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looking for some advice or what to do for class

butterflyy3 December 28th, 2023

would you rather have three 8:30 am morning classes with a midday lab time or have 2 evening classes at 5-7pm with labs ending at 9pm?

BearListens December 28th, 2023

@butterflyy3 Hey, Butterfly, thanks for sharing! I can't necessarily give you advice because I trust that you know yourself, your needs and your situation much better than I do. However, if it were me - I'd take the earlier classes over the later classes. I find that I'm much more productive if I have class earlier than later. Last semester, I would spend all morning unproductively with classes that started in the afternoon. However, by having classes earlier, I imagine I would be more productive throughout the day because starting the day off productive will likely put my in the right headspace for that momentum or flow to take place. Also, I would get anxious waiting for time to pass before my class - had I an earlier class, there would be less time for me to be anxious or really think about how much I didn't feel like or dreaded going to class. Another thing I like about morning classes are that with more free afternoons, I can see teachers or other faculty after class before they head out for the day. I think it's also safer to have classes in the morning - at least for me, because afternoon and evening classes - especially during this time of the year mean that it's dark outside. I generally prefer working / being productive in the mornings anyways and like having my afternoons be dedicated towards relaxation / recreation. Hope this gives you the right insight you need to consider things! Good luck!!

butterflyy3 OP December 29th, 2023

thank you for this. it truly a lot. i’ve decided to choose the 8:30am classes.

butterflyy3 OP December 29th, 2023

helpe a lot**

MarwaneB December 29th, 2023


Hello Butterflyy!

I see a good student behind the post you shared, by the way.

I want you to know first that some advice, no matter how good the intention of the one who give them was, can still not be necessary helpful and may also cause harm, since no one can tell the situation better than you do. I hope you don't get influeced by what other people would tell you, but rather get inspired by them and take some insight about what could work for you and what wouldn't.

I'll be happy to assist you find out the response yourself.

Let's start with the three 8:30 a.m classes with the midday lab vs the two evening classes with late lab. What are the benefits of each, and what are the challenges? When do you study best, mornings or evernings, or are they the same for you? Can you manage to wake up early, or would you rather wake up late? Are your means of transportation more optimal early in the morning or late at 9 p.m ( Like do you walk/ride/drive better in the morning or in the night? Do buses/cars/trains work at these corresponding times? Are there people you go with; parents or friends; if so when are they available? Is having the evening free important to you? What would you do at that free time? What about if it was the morning that is free?

You can make a list of the benefits of each, and the challenges of each, and compare them and see what works better for you.

Please keep me updated and let me know if you have any questions or anything specific you want to talk about. I hope you find your answer!

Take care of yourself, and keep up the good work you're doing!