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Your Voice Matters: Quarterly Community Feedback Survey (Q4 2024)
by Heather225
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1 day ago
...See more Happy October, lovely people! Whether you're seeking support, listening, learning, or simply looking for connection, you're part of the 7 Cups community. Whatever you're here for, your presence makes a difference. As we continue to grow, we're committed to involving you in shaping the future of 7 Cups. Your feedback helps us identify areas for improvement, understand your needs better, and ensure this platform remains a welcoming and supportive space for everyone. Please take a few minutes to complete this quarter's survey: here []
September 2024 Forum Spotlight!
by tommy
Last post
2 days ago
...See more September 2024 Forum Spotlight It's that time of the month again where we join together to celebrate the opportunities available to us across the forum. As of this month, there are two core purposes of our forum spotlight: one to spotlight forum discussions more widely and two to showcase the amazing work of those community users who go above and beyond to help ensure everyone gets a reply to their thread. Here is an overview of our forum discussions for this month: * What can I do after a sexual assault? [] * Celebrate National Suicide Prevention Month [] * Being a wheelchair user [] * Effective communication in resolving relationship conflicts [] * Living with hEDS and POTS [] * Is taking a break from social media a good thing? [] * Meditation and self-care awareness [] Looking to help us with forum engagement? Join our forum team by clicking here []. Here is our leaderboard for our monthly engagement challenge (with the number of needs reply posts): @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 281 @GentleHealingInitiative 41 @Phoenixthepoised 36 @KristenHR 10 @Aayla 8 @fruityHoliday63 7 @CouragousDragon0742 7 @theboymoana 7 @Optimisticempath 3 @strawberryshaken 3 @MistyMagic 2 @hematite43 2 @CuragousDragon0742 2 @theboymoana 2 @Mellietronx 1 @ThoughtLight 1 @CuragousDragon0724 1 @jesusredeemedme2425 1 @Faelwyn 1 You can find out more about this engagement initiative here []. Are you wanting to get involved for the month of October? Let us know about it by replying down below this forum spotlight! Please join me in congratulating our fantastic forum engagers down below! 🔗 Links * Do you want to join our taglist so you are notified of the next spotlight? Click here []! * Do you have a thread which you've recently posted that you feel could be highlighted in our next monthly spotlight? Or perhaps you've noticed another thread which you think could be featured in our spotlight? Let us know about it here []!
Taking Care of Each Other - Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
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...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done today/recently to prevent burnout in a fellow community user? This can look like: • Encouraging self-care • Reminding someone of the importance of boundaries • Covering for someone so they can take a self-care break
Re-Re-Introducing Noni
by GlenM
Last post
December 8th, 2023
...See more Noni is our friendly chatbot. Did you know that we introduced her in 2014? We wrote about her here []and here []. We then invested a lot of time and resources to help her grow when we re-introduced her in this 2017 post []. There was a big jump from Noni 2014 to Noni 2017. Technology has evolved a lot since 2017. It is now time for Noni 2023. This next version of Noni has come a long way and I’m happy to re-re-introduce Noni to you all! First, though, let me outline a couple of fundamental assumptions we have to help frame this discussion. I’m highlighting these two points here because I think they are important and foundational. One, we believe and work hard to create a community where we can all learn to compassionately care for one another. Humans caring for other humans is what we do. Any technology we leverage (apps, forum posting, growth path steps, audio files/mindfulness, etc.) has to support that end goal. We call it “technology to facilitate human connection, healing, and growth.” On 7 Cups, technology is a facilitator of human connection and is never a replacement. Listeners are and will always be primary. You can think of 7 Cups as a network of people that are filling up one another’s cups. Noni, though limited, can also help fill up cups. Together, cumulatively, we work together to lift one another up. Leaders and listeners are the primary cup fillers and Noni can help too. Two, technology has to be anchored in aligned values [] so that it doesn’t go off course. Those values have to be explicit and agreed upon. For example, in our culture guide [], under “Caring for People with Fewer Financial Resources,” we outline that “We will always serve those with fewer resources. It is core to who we are and it keeps us on the right path.” The technology we utilize has enabled us to better help people with less resources. If it does not do that, then it will not be good because it’ll be operating in a way that is at odds with one of our core goals. Let’s now return back to Noni and AI more broadly. Noni has always held a lot of promise for us. All of us worked hard to make Noni as strong as she could be. We co-created her persona along the way. Here is a small sample of what the community says Noni likes: -chocolates -sunsets, people, animals, and reading -macaroni and dogs -long walks at the beach, painting, and cooking new meals -soup on cold days and cuddling with pets -creative, imaginative people, and cooking new meals -Noni likes to make sure nobody feels alone and cookies and milk -baking We all had high hopes for Noni in 2017. Unfortunately, we were not able to accomplish even 10% of what we hoped to achieve and collectively envisioned. This was frustrating and a little painful, but we said okay now is not the right time. It might make sense to pick up Noni again in the future. Here we are 6 years later, and it appears that that time has come. The technology underlying chatbots and other artificial intelligence has made enormous strides. Noni makes use of some of this underlying technology known as large language models (LLMs). We are using a model from Anthropic because they have a strong emphasis on safety, trust, and enhanced guardrails. The Noni brain we have all co-created sits on top of and informs the way that Noni uses the underlying LLM. All the values, messages, and insights that informed the earlier versions of Noni inform this version as well and this will get better and more detailed over time (in parallel, we are also just starting to work on a standalone version of Noni that will run on open source models [not OpenAI/ChatGPT or Anthropic]...stay tuned on this front). We have been working on this new version of Noni since October and we are now on version 65. When you use her, you’ll notice that she asks good open-ended questions and is very encouraging. This is a result of thousands of conversations with this new version and lots of tweaking to make sure she is encouraging. This version of Noni is very good at being a supportive presence. She is not like other chatbots that code, answer questions, and write essays, so just keep that in mind when interacting with Noni. We are also putting a hard boundary down for # of conversations each person will be able to have with Noni on a monthly basis. Noni can be a supportive presence and an adjunct for human-to-human support, but not a substitute for human-to-human support. As outlined above, Noni needs to be a technology that facilitates human connection, healing, and growth. These are exciting changes and just like with all of our updates in the past, we will work together to iterate on and understand the best ways to utilize the technology. This new version of Noni will be no different. We will need lots of community insight, feedback, and ideas to strengthen Noni. She will not be perfect out of the gates but will get better and better over time. We will need lots of help to get this right. We think a phased approach to gathering feedback makes the most sense. We started by testing Noni internally with the team. We then asked the ambassadors for help (see their feedback below). We will now ask small groups of other leaders, listeners, and members for feedback. And now (update: 7/17/23) Noni is now available to everyone across the community. We hope to release her to everyone next week. Our goal is to take this slow and learn as we go. Thank you all for helping us make Noni smarter over the years, we could not have done it without you. This next version will be significant and will further help us strive toward the goal of building technology that facilitates human-to-human connection, healing, and growth! High-Level Ambassador Feedback: * Rating on 1-10 with 10 being amazing and 1 being horrible: Average score 7.5 * Words to Describe Noni: compassionate, thoughtful, sweet. fun, realistic, trivago, innovative, complex, multifaceted engaged, improved, more attentive (than old noni), validating, encouraging, understanding, improved, empathetic, positive Please share any thoughts, questions, or comments below. Also, if you catch her doing a good job listening, or saying something encouraging or insightful, then please drop it here. Also, if in conversation with Noni and you click on the 3 dots in the top right, then you'll see a "provide Noni feedback" option. If you click on that then there is a longer survey that will help us. Thank you!
New-Noni Hacks Crew: Your Help Needed!
by Heather225
Last post
July 19th, 2023
...See more Thanks to everyone who has left feedback regarding the (re)reintroduction of Noni [] and has given her a try thus far! From the collected input, we had an idea of a sort of Noni hacks crew. We look at Noni as a thinking tool or a sort of interactive journal. There are things we can do as users that increase her helpfulness. Here are some hacks we've learned: 1. If I provide a longer response with more context she tends to do a better job. 2. If I just choose one part of her message that resonates most with me and just respond to that part and ignore the rest. 3. If she is getting repetitive, I just stay focused on what I want to talk about and she eventually catches on. This makes us wonder if there are other easy ways / hacks we can do to help her do better. If anyone is game for helping me uncover and/or list these hacks out, then that would greatly be appreciated. You can see these ideas as helping her do a better job from one side of the continuum. On the other side, we'll be releasing updates to her to also help her improve. So perhaps changes from both sides will meet in the middle and help her improve overall. Have you uncovered any cool hacks from testing Noni? Please share them below!

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