would not be realistic for Ben to do all this in one go! He can select 1-2 things to do more of those and then work on the next item. 

Today that is what we will be doing for ourselves!

1. Write down your repetitive tasks/routines, ideally the ones that are daily and those that are frequently a part of your life (For example, a walk maybe daily but meeting friends/family maybe weekly or even monthly). Try to get as many daily tasks noted as you can. 

2. Once you have rated the tasks, highlight all that you ranked 7 and above (5 and above if you have barely any in the 7 and above category)

3. Select 1-2 tasks from the highlighted category that are easy to do more of and that are mostly in your control. 

4. Share with us which task/routine you will be doing more of?


johnberry December 14th, 2023


kindHug676 December 14th, 2023


i absolutely love this self check in! i will create and make my own! brillant idea!

Dottore401 December 14th, 2023

I absolutely love this scale and how routine tasks can be so determining.

BookishWendy December 14th, 2023

Reading my book, playing my game, petting the dog, visiting my hubby and my dad. Reading my nursing book and doing my mental health apps.

PetiteSouris December 15th, 2023


Share with us which task/routine you will be doing more of?

I want to spend more time hiking, and exercising outdoors. 

KatePersephone December 19th, 2023


1. Write down your repetitive tasks/routines, ideally the ones that are daily and those that are frequently a part of your life (For example, a walk maybe daily but meeting friends/family maybe weekly or even monthly). Try to get as many daily tasks noted as you can. 
Morning routine, workout, studying, journaling, reading a psych book.

2. Once you have rated the tasks, highlight all that you ranked 7 and above (5 and above if you have barely any in the 7 and above category)

Morning routine, 6, workout, 5, journaling 6, reading a psych book 7

3. Select 1-2 tasks from the highlighted category that are easy to do more of and that are mostly in your control. 

journaling, reading a psych book

4. Share with us which task/routine you will be doing more of?

definitely the reading a psych book one :3

Dottore401 January 29th

I'm loving this scale! I'm going to start implementing it at once. Thank you 😊

SunShineAlwaysGrateful February 27th


i enjoy gaming with my husband we run two cons together war strategy games … 

I also enjoy helping out my community and volunteer in a weight loss group and 50 plus social group. 

I also enjoy cleaning my home sounds weird but in retirement I love it …

Artsygal22 February 28th


Well, I am already drinking more coffee than I should, because it is so satisfying. But I have to admit, I am also a tea person. #1 So, discovering new tea brands with impressive packaging design and flavours is on the #DoMoreOfThatList.

#2 Paint/Draw more.

#3 Read more non-fiction. Especially on motivation & creativity.

#4 More solitary long walks in nature.


Two daily things that are quite easy I could do more of are writing and wearing sunscreen.

healingsoul4892 March 21st

I have written down my daily routines and rated them on the scale. It was interesting to see what really brings me joy during the day. After going through the list, I have chosen to focus on spending more time with my family and also make time to read every night. I believe these changes will help increase my daily happiness and well-being.

AffyAvo March 27th

Does anyone else struggle with ranking things on scales like these? I probably am overthinking things, but I think of a 10 as rare, major things. So daily things being a 7+ seems odd to me. Even a 5 seems fairly high, but easier to achieve regularly. 

This was a helpful exercise though. I have been debating about seed starting this year. I have some really difficult things I am dealing with that are physically energy and time sapping. I also have really good things that will take me away. Last year, I went away to help when a family member was undergoing cancer treatment and a lot of my seedlings died because of it. So all those factors have just made me put it off. I should be able to get some help before months end to get things set up and while later than usual it's still early enough.

I also will increase the priority on getting outside on nice days. Difficult with illness but it's fallen way too infrequently.