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Updated: Filing Behavioral Report Forms: All the information you might need 

ASilentObserver March 17th, 2021

The information has been updated as on April 13, 2023

Hello, 7Cupsians,

It has come to our attention that some of our users are unaware of different report forms and they may feel nervous to report someone close to them. I understand reporting an incident isn’t a fun step for anyone, but it is a required step to keep our communities safer for each other.

7Cups is an inclusive community and regardless of anyone’s role, we are all accountable for our behavior in the community. We strongly believe in:

“Working Together For Community Safety: When You See Something, Say Something”

Please read this thread in full, bookmark it for future reference, and share it with others too.

Note: It is requested of you to please NOT triangulate any reports. We completely hear you might be distressed and need to talk. You can message to discuss your reports with only admins or ambassadors. This is to avoid further internal conflicts or breaches of confidentiality.

First, let’s know about different ways of reporting someone’s behavior in the community. Please review it carefully!

#1 Report Through HelpDesk: (Open the page here)

Visit the HelpDesk page and submit a new request to report any unsupportive/inconsiderate behavior in the community. Please follow these instructions:

Help Desk - > select Report a Listener
Help Desk - > select Report a member (non-listener)

In the Description box, please fill answer these questions:

1. Your 7 Cups username:
2. The name of the listener you’re reporting:
3. The date of the incident:
4. Where did you encounter this user?
5. Reason for your report:
6. Attach any screenshots that apply to the situation you are reporting

If you're for whatever reason unable to access the Help Desk, please email your report to

Read more about the process here

#2 Community Moderator Report Form: Open the form here!

Use this to report Community Moderators (those that have the username Communitymod<name>). This form is reviewed by the Community Management Team. These are paid staff, not volunteer moderators. You would use the form above for those.

#3 Group Support Chat Room Emergency Form: Open the form here!

This form is used to report and call a chat room moderator to take care of an ongoing event that violates the chatroom or community guidelines. The requests through this form are managed by the Chatroom Moderators, Global Moderators, and Community Moderators. It covers all the ongoing behavioral incidents in the Member Chat Rooms.

#4 Community Inbox

You may submit reports of all types to the Community Inbox by sending an email to - The inbox is managed by site admins.

#5 Safety Patrol:

If you find an inappropriate username or user profile, you can report it to the Safety Patrol by using the Profile Flagging Report Form: HERE

#6 1-1 Feedback Button

You can use this button to share your feedback for the support chat you had with the listener in a 1-1 setup. Use it to share how the chat went for you with the listener. Was it good? Negative? Or anything in between. It helps us to ensure our listener's efforts to improve their listening and supporting skills to support our members better.

#7 1-1 Report/Block Button

You can use this button to report/block an inappropriate user that you connect with during a 1 on 1 private chat. For Listeners: If a member is inappropriate, abusive, and not supportive of you during a chat, you can give them a couple of gentle reminders to improve and change their behavior. If the discomforting behavior continues, you can report and block the user and add a detailed description of why you are reporting or blocking the user. It helps us when you provide honest feedback for those users, and to take necessary actions to ensure a good chat experience in 1-1 environments for both members and listeners. Some tips on reporting effectively are here!


➡️Who manages or views the reports under these reporting forms? (All contacts listed below)

  • HelpDesk - Community Management Team
  • Community Moderator Report Form- Community Management Team
  • Group Support Chat Room Emergency Form - Chat Room Moderators, Global Moderators & Community Moderators

➡️When should I submit a report through one of these forms?

Whenever there is any behavioral violation that you noticed, you can submit it through the relevant report form. Please review the Community Guidelines here

➡️What if the person I want to report is one of my close friends or acquaintances?

Not wanting to report your friend or acquaintance is a common occurrence. None of us want to negatively impact our relationship with them and that makes sense. But community safety and behaving as per community guidelines is our mutual responsibility. Mutual responsibility here means we are collectively responsible to foster a healthy culture and participation environment where all feel safe and comfortable to participate.

So you could do two things in this situation: Firstly, gently remind and talk about the importance of following community guidelines to ensure they also behave responsibly. Secondly, if the first step does not work and the behavior persists, please report the behavior. Because it is not only about you but for others' safety as well who are part of the community.

➡️What if they are one of the community leaders like Mentors, Peer Support, Mentor Leaders, Ambassadors, or Admins?

All are accountable for their behavior in the community. You could submit such reports through the Listener-Listener Report Form. Members can use the Member/Member-Listener report form

If you have concerns about a member of the Admin Team, you may contact the Director of Community @Heather225, or send a detailed email:

Unless you help us, we wouldn’t be able to help you. Community Safety is the result of all of our collective efforts.

➡️What if I am nervous that my name will come out and the reported person harasses or bullies me?

Your name will remain confidential. We appreciate the efforts one makes to report and to ensure safety and protect the interest of everyone, we do not share the name of the reporter of the incident. Your name will not be disclosed while taking action on the report submitted.

Also, if the user bullies or harasses you after reporting them, you can resubmit a second report to report the incident.

