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Your Voice Matters: Quarterly Community Feedback Survey (Q4 2024)
by Heather225
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1 day ago
...See more Happy October, lovely people! Whether you're seeking support, listening, learning, or simply looking for connection, you're part of the 7 Cups community. Whatever you're here for, your presence makes a difference. As we continue to grow, we're committed to involving you in shaping the future of 7 Cups. Your feedback helps us identify areas for improvement, understand your needs better, and ensure this platform remains a welcoming and supportive space for everyone. Please take a few minutes to complete this quarter's survey: here []
September 2024 Forum Spotlight!
by tommy
Last post
2 days ago
...See more September 2024 Forum Spotlight It's that time of the month again where we join together to celebrate the opportunities available to us across the forum. As of this month, there are two core purposes of our forum spotlight: one to spotlight forum discussions more widely and two to showcase the amazing work of those community users who go above and beyond to help ensure everyone gets a reply to their thread. Here is an overview of our forum discussions for this month: * What can I do after a sexual assault? [] * Celebrate National Suicide Prevention Month [] * Being a wheelchair user [] * Effective communication in resolving relationship conflicts [] * Living with hEDS and POTS [] * Is taking a break from social media a good thing? [] * Meditation and self-care awareness [] Looking to help us with forum engagement? Join our forum team by clicking here []. Here is our leaderboard for our monthly engagement challenge (with the number of needs reply posts): @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 281 @GentleHealingInitiative 41 @Phoenixthepoised 36 @KristenHR 10 @Aayla 8 @fruityHoliday63 7 @CouragousDragon0742 7 @theboymoana 7 @Optimisticempath 3 @strawberryshaken 3 @MistyMagic 2 @hematite43 2 @CuragousDragon0742 2 @theboymoana 2 @Mellietronx 1 @ThoughtLight 1 @CuragousDragon0724 1 @jesusredeemedme2425 1 @Faelwyn 1 You can find out more about this engagement initiative here []. Are you wanting to get involved for the month of October? Let us know about it by replying down below this forum spotlight! Please join me in congratulating our fantastic forum engagers down below! 🔗 Links * Do you want to join our taglist so you are notified of the next spotlight? Click here []! * Do you have a thread which you've recently posted that you feel could be highlighted in our next monthly spotlight? Or perhaps you've noticed another thread which you think could be featured in our spotlight? Let us know about it here []!
Taking Care of Each Other - Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
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...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done today/recently to prevent burnout in a fellow community user? This can look like: • Encouraging self-care • Reminding someone of the importance of boundaries • Covering for someone so they can take a self-care break
Community Leadership and Domains Roster (2024)
by Heather225
Last post
September 28th
...See more Hello, everyone! We have compiled an updated list of our current leaders in domains as a quick reference for the community to clarify who we can go to for what! Please see this document HERE [] Accessibility is super important to me so if you have any issues viewing this document, let me know.
