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November 2024 Community Update!

User Profile: GlenM
GlenM November 1st, 2024

Dear Community,

November is here already! The fall flies by for me. My big kids (now in college as sophomores) are coming home for Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to see them and hang out. I’m also looking forward to Cupsgiving with all of you! @ASilentObserver has been sharing a little bit of the plans here and there with us. 

I have one update that I haven’t shared much about yet. It has been on my to do list for weeks and I need to write an article, but here is a brief summary:   Noni is now performing at a fair level on the Session Rating Scale. This is actually a remarkable accomplishment.

And, here is the bigger and better insight, which most all of you predicted. Even though we now have a bot that is doing great, people still VASTLY prefer talking with a human. And it isn’t even close. The idea of mattering to another person is likely a hugely therapeutic ingredient. We’ve known this, but this spells it out even more. @healingtalk shared the insight that AI is like decaf and a human is like caffeinated coffee. I thought that was a good way of capturing it.

I still believe that AI is important and plays a role both in Noni form and also in Just-In-Time-Training, but as we’ve said many times. Listeners - human to human connection - is primary.

Last, a big thanks to all of you for celebrating with us! If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our award video here and as my kids would say “smash that like button!”

With gratitude,


World Mental Health Awareness Month may be over, but self-care is forever. After reading this update, head on over to this post to pass the checkpoint. If you can make it a daily habit, let me know and I will shout out to you!

The Member Welcome Committee continues to scale efforts to connect with newcomers around the clock. In our 4 months of activity, we’ve PMed over 15000 newbies! We need more help in different timezones so if you’re a Verified Listener who wants to make a big impact in our community, I would love to have you on our team. Find out how to apply (here) and drop me a PM if you have questions!

And lastly, if you’re someone who struggles with comparing themselves to others, I’ve written a post just for you: Breaking the Comparison Cycle.


We opened all 4 of our forum workshop series. You can now participate in all posts of a workshop series and become eligible for a certificate. The series cover the topics of Anxiety, Cognitive distortions, building self esteem and setting and achieving the right goals. View more information here. The deadline for earning the certificate(s) is November 30, 2024. However you will likely need to start much in advance to finish on time. 

October was full of progress in Academy. We reviewed applications and streamlined the process by removing some questions, making it easier than ever to join. More info on the programs offered can be found here. Moreover, the much awaited Academy Summit and Ripple effect badges became available and were assigned to all who completed academy programs and courses. You can view more information here. Also, 7 Cups Academy participated in World Mental Health day events with a series of themed polls. You can view them here. Lastly, we rolled out Monthly Review Highlights and Certificate for academy mentors where each month all positive reviews will be showcased and mentors will be awarded a certificate for reaching 10. You can view the very first post here. 

Last but not least! We rolled out a fresh new challenged for our teens and adult-teen listeners. 4 weeks of side quests aimed to help us all be kind to ourselves and others. Join it here. 


October was World Mental Health Awareness Month and Group Support hosted several sessions. Heather & I were reflecting the other day on how group support organized events every month this year and after a long time, we are close to organizing events throughout the year. It is a nice small progress and win for Group Support and the credits for making it possible go to every person who participated and empowered each other in the group support. I look forward to having more awesome events in the upcoming months and years in collaboration with the community. T h a n k  Y o u!! 

In the other news, we relaunched the Project Group Support Buddy. It is the third version of the program and so far the simplified version. Thank you to all leaders and buddies for coming together to make this version possible. The goal of the project is to help all group support leaders feel more closely connected to the group support team and equipped in their roles to support the community and each other. 


This month, we launched our closed group based Wellness Accountability Huddle. This 5 week group opportunity helped us build closer connections and users have been supporting one another in their wellness goals pursuits. We plan to extend the Huddle beyond the planned 5 weeks and will soon announce ways to join in the supportive environment achieved.

We also launched a call for testers for AI bots, namely Noni and an external app called Wysa. This test will be launched soon in the coming weeks and we will share results with the community.

Lastly, our World Mental Health Day contributions involved our ambassadors and admins sharing tips on how to prioritize workplace wellbeing - in case you missed it, you can read these great actionable insights here.


A lot of progress for each team!

AL: We’ve addedd a new co-ambassador to the AL grading team. Please welcome @positivepumpkin22! She has been an integral part of the team as a ML, so this is a well deserved promotion. 

AE: This month we are welcoming two people to the team: @Winfleur and @HopieRemi. “@Lou73 is now a PA! We have completed over 100 evaluations this month and are looking into options for consistent fails. 

CT: The Care Team is doing great and continuing to support our fellow Listeners! We are always looking to add more members to our team, so if you are looking for a new role in the community and you love supporting your fellow Listeners, don’t hesitate to apply! You can reach out to @LittleBirdie30 or @SnowTabby with any questions!

On LCT, @Hopieremi has joined as the newest PA and had a great AMA. They also have a new teen coach! 

ST: 4 new SP members and counting! We've been focusing a lot on team outreach and recruiting. This month so far we've completed 22 profile violation outreaches and 3 discussions. 


As we enter into the holiday season, we’re excited to announce our annual events, Cupsgiving and Cupsmas! These gatherings are a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate together, share our gratitude, and spread some holiday cheer.

