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December 29: New Community Building Tool in 2018: Wiki!

Laura December 29th, 2017

I am excited to announce an exciting new feature coming your way in early 2018. Yay!

How many of you have long dreamed of better storage spaces for important information about our community? Or a more collaborative tool to support and build on existing content and knowledge?

From our mock chat library and listener written topic guides to our threads on community best practices and norms, our community has created a large wealth of shared knowledge. Our collective brain is very smart and has figured a lot out!

Much of this shared knowledge lives in our forums, however a forum is intended to be community building tool, not a place to house and collaborate on communal knowledge and wisdom. In order to better support our efforts moving forward, we are excited to announce a new home for this collective wisdom! We are developing a 7 Cups wiki!

A wiki is a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users. One of the most well known wikis is called Check it out!

We are still in the beginning stages of figuring out how the wiki will be structured, who will have editing abilities and how we will quality control the content. Each sub-community will have the ability to manage its own wiki section, along with project groups and teams. Like all new initiatives, we will need your help, feedback and support in learning how to best integrate this new tool into our community.

We anticipate 2 phases to the release of the new wiki tool:

1. Migration phase - moving lots of existing content over to the wiki

2. Building on the wiki content and encourage the creation of new wiki content

-----> If you would like to be part of this early migration team, please sign up here. We will provide details in the upcoming weeks.

Thank you! Please share any quesitons or comments here!

playfulName39 January 25th, 2018

CalmWhisper22 January 25th, 2018

Can't wait to code and make web pages again, looking forward to it.

kindSoul10 January 25th, 2018

@DanaMH I don't think they're looking for coders or web designers. They look for people to help copying the content to the wiki. But anyways good luck.

February 20th, 2018

I really like the idea!!😲❤


MissMeghan February 21st, 2018


I turned In my application to help out with this Project, Yayyyyyyy!!!!!! heartheartheart heart

Reececup1986 April 4th, 2018


This is a cool idea, I got to look into this more. It sounds so interested and cool