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Effective study techniques

Reemkindsmile September 22nd, 2021

Hey everyone, I want to talk about how to develop effective time management and study techniques that help you retain the most information. In grad school, cramming the night before doesn’t cut it anymore.

Let's start with setting up the right environment :

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Have easy access to everything you need before you start.

3. Set up your lightening to your preferences.

4. Adjust your study space to the ideal temperature.

Get a good night sleep and listen to calming music ( I prefer listening to pop songs, I'm weird like that).

Get some healthy snacks as coffee and candy will give you a temporary boost, but then you’ll have a blood sugar crash. For energy that is more focused and sustainable, try healthy snacks such as vegetables and fruits.

Something that usually helps me is instead of studying at home every day, I try out new places like a new coffee spot or a library because some studies show that a change in scenery can improve both memory and concentration levels.

You should try to commit to a specific study time.To stay focused, I turn off all my devices, and just allocate some time to just study. I tell myself that I can't stop until the time is up, regardless of if I know the material or not.

Also, take breaks when you need them. During the weekends, I know that I won't get any work done during the day, because I won't have the motivation to finish my work until it becomes urgent. Therefore, I forget about my homework and allow myself to have fun and relax. This prepares me for the time when I finally have to get to work and finish my homework and study. It's a win win situation 👑💓

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 22nd, 2021

Hiya @Reemkindsmile , this is such an amazing post! Thankyou for making it , so many helpful tips ! ❤
Reemkindsmile OP September 22nd, 2021

You are most welcome 👑 💗 I will keep posting in sha Allah ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 22nd, 2021

Ofcourse, looking forward to more of your awesome posts! Happy forum journey , Reem , feel free to message if you need any help or assistance anytime ! 😄

A quick tip, we can tag people here so they receive notifications about being tagged in a forum post and it would be easier for them to revert to your post(s) here !

We can tag people by inserting an "@" before the username--- like @Reemkindsmile ❤

Reemkindsmile OP September 22nd, 2021

Will do, thank you so much, that's very helpful ❤️❤️❤️ I will definitely send you a message as I want all the help that I can get, thank you so much ❤️❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 22nd, 2021

Awh More than welcome! ❤Happy to assist ❤ @Reemkindsmile
Jaeteuk September 23rd, 2021

You've got some awesome studying tips!

I'd also like to add, that research shows that cramming actually decreases your ability to retain what you've studied. So, it's a bad idea to pull an all-nighter to cram information the night before exams. You might end up forgetting what you already know! Instead, you should try and get a good night's sleep. Also, to know that when you procrastinate, with homework or studying for exams, you end up feeling more stressed at the end. So, why put yourself through that stress and other mental/health problems, when you could start your work or studies earlier than last minute.

I agree that changing the environment will help stimulate our brains. Being around different surroundings when studying will "turn on" different areas of our brain~
