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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

mytwistedsoul December 9th, 2023

Is anyone else finding that tags are still glitchy? 

LoveMyMoonflowers December 9th, 2023


*raises my hand slowly* me lol. 💜

mytwistedsoul December 11th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers Hey Moon :) glad it's not just me. Wish they'd give tags different colors again too

LoveMyMoonflowers December 11th, 2023


yeah. 💜 i think it would be nice if they would let people choose what colours they would be too, because the blue tags are probably not so great for some of our vision impaired members 💜

LoveMyMoonflowers December 11th, 2023

I wonder if anyone else is having some issues in PM’s too? Some of the messages have been disappearing and getting out of order ): 

@Jon7cups 💙

AffyAvo December 18th, 2023

My communities - only the first set are based on what I am subscribed to, when I click see more, the list of threads includes things from communities I am not subscribed to.

On my mobile (browser) I get posts that are cut off on the side. It doesn't consistently happen. It might be a cut an paste issue or the background? For example, the recent therapy update thread does this and someone had posted not being able to read the post which is why I think these 2 issues might be linked.

AffyAvo January 12th

@Tommy @CheeryMango

Can either of you confirm if My Communities is not functioning as it should? The first set does, but when I go to see more I cannot make sense of what I see. I see threads from communities I am not subscribed too, but these aren't even the most recent threads (is. posts from the first page of popular aren't in the first 2 pages of My Communities).

Jon7Cups January 12th

@AffyAvo thats an interesting one. Will double check. 

Jon7Cups January 16th

@AffyAvo this should be fixed now or later today. Thanks for flagging. 

AffyAvo December 18th, 2023

Oh, also some posts are going to the + instead of defaulting to the - both computer and mobile.

As an example, the post I made right above this I need to click to be able to expand it.

mytwistedsoul January 15th

@AffyAvo What exactly is the purpose of the +/-  anyway? Some replies are collapsed but others aren't?

LoveMyMoonflowers January 15th


agreed with soul 💙

AffyAvo January 16th

@mytwistedsoul I don't mind the option to collapse but yes, I'm not sure why some default to collapsed and others do not. I think that's a glitch.

MistyMagic January 16th

@AffyAvo Its almost like if one person collapses a post then it appears that way for everyone? 🤣


Listening - One Step At A Time!

mytwistedsoul January 18th

@AffyAvo I don't mind the option either but to be kind of blunt it seems pointless imo. If I get a tag and it's collapsed it doesn't take me to the actual reply and it's easy to miss. I can think of a few other things that would have been more useful. Like maybe making the 5 limit reply 10. Or making the threads you can check on people's profiles better organized by date. Just my thoughts 😬

MistyMagic January 28th

@AffyAvo @Jon7Cups

This bug is causing more problems, see here

If I 'hide' the long link under 'here'  then I get a normal Send Box as per this snip


Which is fine, but if I try and use the link in its long form I can't see the Send Box? 5GbhaRw2mtdr1CdQGoq5cmV-rIZSwC5Fye8rKR17caJq4pWKgj7aqEG8Hf2Bz00KuOzSXU_qoOgOMny3DpVnOaUHePzLLwrPNhAoqVPo3G-asl5NOy0pWDosXaLFQI3AVV0mJd7HSPSJiN63aD0pPxw

Also the collapse + - seems to happen when I try and link directly to a post? As in the other Safety post it is mayhem of collapsed posts lol ooops sorry if that was me.


Listening - One Step At A Time!

MistyMagic January 16th

Also does anyone know if members get the option to link directly to each post? I was trying to explain to a member and it seemed like they don't have that option?


Listening - One Step At A Time!

LoveMyMoonflowers January 16th


for some threads, that exact link sort of ‘poofs’ ): it happens with some tags, too. It gets all glitchy and doesn’t take us to the exact post. 

MistyMagic January 16th

@LoveMyMoonflowers thanks for confirming for me :)


Listening - One Step At A Time!

