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Spark of week 1: Keep on trying!

Hope March 25th

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. It is time for our very first spark of the week. A weekly post series where I post a thoughtful quote, reflection, or thought submitted by a teen along with some words of reflection from myself, encouraging us all to think about it! Please click here to review the guidelines for submission. 

This week’s spark is from @savannahBlanchard35762

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie

Thank you for this beautiful quote! We all have something going on in life where there seems little hope, it can feel gloomy and it can sometimes feel hopeless but there is usually a light at the end of the tunnel even if the tunnel goes on for a lot longer than expected. 

This does not mean that your challenges or your pain are not valid. It is but it helps to know that there is hope, it can get better and the greats of this world have felt similar if not the same at some point in their lives. 

Questions for you

  1. What comes to mind when you read the shared quote?
  2. You can also share quotes with the same message as our spark of the week!

Note: Please keep the comments light-hearted, and avoid sharing content that can be triggering to others or disrupt the light-hearted theme of the series. 

Teens please submit your thoughts here

Countrygirl095 March 25th

@Hope I think for me, what comes to mine is I think of my own journey and where I've been even on seven cups, and I just have to keep on trying. I'm not gonna be the perfect person someday, but we take those lessons, and we strive to be the best that we could be.

Hope OP March 25th

Tagging everyone who signed up. You can join or leave the taglist here. 

@wishfulWillow6962 @unassumingEyes @LoveMyMoonflowers @exuberantBlackberry9105

@VioletNotes @sendingpicsofthemostamazingtrees

Heather225 March 25th

What an encouraging and uplifting quota @savannahBlanchard35762

In my experience, the best things happen when you feel like you're about to give up. Holding out, hanging in, and hanging on will see you through. Nothing is permanent, and that's the same for any hard situation you're in. Thanks for sharing this spark!

LittleBirdie30 March 25th

@Hope Thank you so much for this great quote! It really resonated with me :) I feel that hope has helped me so much when I have been really down or hopeless, especially when it comes to my journey of applying to graduate school. The program I want to go into is so so so competitive and I've applied 4 times and you can only apply once per year. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I know that this is what I really want in life so I will keep going until I achieve my goals!💛

slowdecline48 March 25th

"If you're going through h€ll, keep going."

- Winston Churchill (attributed)

slowdecline48 March 25th


"Hang in there. Sometimes that's all you can do."

- various

amiablePeace77 March 26th


Great quote indeed!

" ... when there seemed to be no hope at all" My thoughts on this: It does not mean there is no hope, it just seems like it so keep trying!

intuitiveHickory85 March 28th

@Hope    What a lovely thought! The Dale Carnegie quotation that has been shared genuinely captures the spirit of unwavering endurance. It serves as a reminder that there is always a glimmer of optimism, even in the worst of circumstances.

My Fav quote rn is : 

Everything is working out for you , no matter how it looks in any Moment <3

slowdecline48 March 29th

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."

- anonymous

Optimisticempath April 2nd

@slowdecline48 😂😂😂

ThoughtLight March 29th

The concept of faith is what quickly came to mind. With how turbulent things have been lately faith is the biggest thing I have to work with. 

quest1020304050 March 31st

What if someone got tired of trying?

Optimisticempath April 2nd


then take a break ... rest... try again?