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What's some life advice you've heard, read or have told others?

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 April 3rd, 2024


Life's a journey, and sometimes a little advice from a fellow traveler can be a big help. Our community is a global melting pot of wisdom. I'm inviting everyone to share yours.

Whether it's a quote you stumbled upon, a lesson someone's taught you or something you've learned through experience, let's spin a thread of helpful advice and life mottos.

If you see one that resonates with you, drop it a heart and reply to them! And tag someone you know to share with us!

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP April 3rd, 2024

One I always return to for perspective: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

2 replies
User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo April 5th, 2024



User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 April 11th, 2024

@Heather225 🤔🤔🤔 does this mean I have a great mind!?!!😮😮


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User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP April 3rd, 2024

tagging some wise folks off the top of my head

@Jenna @AffyAvo @ASilentObserver @Mahad2804 @ReganL @SparkyGizmo @HealingTalk

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User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo April 5th, 2024


Hi H! 😊 ❤️ Many thanks for this amazing forum post as well as for tagging me! Also, thank you so very much for your positive affirmation of me today! Comes at a time when I probably need one the most! I'm so grateful for you! ❤️

I feel like sometimes the universe brings to you what it is that you need and at times when you might need it the very most. Having said that, a great friend shared a quote with me yesterday that had resonated with them. It was interesting as they have no idea of what one of my recent challenges have been or how oh so fitting this would be to help me.....

"People who try to make this world worse do not give themselves a day off. How could I do that"? - Bob Marley 

This was Marley's response to someone that asked how they were able to show up and sing at a peace rally 2 days after they had been shot in front of their very own home. Marley refused to take a day off with the knowledge that there are others that do the same but, only to do bad things instead of good. 😇

As a music lover, my gift 🎁 to any that may need or want....feel free to listen to "Three Birds" by Bob Marley. Hoping it will bring you comfort today as well as always. 

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

User Profile: HealingTalk
HealingTalk April 6th, 2024


By Stephen Covey, based on Epictetus:

"By focusing on our Circle of Influence, we take charge of the things we can control and work to expand this circle. This leads to positive change and personal effectiveness, whereas focusing on the Circle of Concern, which includes the vast array of concerns we have no control over, drains our energy and diminishes our power."


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User Profile: AnnaSilverberg
AnnaSilverberg April 3rd, 2024
🐦 @Heather225 🐦

"Judging others is easy, but when you judge them you are also judging yourself"

"You might feel worthless to one person,
but you are priceless to another. 
Never doubt your value"

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"

and my personal favorite:
"Don't let someone dim your light, simply
because it's shining in their eyes"


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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

@AnnaSilverberg Much truth in that 3rd quote.

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User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree April 3rd, 2024

My life advice is: Dear, you’re only on the late night talk show because Beyoncé had to cancel and no one really gives a flyin f about what you have to say. 

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

😆 Nice. 👍🏻

User Profile: JustSophia
JustSophia April 5th, 2024



User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 April 11th, 2024

@PineTreeTree 😮😮😮😮 pine!!!! I am shocked😮😮😮 shoccckkkeddd 😮😮😮😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man."

- Mark Twain

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024
(I learned that truth firsthand, btw)
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User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree April 4th, 2024

@slowdecline48 Yeah, the last starving man I picked up was quite shocked. (1) Because I could lift him up and (2) because, well in his words, “WTF man, what do you think you’re doing, put me down!” 😂

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

"To reach a port, we must sail - sail, not tie at anchor - sail, not drift."

- F.D.R.

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User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP April 4th, 2024


Sail, not drift.

Oh, I am in love with this quote.

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

Indeed. It is inspiring without being saccharine or hokey. I firmly believe that in his era, Roosevelt was the only man in my country who could stack up to Churchill. They were leaders in the best who took power not for its own sake, but because they were determined to steer their own nations through the worst storms of the time. I don't see anyone like them around today, in the upper ranks of government...& it's a crying shame.

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

One more because he was one of the best:

"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still."

- F.D.R.

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 4th, 2024

"The inevitable truth is, you're on your own. Yes, as harsh it may sound at first. At the end of the day, you'll have to muster the courage to pick yourself up because no one's going to do that for you 'always', there will be some day you'll just need to do it by yourself and that'll be the most freeing feeling in the world because if there's anyone who has your back for sure always, it's *you*, do yourself a favor and own your back every step of the way. Do you, for you, by you because *you* deserve being a better you and doing better by you, for you. You've always been the saviour you've always needed. Find or Create or Strengthen your inner resources to keep showing up for yourself in a way you need to be seen. Everything you need is within." ~ 🌞

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 April 4th, 2024

Nice. Who said that first?

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 4th, 2024


Hehe thank you, I've only ever come across the idea of "you got you" earlier, not any stand-out quotes in particular from anyone; the entire text is an elaborate version of the same, in my words.🌞

Have you come across any similar quotes from other people?😮

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User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo April 5th, 2024


Amazingggggg! So very well said! 

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 5th, 2024


Awww *high fives* and *keeps hugging* thank youu, Sparkyyy Sparkkk!🤗❤

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User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo April 5th, 2024



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User Profile: ThoughtLight
ThoughtLight April 4th, 2024

I have had to learn for myself the past 7 weeks is you have absolutely no idea what tomorrow may bring. If you think surely things can't get worse, they definitely can. Enjoy every moment with those you care about and never take anything or anyone for granted. 

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 April 11th, 2024

@ThoughtLight hugs you extra tightly ❤❤ how is your mum? And how are you doing sweetie?

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User Profile: ThoughtLight
ThoughtLight April 12th, 2024

@Tinywhisper11 thank you very much. Always love a good hug. Mom is doing very well. She's consistently mentally clear because pain is more controlled. She took 10 steps all on her own and they even took her outside to see the total eclipse. Now, we just have to tell her about her sister. Her surgeon said she's strong enough. He will waive the 2 visitors at a time rule for it. I'm doing alright. Have been getting back into my daily reading which is vital to me. Going to try to do some writing. Found a new therapist who happens to have specialties in trauma and grief and is in walking distance from my house. Now to find a new psychiatrist so I can get rid of my current one. I would say surely things can only go up from here, but I've had to bite myself for saying that before. My plant obsession is still going strong but it's a better stress response than most. Then spending too much on books on Amazon. But both make me happier and calmer and aren't hurting anything. College orientation in June so I'm getting nervous. But I think I will plant some tulips and hyacinths this weekend outside since it's so nice and maybe get some more plants for the indoor collection. I'm wanting to make a terrarium. The QLP course is providing some nice distraction so I'm trying to not focus on all bad things. I just need reminders to not do that and that's usually mom's job. Without her little reminders I have a tendency to spiral. 

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User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP April 4th, 2024

Simple but true: "The only way out is through."