LoveMyMoonflowers January 16th


no problem :') 

i hope they can get it fixed tbh. it’s not fun especially when it happens with tags ): 

MistyMagic January 28th

@Jon7Cups  I can heart the same post on the website, then again on the app, then again on the mobile website :)


Listening - One Step At A Time!

MistyMagic March 19th

I don't seem to be able to use the 'link to post' option again?


Listening - One Step At A Time! - Written with no AI!

Hi all.

This is more like a notice than a feedback. 

I see there's many threads still showing up in the Needs Reply Queue that are likely removed due to being duplicates.

It's been a couple of days, so seems like the list is slow to update? Makes the list seem a little too overwhelming and crowded, therefore would be nice to help clean up here.

AffyAvo April 2nd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I think these are auto-deletions from what I have seen. Yes, would be good if they could be cleared!


Auto-deletions, as in when the poster deletes their own thread or? Is there something like "accidental duplicate threads being removed on their own" kinda mechanism in place? (I'm totally unaware about this one)😮 

Because I've kinda seen these from both leaders' posts and member posts (members that are also new so don't really have the forum tools to edit/remove their threads) 

Ooh also I replied to your post just below this one, the dual tag might poof the earlier one, so notifying about it here.❤

AffyAvo April 7th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I think it's ones getting caught in the censor or something. It's been a while but it happened to some of mine when including an image in a post the site didn't like.


Ah I see, it's been happening so often lately though. :0

AffyAvo April 2nd

I'm not sure why some forum post replies are expanded and why others aren't. It's weird to have to click + on some.


Sameeeee! Also pretty annoying when you miss tags because of this!😔

I think the collapsed ones, poof the tags too, so when I click on a tag notification that is a reply in one of the collapsed replies, it doesn't take me anywhere, just to the page where the reply should be and then rest, is all a guess-game and trying to expand multiple (+) replies, if there's more than one. 😮

I used to think it collapses replies when the message is a small one/ only emojis etc, but nope, doesn't always work that way. Also doesn't always work that way when the reply is too big. (Tried both ways haha) so kinda just random.

Would be nice to know what is the logic behind all that +/- mhm! :0 

mytwistedsoul April 2nd

Using the web browser on phones this started happening  😕 replies slowly move to the right and you can't read them unless you go on laptop


AffyAvo April 2nd

@mytwistedsoul Yes! I have experienced that too on my phone and I forget to take a screenshot.

mytwistedsoul April 3rd

@AffyAvo It happened a few months ago after an "update" too and then it seemed like it was fixed. Now it started again but it's sort of random? Idk 

MistyMagic April 3rd

@mytwistedsoul I get it too, I think it depends on how many replies there are, the more replies the more to the right they go. 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 4th

@mytwistedsoul @AffyAvo @MistyMagic 

Yep this happens on my phone too. It doesn’t happen on my iPad because of the larger screen but it happens on my phone. 

mytwistedsoul April 4th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @MistyMagic Guess it's one way to limit replies 😕 Which - Idk it seems weird to limit replies and hearts. People used to heart posts to let someone know they were heard - even if they didn't reply - they quietly showed support but now I see a lot of posts go un-hearted. I just think it's pretty sad 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 4th


I really don’t understand the point of the heart limit ): how could there ever be too much of that? :') 

CalmRosebud April 4th


With you on that ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.


LoveMyMoonflowers April 4th


I wish they’d remove the heart limit 😞 

AffyAvo April 7th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @mytwistedsoul

I haven't noticed a heart limit for upvoting threads. What is the limit?

@mytwistedsoul @AffyAvo

I remember coming across this heart-limit thingy on the app, in group chatrooms, PMs and forums, everywhere. I think the limit was 30 or something hearts per user per day?

On the website version though, I haven't ever come across any pop-up messages about the heart limit, but sometimes it happens that I upvote/ heart a post and then it switches to a blue 0 and back to just grey 0 indicating no hearts on it. ~ I thought of this as a glitch, (since i can sometimes come back to a thread another day and heart them again) is it more of a limit thing?😮 

It's definitely not appreciated, setting limits on the hearts and such.