➡️How are the reports processed?

All reports are processed as per the Behavioral Rating System. Please read more about it here!

➡️How will I know if the report I submitted was processed?

All reports are processed within 72 hours to a week. If you include your email address for further communication, you will receive an email from the team. You can reach out to the appropriate contact (see above) to follow up on your report. If you do not hear back from us, then assume that the appropriate action was taken. We take the reports seriously.

➡️What if the reported person's behavior persists even after submitting the report?

You can resubmit the report and all reports will be processed as per the Behavioral Rating System. But please ensure to give one week, before you submit your second report against them. Because it is possible that they may have received the feedback and are working on improving their behavior.

➡️What if a false report is submitted?

Before taking any action, we investigate our best to verify the authenticity of the report. It is also highly recommended that the reporter submit all relevant details and ensure they are correct to the best of their knowledge.

➡️What if I am also involved in a violation and filing a report indicates my involvement too?

First of all, we appreciate your support and efforts. It takes courage to submit a report where we know we are partially responsible too.

Some of us may feel scared or nervous to report such incidents but please do not be afraid or stressed. We would admire and appreciate your honesty and openness.

If we find your involvement too, we would give you a gentle reminder to refrain from such behavior in the future. If the report requires us to assign some behavioral points, we would be required to do that as well. But we will be gentle in our approach and you will get the benefit of reporting the incident. All action will be taken in the best interest of individuals and the community.

➡️What should I do if I get a warning email or report?

Learning is the key to growth. Feedback is part of the 7 Cups Community Culture. If you received a report, it is encouraged to refrain from such violations and behavior in the future and ensure you are following the community guidelines.

Please do not engage in triangulation or discussion about these reports with anyone else as it might lead to unwanted rumors.

➡️What if I am unsure about which report form to use to submit an incident?

You can write to or submit the best form you feel is most related to a specific incident. Please avoid submitting multiple forms for one report as it will consume time for yours and ours and could delay or overlap the action on such reports.

➡️Some resources you might like to check and find helpful!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any one of us:

Community Management Team:




Quality Specialist: @EvelyneRose

Content Specialist: @SoulfullyAButterfly

Communities / Forums: @CheeryMango @tommy (Ambassador)

Group Support Ambassador: @BrilliantTurtle89 @Suryansh

Chatroom Ambassadors: @Amy @EmmaE @hopedreamlove @Suryansh

This is our community and it is our responsibility to help each other to keep the community safe for everyone.

(Last updated by Asilentobserver 4/13/2023)

Alexia000 March 17th, 2021

@ASilentObserver ty so much obs<3

cherryskiies March 17th, 2021

@ASilentObserver this is so helpful thank you sm!

Anna706 March 17th, 2021


A really helpful post obs thank you so much!

Kieran000 March 17th, 2021


Very helpful, thank you

sia1325 March 17th, 2021


Thanks for this helpful post!Red heart

MistyMagic March 17th, 2021

@ASilentObserver Great post thanks Obs! I will add it to the Listener Primer and mentor bookmarks too!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

TortueDesBois March 17th, 2021

@ASilentObserver its a lot of different forms, and complicated and hard to find. I'm sure that this forum post will be lost in forums right in a few days, making it hard for newbies and the community to find them back.

and i know the reports against community moderators are not ready seriously. i dont see a volunteer ambassador blaming a paid staff.
in your post you said "What if they are one of the community leaders like Mentor, Peer Support, Mentor Leader, Ambassador, Admin? All are accountable for their behavior in the community. You could submit such reports through the Listener -Listener Report Form. " Though a MEMBER can NOT use a Listener-Listener form, since its not the appropriate form for the situation AND they are NOT listeners. so it totally makes non sense.

calmMango9611 March 17th, 2021

@TortueDesBois If you have any questions about 7cups,please pm any one of the people,in the post, and I am sure one of them would be happy to answer any questions or to address anything,you have issues with.

I hope this helps.

Have a great day.

ASilentObserver OP March 18th, 2021

@TortueDesBois Hi Tortue, I hear your concern. To ensure this post does not lose in the forums, I added the link of it in each form so, anyone can revisit this post anytime to check the filing information or ask any questions related to reporting as well here!

AffyAvo March 22nd, 2021

@ASilentObserver Could it also be added here?

ASilentObserver OP March 23rd, 2021

@AffyAvo sure!

AffyAvo March 22nd, 2021

@TortueDesBois I agree. Listeners have training, members do not. When giving information like how to report in public forums, the member perspective should come first. Listeners have places to go for help to get info quickly, like the LSR. Members do not have that.

In general, things are often written keeping in mind with listeners first and then adjusted for members (for another example, see the behaviour point system). With using a service leadership model, I would think it should be in reverse.


Nick324 November 17th, 2021

@TortueDesBois I also agree with this. The reporting forms are too complicated, and there are too many, and they are hidden in the website. Also, placing the burden upon the member to provide proof of the incident (taking a screenshot, uploading to imgur, adding link to the report) is wrong on 7cups behalf. If 7cups is serious about reporting behavior, they would have a button directly attached to each message in the group chat.

