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2024: Finish the sentence...

Heather225 December 19th, 2023


As we close out 2023, I wanted to do a mini-reflection exercise with you just to get you thinking ahead. Finish the sentences! What's the first thing that comes to mind? That may be what you want to focus on. If you're the type who prefers to really think about it, that's good too! At the end of the sentences, you should have an idea of what you want to work on this year.

⭐ In 2024 I would like to...

⭐ To do this, I need to...

My tip is to focus on wellness over resolutions. What do you want to work on and how do you plan to get there?

Revisit your reply to this post often to make sure you're still going in the right direction. Monitoring your progress is key to creating lasting change!

anonyApricot5688 December 22nd, 2023

In 2024 I would like to be more positive about myself and put me first more

NewYorker11 December 22nd, 2023


⭐ In 2024 I would like to...

in 2024, i would like to be a better all around person, and move away from my one dimensional, tunnel vision type of thinking. i know that being comfortable with how i go about day to day activities is important, but if i don't accept change that is beneficial, i could be missing out on alot of good things life has to offer...

⭐ To do this, I need to...

in order to be a better all around person in 2024, i think that i have to be more aware of the world and the people in it, not just my close circle of family, friends and people i associate myself with regularly. ignorance is not bliss, i think if i were to try and learn a few new life skills and pick up a book or newspaper once in a while, this would be a good thing too...

annadaisy50749 December 23rd, 2023


i would like to understand myself better and to do this i need to ...

umm idk

wht do i need to do?

KristenHR December 23rd, 2023


⭐ In 2024 I would like to...

  • Be healthier physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually
  • Become certified in a topic I'm particularly knowledgeable
  • Write a workbook
  • Be more compassion to others and myself

⭐ To do this, I need to...

  • To eat in a balanced manner at regular times, not just based on hunger or not
  • Begin to move more physically
  • Do more to stimulate my brain
  • Spend more time building a relationship with God
  • Dedicate time to studying and writing on the topic that I'm committed to learning more about to become certified
  • Dedicate time in my schedule to write the workbook that I have on my heart
  • Be more balanced in general and pay attention to my needs holistically to do all of the above successfully
  • Remember that we all have something going on and a kind word to others and myself is helpful.
TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue December 24th, 2023


Thank you for the prompt!

⭐ In 2024 I would like to...

Tend to myself, my priorities, wants, and needs, in order to reach personal goals that will catalyze the improvement of my everyday quality of life. 

Become more clear about what I want from myself, others, and my life. 

⭐ To do this, I need to...

Become clear on my personal goals. Discern between priorities, wants, and needs and follow through.

Tend to myself more often, visualize what I want from life, implement fun, expanding, soft, appealing aspects into my life as they become obtainable. Remember my inherent value. 

crypticwhisperss1 December 25th, 2023


Hello, Heather! I hope that you're having a wonderful day. I dearly appreciate your dedication towards collecting thought-provoking responses from community members. This is such an inspiring activity. 💗✨

⭐ In 2024, my focus will be on cultivating unwavering confidence and triumphing over performance anxiety.

⭐ To achieve this, I have devised a comprehensive plan that emphasizes holistic well-being and personal growth. Here's how I intend to navigate this path:

I will embrace the power of visualization. To do this, I can explore different forms of creative expression, such as dance, acting, or even improvisation classes. I am certain that engaging in these expressive arts will not only boost my confidence but also help me embrace vulnerability and take risks in a supportive environment. 

I am willing to channel my inner negativity. This can be done by developing a powerful affirmation and mantra that resonates with me. By repeating positive statements daily, I can instill a strong sense of belief in my abilities and combat self-doubt during challenging moments. 

I am aiming to engage in somatic practices. I will explore practices like yoga, tai chi, or breathwork to connect with my body and cultivate a sense of serenity and relaxation. These practices can help me regulate stress responses, particularly Freeze, and allow me to approach performances with a centered and composed mindset. 

I will experiment with improvisation myself. I will engage in cognitively challenging exercises and activities that suit my interests in order to encourage spontaneity and quick thinking. Embracing the unexpected and learning to trust my instincts can help me build the skills to adapt to any obstacle that arises during performances.