Upcoming Events:

  • Cupsgiving: November 15th-30th

  • Cupsmas: December 1st-25th

Community Launch: In the coming weeks, we will be launching the Men's Issues community. This initiative aims to create a supportive space for discussing topics relevant to men’s experiences and challenges. We encourage everyone to participate and share their insights.

A friendly reminder for all forum supporters, community mentors and community mentor leaders are asked to fill out the Subcommunity Leadership Check-In Form for the month of October so we can keep updated on what’s going on in your team and roles and see how we can offer our assistance. 

Lastly, if you notice or experience any difficulties while using the forums, please help us to track and report any bugs in this thread. A gentle reminder when reporting bugs or issues, please give as much detail like time and location as to where it was experienced and include screenshots or any error codes so we can properly investigate it. Thank you for your continued support and here’s to what the new month brings. 

User Profile: Remina
Remina November 1st, 2024



User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo November 1st, 2024


Hi everyone! 😊 ❤️   


Happy Fall ya'll! 🍂 Many thanks for the updates as well as for all of the hard work!

Hoping everyone had a nice Halloween 🎃 and sincerely hoping that everyone has a great Thanksgiving moving forward. 

Odd thought for the day:  Raking the leaves.

If you have leaves to rake I hope you go out and do it with mindfulness. While it might be quite the chore, practicing mindfulness while doing so might feel really good. Enjoy the sights, sounds, smells around you while you are outside. Go slowly, no rush, take your time. Accept it for what it is.

If you don't rake them all today, no worries. I assure you a burglar will not come and steal them from you. They will be waiting for you the next day, lol 😊

Perhaps one might get the opportunity to greet a passerby, give them a smile if they don't have one of their own, get to know a neighbor better, pet someones dog, etc. ? 

Notice the pretty colors of all of the different leaves. One could even have a gratitude moment. Being grateful that they have a place to live that might require the leaf raking. One could enjoy the moment so very much so that they go on a quest to find "their leaf". 🍂

What is your favorite leaf? Which leaf stood out to you the most? Which one was the most special to you? Where you able to find one at all? What time was it when it happened? Would you like to take it inside and press it into a book and remember the day or leave it in the yard? 

Maybe even say "I'm going to rake the leaves now" as opposed to "I have to rake the leaves" as it will signify that one does have a choice in the matter.

It really is a bit of a euphemism, metaphor, analogy I guess. I always get those mixed up. But you get it. 🧐 Either way, I hope you will search for YOUR leaf and I will remain hopeful that you find it 🍁! 

Bonus points for raking the leaves into a big pile and just jumping into the center! Weeeeeeee-weeeeeeeeee! 😊

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

4 replies
User Profile: GlenM
GlenM OP November 1st, 2024

@SparkyGizmo we've got a lot of leaves on the ground. feels like snow walking through them. i am remaining in denial until they all come down and then will hopefully, mindfully, rake and bag them :)

3 replies
User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo November 1st, 2024


Also a good approach! 😊

Your leaf may simply still be on one of those trees. Glen waits for leaf. Leaf waits for Glen. You'll know your leaf when you see it! 🍂

Always good to check your windshield too! 

*laughs at self* 😊 I'm secretly hoping now, that you have a strange experience with a leaf this season? Like, a leaf lands on your shoe or something? Just sayin' that would be really cool! If so, please update if you find your leaf! 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

2 replies
User Profile: GlenM
GlenM OP November 1st, 2024

@SparkyGizmo here is a tree in my backyard that I love. Sadly it has already lost half of its leaves.


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User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo November 1st, 2024


hahha hahah haha 🤣 😂🤣 Hey now, just sayin' that is the besttttttttt tree everrrrrrrr! Who needs a leaf when you have that tree? 

I would be like...leaf, what leaf? All day and everyday it would be me and tree! 🌳❤️ 😊

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User Profile: HealingTalk
HealingTalk November 1st, 2024

Congratulations, Glen, on Noni's achievement in this kind of "Turing test" for emotional support AIs! 

And thank you for quoting me in this most prestigious place! 

I agree that there is something very therapeutic in being heard. That's the great discovery (not obvious) about the power of Active Listening. There is something mysterious about it...

To be heard there must be someone aware on the other side. This brings us to the issue of consciousness. Will someday be a computer that really "listens" in this sense? Will then humans feel heard by a "sentient computer"?

Meanwhile, it's very interesting to follow the statistics you share about what people feel and think, which is consistent with the anecdotal evidence we all have. That people seek human connections for emotional support, and the power of 7 Cups to make them possible on a large scale is its great gift to the world.

Thank you for this very relevant and interesting information!

And thank you to all the Admin team for your detailed reviews! It is wonderful to see how Cups never ceases to improve on all fronts!


User Profile: tryingtosurvive2024
tryingtosurvive2024 November 2nd, 2024

@GlenM  This is a lot to read!  I got to print it, to take it all in.

User Profile: daydreammemories
daydreammemories November 2nd, 2024


Awesome! Thanks for the update! 🦋💚

User Profile: calmMango9611
calmMango9611 November 2nd, 2024

@GlenM Thank you for the updates. We have an amazing team here at 7cups. They are very gifted.

User Profile: TogetherForeverAlways
TogetherForeverAlways November 3rd, 2024


This is so wonderful, Glen!

I always love reading these monthly updates.

Thank you so much for eveything you do for our amazing community!

User Profile: Mezmer
Mezmer November 15th, 2024

@GlenM thank you.  I'm very happy to see the men's community safe space being implemented.