There is actually already a mute/report button for each message in the group chat, but it links to none of the formal reports. My suggestion would be to use the mute/report button to report an incident, and when clicking the button, a chat log of the chat is automatically saved and attached to the report. this would shift the burden of proof from the member to 7cups. its more streamlined and will actually help to better solve any issues since they would have the chat log.

TortueDesBois November 17th, 2021
@Nick324 agree the mute/report button should be a report in itself like this name says and save the message that is reported automatically without you have fill full forms and breaking privacy by posting logs all over internet on public sites such imgur
Nick324 November 17th, 2021

@TortueDesBois absolutely! When i've expressed this to a mod, they told me "the messages disappear after a certain point". When i'm told this, its clear that my suggestion is getting dismissed. Up until the messages disappear, they are displayed on the screen, which means they are either saved on 7cups server, or on cache on local machine. The data already exists, all that 7cups needs to do is to save the data and submit it to admins. Its extremely easy in this 2021 age of technology, and the fact that this is not the standard is simply laziness.


LilacKalypso9 March 17th, 2021

@ASilentObserver Very helpful! I've always wondered where to look for particular forms on the site and your post consists of the perfect resource for them. Thank you🙏🏽

calmMango9611 March 17th, 2021

@ASilentObserver Thanks for all you do,to keep us members informed.

AdylynS March 18th, 2021


If there is someone role playing in a room, What form would i use to report?

AffyAvo March 22nd, 2021

@AdylynS For issues in the (member) group chat rooms in general, the first step is to call in the mod, using the Group Chat Room Emergency form (one for adults, one for teens).

SILEGRL2 March 18th, 2021


helpful. Thank you

crystalclearnow March 18th, 2021


Great post. With clear and consise details. Thank you.

AffyAvo April 6th, 2021


I think this is problematic:

What if the reported person's behavior persists even after submitting the report?

You can resubmit the report and all reports will be processed as per the Behavioral Rating System. But please ensure to give one week's time, before you submit your second report against them. Because it is possible that they may have received the feedback and are working on improving their behavior.

There are not a lot of examples that I can think of where that is reasonable. Also, someone shouldn't have to deal with a week of harassment.

An example - a memer is ina 1-1 chat where a listener uses a name for them, the members asks not to be called that, the listener does so anyway. The member blocks.

Member is in a group chat, the listener keeps up with the name, the member cannot report yet as it hasn't been a week, so they mute.

The listener stars tagging the member in the forums and using the name. Member still can't report so they just leave 7 cups as that's all what they can do at that point within the week timeframe as is stated..

AffyAvo September 12th, 2021

@7CupsCommunity I do think the above is important. There is no reason anyone should have to put up with harassment for a week.

bubblingBreeze14 September 12th, 2021


Wow.. great post Obs. All in one place. Thank you for your time and effort on preparing this laugh

wonderfulMagic99 November 19th, 2021

@ASilentObserver @7cupscommunity

Who do we contact regarding the listeners room review form? I never get emails back, even when I have emailed later to give additional information. I would like to know these are seen after filling one out. I have already been informed it's not Mel.

LavenderHere March 3rd, 2022

@wonderfulMagic99 for confidentiality reasons they do not get back regarding reports. Also it says above chatroom ambassadors handle these reports, current chatroom ambs are @Mel @Amy @amazingNutella24

wonderfulMagic99 March 4th, 2022

@LavenderHere The information being given here about these reports states "All reports are processed within 72 hours to a week. If you include your email address for further communication, you will receive an email from the team. "

I don't see how it violates privacy to receive confirmation that the report was processed. At the time I made my post, Mel wasn't actually involved with processing these reports. I'm not sure if that has since changed.

LavenderHere March 4th, 2022

@wonderfulMagic99 Even I'm unsure. I'll tag @ASilentObserver to clarify the same.

ASilentObserver OP March 7th, 2022

@LavenderHere @wonderfulMagic99

thank you for raising the question and tagging me. Magic, you are right about the confirmation email. I will check in with the Chatroom Ambs to resolve it.

While Lav, I hear you about the confidentiality aspect and we do not break that. We do not share any details of how the report is processed or what actions are taken on that. But, we inform the reporter that their report reviewed and processed, so they able to know their efforts to report someone's behavior is not in vain and we appreciate their contributions to make the community safe & compassionate for everyone.

LavenderHere March 7th, 2022

@ASilentObserver Thank you for clarifying that. I was unsure, thank you so much for the tag and letting me know!

HopieRemi March 3rd, 2022


ASilentObserver OP March 7th, 2022

@HopieRemi thank you for the bump. Remi

HopieRemi March 7th, 2022

You’re welcome @ASilentObserver

Dallady October 23rd, 2022

Where is the 1-1 feedback button and how do I submit a member-listener report


SparklyFly December 9th, 2022

@ASilentObserver Thank you for sharing this form. It is very helpful to me as a new Listener.