It's Not Your Fault
by Heather225
Last post
September 20th
...See more It’s not your fault. What has happened to you is not your fault. The challenges and hardships you’ve endured at the hands of someone else are not a reflection of your character. The harm that’s been done is not a testament to your worth. I can say this because I’ve been there, too. I wrestled with self-loathing for years. I was raised in a toxic abusive environment by parents who were not equipped for the job. They fought relentlessly with the use of emotional warfare with no regard for what I heard and what they subjected me to. I was helpless to do anything to stop the hostility. It was over my head. They used threats I could not hope to understand until I was an adult. Only after gaining distance from them both could I look back on that part of my life and piece together the puzzle I hadn't been able to see when I was stuck in the middle of it. Unfortunately, once I put it together and viewed the full picture, I started blaming myself for all the things that I believed that maybe, just maybe, I could have prevented, if I just said this, or did that. What if I had just been more assertive? What if I had just said no? What if, what if, what ifs ruled my thoughts, clouding my judgment, and instead of being the closest friend I needed to be, to the inner child relying on me, I was making an enemy out of myself. I did quite a bit of soul-searching, but the reality is it took people around me—external voices—who heard my story to give me perspective and show me that I was hurting myself. You were a child. How were you supposed to know?  It hit home. I was a child. Accepting that was hard but in doing so, I took the first step to forgive myself for the pain I put myself through. The sky opened, and a shower of catharsis washed over me. For the first time, I felt this wonderful freeing thing called validation.  Feeling validated roused this sense of empowerment and ignited a newfound curiosity to find out if I was not as alone as I led myself to believe through my pain-driven isolation. I sought out to hear other stories. I listened to countless cases of similar suffering and as heartbreaking as it was to hear them, it was deeply soothing to realize that I am not alone. Not at all. I just needed to open up and talk. By recognizing that I was a survivor, I could release the unnecessary burden of guilt, shame, and self-hatred. I can’t begin to know what you’re going through, but what I do know is that you are not responsible for the actions others have taken. For whoever needs to hear this: you did only what you knew how to do. You did the best you could with what you had. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people, and there’s nothing you could have done to avoid it. It's okay to acknowledge that and to give yourself grace. You can’t change your past, but as they say, “hindsight is 20/20.” You are accountable for one person: you. Let go of what you think you could have done, and focus on what you can do now, and you’ll find glimmers of hope where there weren’t before. You may even find some of those glimmers right here in our community. It’s not your fault. Don’t be afraid to break the cycle and cut yourself loose because you will not fall. We will be waiting here to catch you. It’s one of the bravest most empowering things you could ever do. - To those who are struggling, I hope reading this brings you comfort, and return to this post whenever you need a reminder to practice self-compassion. 💙
From Rock Bottom to Here: While I Breathe, I Hope
by Heather225
Last post
May 23rd
...See more Life for me has been a series of challenges, hardships, waiting games, and setbacks.  My upbringing was not easy or healthy; I was raised in an unstable environment with this undercurrent of fear and anxiety I didn’t even fully understand. I lived in this fear and anxiety well into my teenage years (when I needed support most, as I am sure many of you can relate to, now or in your past). That’s when everything finally broke down. I lost everything I did have and was displaced in the world. I had to learn things the hard way. I had to basically learn how to live. There were times when I agonized, “how can I do this? Will I ever make it?” I was at my lowest. I hit rock bottom, what felt to me like the lowest pit, in the darkest depths—sitting in the proverbial well looking up, seeing the light so far away. It seemed impossible to reach, to get out.   But in the midst of this, something was flickering inside me, some indescribable impulse, some spark of yearning, something saying, “don’t give up.” There’s a powerful scene in the Sandman series (Neil Gaiman) in which the King of Dreams challenges Lucifer Morningstar to a battle of wits to reacquire a stolen item from one of Lucifer’s minions. The battle requires each combatant to conjure up and embody an idea or entity that overwhelms the opponent in the cosmic stage; for example, when Dream says “I am a world” (meaning planet), Lucifer counters with “I am a nova, planet-killer.” This game of conversational one-upmanship also has physical consequences, as each exchange increasingly injures the combatants. In the last round, when Lucifer embodies “anti-life” (“the dark at the end of everything”) and Dream stands at the edge of defeat (and death), at what seems like the end, he says, “I am hope.” “What is it that kills hope?” Dream asks; Lucifer accepts defeat. Hope, in the context of our existence, is the belief that your life has purpose (spoiler alert: every one of us does). Hope is the assertion that life is worth living, even if you haven’t found that purpose yet. There's a Latin phrase that I keep close to my heart in times of doubt: dum spiro, spero. "While I breathe, I hope." As long as we're alive (breathing), there's always reason for hope.  Whether it’s a loved one who believes in you, faith in a higher power, or that little voice fighting for you, let these forces guide you. You’ll hit hard times. Pull from that strength and trust that you are stronger than you think. Rarely does anything break that can’t be fixed. I’ve felt like I would break so many times throughout my life, that life itself would break me, but looking back I am more resilient for everything I’ve been through, and I did it hoping that I would one day be exactly where I am now—still here, wiser, and maybe even a little impressed with myself. There will be darkness, disasters, war, and pain, and it will feel unbearable but it’s not the end.  The beautiful thing about hope is it allows us to dream about the possibilities of a brighter future. If you’re someone who’s been disappointed and disillusioned by being oversold on the idea of hope of a grand future, you’re not alone. Hope isn’t about waving a magic wand, or just sitting by and wishing. It’s in small steps, identifying and stacking up all the little wins (start with getting out of bed!), and finding things to be grateful for. It’s not glamorous like media might promise, and it shouldn’t be. Hope is something we do. I am hopeful that no matter what you’re going through, you won’t give up. - Let's reflect! If comfortable, please answer any of these that resonate with you. 💗 Have you faced similar experiences in your life? 💗 Is there anything you tell yourself or ways you cope with hardship? 💗 Thinking back on a particularly challenging time, what small step did you take that helped keep hope alive?
