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lausau123 May 24th, 2023

School is causing me so much anxiety and a lot of anger.

I refuse to go into certain classes because something triggers me/sets me off and I immediately shut down and cry.

LostTurtle2 May 24th, 2023


Sounds like emotionally triggered in cptsd. Any trauma in your childhood?

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023


I have not any trauma in my childhood.

LostTurtle2 May 24th, 2023

Weird, maybe talk about to your therapist or school counselor?

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023


yeah. They don’t really help me so it just makes it worse

niceSailboat6521 May 24th, 2023


Hi there! I am by no means an expert but I wanted to write something because I also had similar experiences back in the day. And this is totally fine! Most of us feel anxious from time to time, only what triggers us changes because of our own individuality. And I wholeheartedly cherish you for noticing this and writing to the world!

And for what happens to you, it is too difficulty say anything. No one can truly diagnose you just by judging you externally. You should think more carefully about what is happening to you. What exactly do you feel in school. Is it anxiety, if so is it caused by someone in particular, or is the thought of a circumstance that triggers you? For instance, I used to get anxious in PE mostly. Even explaining it to a listener here would help you with identifying with what actually bothers you.

Again I am no expert so I don't want to confuse you by saying too much. But if you want to release your emotions I would recommend learning about breathing methods. You can easily find many videos that guide you, I would recommend searching for the Box Breathing online. It is very easy to learn and you can apply it during school time. I hope this helps you.

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023


This does help me and I will try the Box Breathing.

niceSailboat6521 May 24th, 2023


I'm glad you found it useful. I hope you'll feel better soon.

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023


thank you

jm1560913 July 7th, 2023

I went through this. speaking for school, I want to advise you a good online essay writing service that helped me too. Essays on Physics cover a wide range of topics related to the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental laws of the universe. These essays can explore various branches of physics, such as classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, optics, and relativity. They may delve into concepts such as motion, forces, energy, waves, particles, and the behavior of matter at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. Additionally, essays or physics can address topics like the history of physics, significant discoveries and breakthroughs, the application of physics in various fields, and current research and advancements in the field.

MagnificentCloud803 July 17th, 2023


Hey there! Could it be that you've some kind of apprehension regarding these classes that trigger you? A bad memory associated with them that may have caused your brain to shut down or cry as a defense mechanism? You could do some analysis or talk to an expert about it, since you can't really afford skipping these classes if they are important to you. Like a post above said, you could try Box Breathing, it works for a lot of people. Another suggestion, you could perhaps try and do a countdown before you approached that classroom and force out all negative thoughts before you enter. I hope you feel better soon! Much love! ❤️