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some random thoughts about my student life

passionateSea2002 January 18th, 2022

"habits make or break a person" -me. Relying on motivation or deadlines is not really helpful in the long run. There are times when I don't want to do stuff even when it's important to do.

I've read that the solution to all of this is maintaining discipline and doing your work consistently without worrying about the result. All people go through a phase where they feel lost or don't know how to start. I suggest to not overthink everything. Just start with the first thing you can think of. Take small steps, and complete it. Focus all your energy on it. Try to remove all distractions for the period of time you work.

Some habits which help in student life.

-7 hours of sleep to prevent brain fog and maximize focus. P.S. Einstein use to sleep for 10 hours

- Eat well and healthy. A happy and healthy stomach makes a happy and healthy mind.

- Stretching and walking/running or any physical activity

again for an active brain and dopamine boost

Hoping to reset my routine and get back on track. I'll have my semester end exams next month. Please share your thoughts about this and also tips for getting back on track.


Sea :)

Vithleem January 18th, 2022

I like this post! I think that trying to avoid overthinking is important indeed. Of course, sleeping well is also important for all students.



passionateSea2002 OP January 18th, 2022

Glad you liked it. :)

Jaeteuk January 19th, 2022

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I agree that overthinking is almost never the best way to deal with school work. I'd say the trick with using motivation, depends on how much it means to you. I came across a financial crisis last November, and I'm basically starting from scratch with my savings again. Before this happened, my motivation for going back to school to get a Diploma had always been strong. Every time I felt like procrastinating, I would think about my end goal, and it would keep me going. Motivation can be from something big, like what I had. Or it can be little rewards you give yourself at the end of, say, studying for a chapter. Now, my motivation is not hitting me as hard, but it's still in the back of my mind. Except now, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to achieve it.

I also agree with the self-discipline. It's important to be able to have self-control over our thoughts. Many things are also easier said than done, but we must put effort into making any type of change.

With the sleep, 7 hours average is best. As I got older though, I tend to function better with 6 hours of sleep. Although, back in the past, I knew a girl who only felt well-rested if she slept more than 10 hours. Anything less, she would look very tired!~


passionateSea2002 OP January 19th, 2022

Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts here. A journey with purpose and consistency will definitely reap great things. As long as a person is staying true to their goals, he/she will be able to achieve those. Wishing you the best! @Jaeteuk