What's some life advice you've heard, read or have told others?
by Heather225
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April 14th
...See more Life's a journey, and sometimes a little advice from a fellow traveler can be a big help. Our community is a global melting pot of wisdom. I'm inviting everyone to share yours. Whether it's a quote you stumbled upon, a lesson someone's taught you or something you've learned through experience, let's spin a thread of helpful advice and life mottos. If you see one that resonates with you, drop it a heart and reply to them! And tag someone you know to share with us!
Happy Allentine's, 7 Cups Family!
by Heather225
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March 11th
...See more Happy Valentine's Day—or as I like to call it, Allentine's Day or Palentine's Day—everyone!  Today, let's remember that love comes in many forms, It's about the love we share with friends, family, pets, and (most importantly) ourselves.  For those who might be feeling down or lonely on this day, please know that you're not alone. Everything we do in this community has been built on the foundation of love. We help because we care. We listen out of compassion. We strive to understand because we want to be empathetic. Love translates into the actions we take every day across the platform. In honor of the day, and Kindness Week overall, tell me: 💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community? 💗Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days? 💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!
2024: Finish the sentence...
by Heather225
Last post
February 25th
...See more As we close out 2023, I wanted to do a mini-reflection exercise with you just to get you thinking ahead. Finish the sentences! What's the first thing that comes to mind? That may be what you want to focus on. If you're the type who prefers to really think about it, that's good too! At the end of the sentences, you should have an idea of what you want to work on this year. ⭐ In 2024 I would like to... ⭐ To do this, I need to... My tip is to focus on wellness over resolutions. What do you want to work on and how do you plan to get there? Revisit your reply to this post often to make sure you're still going in the right direction. Monitoring your progress is key to creating lasting change!
Help Wanted: Community-Generated Resources Collection Database Form!
by Heather225
Last post
January 23rd
...See more If you cannot view the text below, visit this form link. [] Our community is a melting pot of creativity, innovation, information and overall great content. We’ve got so much going on (lucky for us!) that it can be difficult to bring it all together and make it easily discoverable To improve community organization and visibility, we'd like to (over time) compile a list of all of the resources that we are actively circulating. These can be listener resources, member, and leader. By resources, I’m referring to the many google docs and sheets we as a beautiful patchwork quilt community have generated over the years. Over our 11 years of development, and with the coming and going of leaders, these docs and sheets have multiplied, duplicated, and become outdated, and the goal is for our users to receive the most recent information possible (which is a big feat and always a work-in-progress, I know!). We're starting small with a suggestion form []! If you're unsure of what constitutes a resource, here are examples: Master lists Crisis and Hotlines spreadsheet [] New Listener Resources/Links [] Listener Primer [] Guides Listener Welcome Pack [] Member Welcome Pack [] Handbooks Forum Handbook [] If it educates and informs, suggest it! You can submit as many as you like whenever you like HERE []. Thanks for your help!