❃ I will set attainable goals. I will work on establishing realistic and achievable goals that align with my aspirations. I can do this by breaking down larger objectives into smaller, actionable steps. Taking such steps allows me to reflect on my progress, which would increase my overall understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. 

An empowering affirmation that I will be keeping in mind for the upcoming year:

"I have complete faith in my capacity to make the most of the upcoming year and truly grow as an individual. I am determined to overcome the challenges of performance anxiety and emerge as a stronger, more confident version of myself. This year, I will tap into my inner strength, push my boundaries, and prove to myself that I have the power to triumph over any obstacles that come my way. I am excited to learn deeper self-improvement and embrace the incredible growth that lies ahead."


~ Xaverie 

indigoJet3460 December 26th, 2023


In 2024 I would like to find a stable job that I love! 

4Jasmine December 27th, 2023


In 2024 I would like to have improved health. To do this I am going to need to do my home physical therapy three times a week, do daily cardio walking, and get back to my healthier weight before I had to have serious surgery for spinal instability, requiring hardware, screws, and rods, called an ALIF, as well as having to have a broken piece of spine dealt with. This goal is attainable over extended time, with very hard work and focused determination!👍

dontbringmedown December 27th, 2023

Thanks for this activity. For 2024 I want to live in the now and stop worrying about the future. I tend to catastrophize many things, especially my job. I worry through the best parts of my day especially with family time.

to do this I need to:

  1. meditate and center myself daily
  2. look for and enjoy what is in front of me without expectations
  3. Be grateful and share freely

happy new year everyone. I’m grateful to have a community that cares about this stuff and me.

InsightfulPhoenix December 27th, 2023


In 2024, I would like to keep the no contact going with those that have been abusive to me in anyway or have mishandled me in anyway. I would also like to work on finding a dress for my wedding and remember that not every apology deserves an acceptance. I would also like to work reminding myself that when someone tells me to " get over" something they have done that caused trauma, it's not that they want me to actually "get over it" they just want me to stop mentioning their severe error and want me to feel small to they can feel gigantic.  Another thing to work on in 2024, is to remember that I am making the right choices and moving the way I need to move when it comes to myself and my daughter, even my fiancee. 

In order to do these things i need to be gracious with myself, recognize that not everyone deserves my kindness and not everyone deserves my forgiveness. Yes it's okay to forgive for oneself for further healing but that does not mean the other person needs to be spoken too. Another, is to remember that some people only want my energy, not friendship, so be mindful and use discernment when necessary.

bestHuman2332 December 28th, 2023

In 2024 I would like to... have a solid routine.

To do this, I need to be consistent.

TenderHeart2023 December 29th, 2023

In 2024, I would like to

believe in myself

trust myself

love myself

enjoy myself

Heather225 OP January 23rd


love this and am rooting for you!

BeCreative1967 December 30th, 2023

2024 will be my year to concentrate myself on me..

Having had a bit of an out of work experience in 2023, I did in fact realize, that I neglect myself. I do "function" very well when challenged. But about me myself. I am very neglecting, I do mostly do what I expect myself to do: Be strong for others. I have been a very good and smart parent to my parents as a Kid. But there is a lot of hurt buried in that. I will take tis year for ME. I may work - or not, but my me is the main goal.

WorkingitThrough2 December 30th, 2023


I would like to gain a dialog and acceptance of inner world challenges. bring about harmony and hopefully more self-peace

In 2024 my plan is to get as much information as possible and then try to implement it..

calmCranberry613 January 15th

In 2024, I would like to exercise for 30 minutes daily. To do this, I would need to use self discipline, and some motivation wouldn't hurt.


Heather225 OP January 23rd


If you're looking for motivation, we've got a really cool challenge you can participate in that I think perfectly fits your goal: New Year Accountability Challenge

generousSailboat3674 January 23rd


In 2024, I would like to: Get divorced.

To do this, I would need to: Not have an autistic kid who is wholly dependent on me to not starve to death.  

walkalot February 25th

@generousSailboat3674 seems like you’re facing some challenges right now

4Jasmine February 24th

In 2024 I desire restored health and find positive purposes for my life!😊