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7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!

Hope August 6th, 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth.

We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience.

mailYou can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here

* Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here.

To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps:

enlightenedDownload the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it.

enlightenedLeave us a review on Amazon or Good reads.

enlightened Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits!

We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.

JJill1 October 12th, 2022



I did like the text, however, I think there are a few things that could be improved upon. The wording of one part of the text was problematic when speaking about socio-economic status. The quote in particular that bothered me was “People that are poor are in a better position to receive help because they are less able to deny their pain and act like all is well.” This is problematic for numerous reasons, but first and foremost it associates ease with being in a lower socioeconomic class. I’m not going to go in depth as to why this is problematic, but I think the book needs to be reassessed.

heathermarie95 October 12th, 2022

just completed both tasks ! 2am on 6/12!

yourbuddy30 October 12th, 2022

@Hope I have read the book and given a review at good reads. There is so much about cups I dint know. I always wondered why Glen chose it to be 7 cups and now I know the reason why. Every cup has a meaning and it is so wonderful to read. Everything he says made sense. He changed my perspective about a lot of things. I liked how he added thinking spots in every chapter for us to think and write down. I like the stories he mentions to help us explain what he is trying to say. I loved the book!

happyHope13 October 12th, 2022

@Hope hey thankyou for the free Avaliable book to download which I've done and also left a review on good reads, my favourite bit is about denial, and it made me realise maybe I can be in denial about certain things or have been before aswell and the section about the secret and what your hiding or people hide and why x

DipityEnigma October 14th, 2022


I have read this book and in all honesty, my favourite part of the book for me is the story at the beginning. It's relatable and thought provoking. Overall, the book is very helpful and helps give you an insight into yourself. It is emotionally demanding but definitely worth reading, just take it a pace if you need to. I'm thankful for the publishing of this book 😊

DipityEnigma October 14th, 2022


I forgot to mention that I completed steps 1&2. I will be suggesting this book to those of whom I think will appreciate it just as much as I do 😊

SparklyFly December 9th, 2022

@DipityEnigma Me too. I'm going to recommend it to my friends, hubby, and son.

JoyHappyNess February 26th, 2023


Me too, recommending it to all my friends

oa4me November 11th, 2022

How does one get the study guide? Or is it part of the download? I have downloaded the book, but not yet opened it.

RachelListener November 11th, 2022


Who wrote this book? :)

RachelListener November 11th, 2022


I clicked send, I was gonna say, it is a great book, it helps us navigate our emotion in a simple way.

VictoriaLove7 November 12th, 2022


I did step 1 and 2! My favorite part is the story of the monks at the monastery.

I also love the 'Love' parts, understanding love and noticing love.

JoyHappyNess February 26th, 2023


Wow, I remember that story about those monks...might he be the Messiah?😂

courageousAngel91 November 16th, 2022

Was interesting look on mental health

CosmicMiracle December 4th, 2022

I finished reviewing <3

I'm still wrapping my head around this: "the cure is the need" or well, similar to that.

SparklyFly December 9th, 2022

I read this book on my path and loved it. I was going to find out how I could buy it, and in another area, I clicked on the link to get it on Amazon. I love this book. I love being a Listener on 7 Cups. As I'm going through items on my path, they reflect my values and what I'm all about.

iStarlight December 10th, 2022


Downloaded the book, and left review already after reading the pdf. Honestly, after reading it, it touched my heart and made me make a realisation about getting validation and changing events in our life can be challenging and scary. We need to understand that we are open to get help from anyone for own support and we never should feel low to get helps, we are not perfect human. Being open minded and empathy does brings a postive side for every people whom we can trust and share our problems without any concerns.

NanditaB January 6th, 2023


Completed step 1 and 2 . Gave a review in good reads. I felt it was so interesting from start to end.

1Sunflower1 January 12th, 2023


I completed the two tasks to get Soul Searcher badge.I followed the following steps:

●Downloaded the pdf and read it.

● Left a review on amazon

● My favourite bits: The better understanding towards my own reaction as person and how to be in control. I learnt to let go and learn from every thing that comes along the way.

purpleSea7109 January 12th, 2023

Wow I can get my own book. Can you send me the link. I be here for everyone and enjoy what ever we are doing.Xx

Angelofheaven20 January 12th, 2023


Done 1 & 2. It helped me gain a lot of knowledge on self-discovery and mental health

sunnySea4551 January 12th, 2023


Did steps one and 2

UnicornSiren January 13th, 2023

I did steps 1 and 2 l am excited to read this book

TheGeminiInMe January 14th, 2023

I have downloaded, read, and reviewed. Honestly, I got the badge on my L account a while ago but logged into this account so would like the badge here as well. Thanks.

yellowBirch3757 January 28th, 2023

Can you get a paper book version or just kindle?

HipsterChic February 8th, 2023

Rated it on both Goodreads & Amazon! Thank you for such an amazing gift. This book was really helpful and well written.

iPHOENIX February 8th, 2023

Very informative and insightful, thank you.

Keanah February 8th, 2023


An amazing book, really helped me understand myself better. This quote really stayed with me “ Negative emotions have a job to do. They change you.”

Definitely recommend it to my friends, left a big review in amazon.

caringKiwi8601 February 8th, 2023

@Hope I did steps one & two. It was very insightful

SnowflakesOfAntarctica February 10th, 2023



straightforwardHuman9840 February 10th, 2023

@HopeI’m really not interested in badges. Sorry. I find reward shows silly too. UnAmerican? Yep

MagnificentSunrise February 21st, 2023

I did steps 1 and 2.

I liked chapters 8 and 12 most. They talk about strategies to calm yourself and to better organize your everyday life.

EnigmaticCat24 February 25th, 2023


Completed the steps

Loved the book and thanks for itt!

JoyHappyNess February 26th, 2023


I downloaded the book, read it for three weeks. (It was that deep, I couldn't rush it😃 With every cup of the seven cups of tea, I had to pause and think. Refreshing.)

I reviewed it in Goodreads.

My favorite part (I reached that part in the morning. I had just travelled and I was in the bus station, waiting for it to be day enough so that I could take a taxi home) was the story about the city and the illness that affected the city. It hit home because that's exactly what I would have done. I would have built walls and separated myself, (quarantined like the covid period) instead of reaching out with love. Yes its important to take care of yourself, put boundaries but also show love.

collegestudentsupport1315 February 26th, 2023

@Hope I have downloaded this book and I am looking forward to reading it

purpleSea7109 February 26th, 2023

Hi I found the book thank you. Amazon so good.Xx

wonderfullFish4460 February 26th, 2023


Completed all the steps

wonderfullFish4460 February 26th, 2023


Completed the tasks

anonhelp123 February 27th, 2023


Completed Steps 1 & 2 - which is downloaded the book and a review left. I did this quite sometime back with step 3 completed as well but hadn't received the badge.

Step 3 - My favourite bits

One of the standout features of the book is its emphasis on self-care and self-compassion. It encouraged me to cultivate a kind and supportive relationship with others, and provides strategies for managing difficult emotions and thoughts in a healthy way.

I also appreciate the book's guidance on how to communicate effectively, listen with empathy, and build strong and supportive relationships.

calmingsun111 March 5th, 2023

@Hope review done on goodreads. :) really useful book and I wish more people would search for this type of book.