2023: Finish the sentence...
by Heather225
Last post
December 23rd, 2023
...See more Happy New Year!! I hope you're off to a good start! I wanted to do a mini-reflection exercise with you just to get you thinking ahead. Finish the sentences! What's the first thing that comes to mind? That may be what you want to focus on. If you're the type who prefers to really think about it, that's good too! At the end of the sentences, you should have an idea of what you want to work on this year. ⭐ In 2023 I would like to... ⭐ To do this, I need to... My tip is to focus on wellness over resolutions. What do you want to work on and how do you plan to get there? Revisit your reply to this post often to make sure you're still going in the right direction. Monitoring your progress is key to creating lasting change!
Leading with Your Strengths: How Personality Shapes Leadership Style (for Listener and Members!)
by Heather225
Last post
December 13th, 2023
...See more Leadership isn't one-size-fits-all. What works for one leader might not work for another, and that's okay!  For instance, I am generally referred to as a quiet leader. This style is characterized by modesty, introspection, and collaboration. Unlike the more commonly understood extroverted leader, quiet leaders operate with subtlety and influence. They may not seek the spotlight, but they are effective in building trust, fostering a positive work environment, and achieving results. Maybe that’s you, too! The key is to understand your own personality and find a leadership style that complements it. There are numerous personality and leadership style tests out there, and I recommend trying out as many as you can to expand your learning. For this post, I’ll break down the 4 common personality types and the leadership styles that best suit them: 1. The Analyzer: Personality traits: Logical, detail-oriented, introverted, cautious Best leadership style: Democratic Why it fits: Democratic leaders encourage participation from their team members, allowing them to analyze information and make informed decisions. This aligns perfectly with the Analyzer's personality. 2. The Driver: Personality traits: Ambitious, assertive, results-oriented, competitive Best leadership style: Pacesetting Why it fits: Pacesetting leaders set high standards and push their teams to achieve them. This motivates Drivers and helps them thrive in a fast-paced environment. 3. The Amiable: Personality traits: Cooperative, empathetic, people-oriented, harmonizing Best leadership style: Affiliative Why it fits: Affiliative leaders create a positive work environment and prioritize team building. This allows Amiables to build strong relationships and foster a sense of belonging within their team. 4. The Expressive: Personality traits: Creative, enthusiastic, visionary, persuasive Best leadership style: Transformational Why it fits: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate others to achieve their full potential. This aligns with the Expressive's passion for innovation and their desire to make a difference. Remember: These are just general guidelines. There are many other leadership styles out there, and you may find that you fit into a combination of different types! Try on all the clothes, I say, and mix and match! The most important thing is to be authentic and lead in a way that feels natural to you. Leadership doesn't come naturally. It's often built. It's what you become! Yes, you reading, even you! 😝 Which of the 4 personality types here resonates with you? Did you learn anything new from this post? Reply below!
7 Cups Member Roles Masterlist
by Heather225
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November 30th, 2023
...See more I have compiled this post to bring visibility to leadership opportunities our members can get involved in. Peer Appreciation ☆General Information [] ☆Peer Appreciation Program Thread [] ☆Application form [] Forum Supporter A forum supporter is a leader who focuses on 1-3 subcommunities and maintains engagement in the forums by posting and replying to threads with compassion and support. Info [] | Application [] Community Mentor If you’re passionate about growing and developing a certain community, then this is your opportunity. You’ll be responsible for overseeing the activity and safety in your chosen area and you’ll work closely with the Community Mentor Leader, Forum Supporters, and Project Agents to bring supportive posts and events daily. Info []| Application [] Room Supporter This role focuses on providing quality listening and support to community members in the group chat rooms. Room Supporters foster healthy and supportive conversations in the chat rooms to ensure everyone entering the room feels welcomed, empathized, validated, comfortable, and included in the group. Info [] | Application [] Sharing Circle Host Sharing Circles (part of Group Support) are unique support sessions in which members join a queue run by the discussion leader and share whatever is on their mind. We intend for these activities to be easily run by anyone within the community. The requirements are simple and very achievable to become a host and join the Sharing Circle Team. Info [] | Application [] Mega Member Members who are regularly taking growth path steps, talking to listeners as members, participating in the group support chat rooms or forums and also contributing to the community in their own special ways to support and improve the community. Mega Member would be equivalent to the Mentor role of the Listener side. Info [] | Application [] If in doubt, consult with the project lead on whether or not the role is member-inclusive! If I have missed anything here, please let me know.
