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Some handy dandy life tips from H!

Heather225 November 10th, 2023
Based on the feedback I hear in the community and just my overall observation of themes I see surface out here, I wanted to impart a bit of wisdom and maybe even reminders to some folks. In no particular order... 🥁

⭐ There is no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care. Everyone does it differently. Some like cozy socks and Netflix, and others like to push their bodies to the limits with long arduous hikes. What sparks joy and brings peace to one person may not be someone else's cup of tea. Explore the many options and listen to your mind and your body.
⭐ You are not your mistakes. Your mistakes are lessons, and if you learned your lesson, that's all that counts. People learn, and they grow, and they become better. If anything, the mistakes and failures give you relatable experience. Don't beat yourself up over the past. All we've got is the present, and you should define yourself by what you do here and now.
⭐ Growth, funny enough, often occurs from discomfort. Embrace the challenges that come your way, as they're often the path to personal development.
⭐ Accountability isn't a bad word. It means taking responsibility for both your successes and failures. By evaluating your actions and their outcomes, you can identify areas where you can improve yourself, and the more you acknowledge yourself the more self-aware you become. 
⭐ Never leave the house without having put on sunscreen.
⭐ No one stops a person carrying a pizza. It can get you backstage to concerts. (Don't listen to that.)

I hope some of these resonate with you, and if you enjoy reading these, I'll continue to drop nuggets of wisdom in the replies. In the meantime, please share some of your tips and tricks! As a global community, we have the biggest knowledge base here - let's share and evolve together.
AnnaSilverberg November 11th, 2023

Yay! I absolutely love this post! 
💙 Thank you so much for making it 💙

My add would be:

Look at what you can do, not what you can't do,
because that helps you have a positive mindset instead of a negative one. 
It brings hope into our lives and increases the possibility of wonderful opportunities. 
You are always enough and you can do more than you feel you can.


Jenna November 11th, 2023


This is literally perfect! The last one cracked me up.

innateJoy9602 November 11th, 2023


Many wise words as always!

Put a smile on my face! On my way to pick up a pizza and to a Harry Styles concert I go! 😉🏃‍♀️

Heather225 OP November 11th, 2023

😂 good luck godspeed 🫡

ItsMeJax November 11th, 2023

You’re the best ❤️

soulsings November 11th, 2023

@Heather225 thank yo for these. I definitely believe in accountability and some of the other ideas.

I am still scratching my head about "⭐ Never leave the house without having put on sunscreen."

Where I live up north, I am bundled up so much this time of the year that my face is only thing exposed. The  sun is usually hidden by clouds and it only gets up 1/4 of the way into the sky so it is very low intensity this time of year. Do you get a lot of sun where you are?

Heartsandrosesandpaws November 11th, 2023


well said  and I really like those tips

audienta November 11th, 2023


See you later, I need to get some pizza now...

HealingTalk November 11th, 2023


Great tips!

I like particularly the one on discomfort in the path to personal development.

We have to train ourselves to get "comfortable with discomfort", I think

Not for its own sake (that would be masochism) but as part of challenges that take us out of our "comfort zone".

We can't stay forever in our comfort zone. And outside there there is... discomfort. 

We have to appreciate and welcome this kind of discomfort, like the aches we feel after exercise, that reveal we did our best.

I also like that one about taking responsibility for our actions.

Avoiding self-punishment, accepting that we are fallible, but being fully aware we were the cause of the problem, instead of blaming something or someone outside us.

Then, forgiving ourselves, and using this experience to make corrections to improve ourselves, our projects, and our lives. "Turning weeds into fertilizer". 

Thank you, Heather, for your wise and thought-provoking post!

SparkyGizmo November 13th, 2023


Hi H! 😊 ❤️ Wooo hoooo! Many thanks for this amazing forum post! Indeed, true words of wisdom, gifts 🎁 to us all and everything that you said does, in fact, highly resonate with me! 

"No one size fits all approach to self care".

I love how you mentioned that everyone does it differently. It's something that I like to explore with others when trying to provide peer support for my teammates. I can ask if they know that "self care" is, if they had considered it an option, what does self care mean to them and if they are struggling with the concept, I try to provide examples/ideas of things I like to do as well as what others may like. 

I too, can take a very unique approach to options for self care ideas for others, if it seems warranted. I've adopted the old cliche" of "don't throw out the baby with the bathwater" for one of my "Gizzie-isms"....a smaller catch phrase that is easily remembered, but yet embodies a larger concept which I have explained. These are things (concepts) that anyone can ad to what I call the "listener tool box". 😊

One may love being here on the platform, have done nothing wrong, but are having trouble in certain areas due to no fault of their own. Certain areas of the site may have had stressful interactions/conflict with teammates whether it be listener to listener or listener to member. 

Along with discussing conflict resolution tactics, I like to explain how very big this site is. That one can take breaks from certain areas or activities and then still enjoy being a part of our community by exploring other things and nice areas. 😊 Aha! 💡

Trouble in pm's, trouble in public rooms? Well my friend, may I introduce to you the loveliness and slower pace of the forums? about working on some of the training guides and being given a lovely new, shiny badge for doing so? These things could help ones "future listener self" in assisting our members as well as potentially learning about ones self during the process. Sounds like winning to me! Weeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeee! 😊

"You are not your mistakes. Learned the lesson, that's what counts". 

Agreed! Self forgiveness can be a very good thing after having learned valuable lessons. Any of us can wake up any given morning and declare "Tabula Rosa" which means "clean slate".  Making the commitment to not repeat the mistake is what counts the most and moving forward with better behaviors. 

If making amends, giving someone an apology will help, that's pretty fantastic too! 👍

"Growth often occurs from discomfort".

Acknowledging the discomfort, questioning why it exists by utilizing meta cognition (thinking about what one is thinking about), questioning what it is that one is so very afraid of, can lead to deeper self awareness. One could potentially decide to "face the fear" and grow as a human being. 

"Accountability isn't a bad word".

Wow!  😳 This is fantastic! I had never considered that being accountable can refer to taking responsibility from ones successes as well. I love this! 

For me, it ties directly into something that 7 cups teaches recognize our strengths and play to them and to recognize our weakness and work on them. I have always felt that 7 cups wants for us to feel good about our achievements, to be proud of our accomplishments, our body of work, to have a bit of increased self esteem as feeling good about one's self and capabilities leads to the courage to jump in and help others.

Feeling good enough about ones self, I feel, leads to feeling good about others and quickly recognizing the achievements of others, providing positive affirmations and wanting to share in celebrating those victories! 🥳 Noice! (something I say many times around here is..."I'm gonna' appreciate all of us, whether we like it or not"! lols 🤣

"Never leave the house without sunscreen". 

Amazing!!!!!!!! Oh, I think I see what you did there 😊. H, you are quite clever my friend! Might you have been referencing Baz Luhrmann "Everbody's Free to Wear Sunscreen"? No way that was simple serendipity 😳.

Feel free to youtube that one everyone! It's okay to go the extra mile and to reach for it! Brilliant! 💡

Pizza anyone? 🍕

Again, many thanks for this forum post! Please continue to drop more golden nuggets of wisdom 💥.

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️