Some handy dandy life tips from H!
by Heather225
Last post
November 13th, 2023
...See more Based on the feedback I hear in the community and just my overall observation of themes I see surface out here, I wanted to impart a bit of wisdom and maybe even reminders to some folks. In no particular order... 🥁 ⭐ There is no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care. Everyone does it differently. Some like cozy socks and Netflix, and others like to push their bodies to the limits with long arduous hikes. What sparks joy and brings peace to one person may not be someone else's cup of tea. Explore the many options and listen to your mind and your body. ⭐ You are not your mistakes. Your mistakes are lessons, and if you learned your lesson, that's all that counts. People learn, and they grow, and they become better. If anything, the mistakes and failures give you relatable experience. Don't beat yourself up over the past. All we've got is the present, and you should define yourself by what you do here and now. ⭐ Growth, funny enough, often occurs from discomfort. Embrace the challenges that come your way, as they're often the path to personal development. ⭐ Accountability isn't a bad word. It means taking responsibility for both your successes and failures. By evaluating your actions and their outcomes, you can identify areas where you can improve yourself, and the more you acknowledge yourself the more self-aware you become.  ⭐ Never leave the house without having put on sunscreen. ⭐ No one stops a person carrying a pizza. It can get you backstage to concerts. (Don't listen to that.) I hope some of these resonate with you, and if you enjoy reading these, I'll continue to drop nuggets of wisdom in the replies. In the meantime, please share some of your tips and tricks! As a global community, we have the biggest knowledge base here - let's share and evolve together.
"Strive Towards Leadership & Professional Excellence" : the 7 Cups Academy!
by Heather225
Last post
August 18th, 2023
...See more Hello, everyone! The Community Team has been hard at work on something exciting that we're finally ready to give you a sneak peek at! Drumroll.... 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 Introducing... The 7 Cups Academy! The 7 Cups Academy is a tuition-free institution that trains members, listeners, and researchers to develop skills and better care for our community. There are 5 tracks: - 7 Cups Internship [] - Leadership Development Program [] - Group Leadership and Dynamics Development [] - Content Development and Marketing [] - Quality Leadership Program [] Trainees can take one or all tracks at no cost. Each track includes academic coursework and a practicum component where the trainee learns by doing. History 7 Cups was created to scale emotional support via active listening. The first course was the active listening program that included interacting with a chatbot that acts like a distressed student and an oath to treat people with dignity and respect. At present, over 450,000 volunteer listeners in 189 countries have completed this initial program. The training then evolved to include 280 levels that listeners work through as they master skills and build their listener reputation []. This includes 66 different courses that listeners can take to better understand life issues, psychological challenges, and ways to help. In parallel, listeners also created training guides to supplement the educational materials on the site. In 2014, we added the internship program to create a more formalized educational and practicum process where the listener would also learn by doing. A certain amount of listening and course completion was required to complete the internship. In 2020, we implemented the Leadership Development Program to strengthen the overall leadership capacity across the domains that represent the 7 Cups community. The success of the prior programs and the additional layering of the training + practicum components helped us better understand that the model created via the internship and LDP could be generalized to other areas like quality leadership, group leadership and dynamics, and content development and marketing. Career Development and Placement Our goal is to help people across our community thrive. Academy trainees will develop new skills, educational expertise, and real-world experience across domains. We want the Academy to be a safe place where they can grow and master new competencies. Ultimately, we would like us to be able to bridge graduates from the Academy to more comprehensive roles, and occupations, as they establish themselves in their domains. We're still working out final details before the Academy is ready to be launched in its entirety, but we are looking to get it live next month (January 2021). However, you can look forward to previewing Group Leadership and Dynamics Development when it's unveiled in a post next week, as well as the chance to vote on the Academy's logo! Meanwhile, please let us know what you think of this so far! Does it sound exciting? Are you interested in enrolling?

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