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Who is your hero?

GlenM January 4th

A year or so ago I was working on this talk. In that talk, I was highlighting people I admired like Gandhi, MLK Jr., and Mother Teresa.  I feel like they were shining lights that pointed in the right direction. They are looked up to by most people in our global community.

One of the evaluators met with me and started saying very negative things about each of these people. She really didn’t like them. I know all of us are complex - we all have good, neutral, and bad parts of ourselves. None of us are perfect. Still, however, even with their challenges, quirks, and idiosyncrasies, I maintained that they were heroes.

She strongly disagreed. I then asked her "okay, who are your heroes?" She sat there stunned. Baffled. She thought and thought and thought. Then she looked up to me and said I don’t have any heroes. It was my turn to be stunned. I couldn’t believe it. I said you don’t admire anyone? She flatly said “no” and suggested I was naive for believing that humanity can have heroes. 

Here is how Wikipedia defines a hero:

A hero (feminine: heroine) is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage, or strength. The original hero type of classical epics did such things for the sake of glory and honor. Post-classical and modern heroes, on the other hand, perform great deeds or selfless acts for the common good instead of the classical goal of wealth, pride, and fame. The antonym of hero is villain.[1] Other terms associated with the concept of hero may include good guy or white hat.

I’m writing this post because I think it is important for us to have heroes. They are human like us, but somehow able to walk past the muck and free themselves from the shackles that capture most of us. They see beyond the immediate and share a vision of a much better future. They inspire, motivate us, and speak to our better angels. 

The following is a scale put together by an old writer called David Hawkins. He was attempting to create a scale of consciousness that helped to capture much of what has been written in the wisdom literature. People with higher levels of consciousness experience expanded awareness and inner peace, while those with lower levels may be navigating through various challenges and complexities.

There have been many criticisms of his thinking and this scale in general. I agree with many of them. To me, it isn’t important how he found these levels, but whether or not they are a directionally correct or helpful way of looking at human behavior. I think it is a helpful tool or guide for personal growth and development.

People that are in pain often feel like they are in the lower levels. I see trauma or distress or unresolved issues as weights that keep a person down. We want to float up like an air balloon and become stronger and more compassionate, but we have these sandbags on us that keep us down. When we heal, we cut those sandbags and find ourselves moving up the scale.

Pragmatically, I think it would be possible for us as a community (or even more broadly) to map public figures from throughout history and even now to this scale. I’d argue that a few of my heroes mentioned above (Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and MLK) would be near the top of the scale. And if enough of us voted, then I’d think we’d see people start to see votes cluster in certain areas.


Why am I focusing on heroes? I think heroes are an accessible way for us to understand the power compassionate people can have on the world. Hawkins would argue that the higher one goes up this scale, the more true they are or the more integrity they have, and therefore they have a bigger impact. Enlightened people like MLK didn’t have a big marketing or propaganda budget. His ideas had to stand or fall on the merits. And his ideas soared and caused a society to rally behind him.

Truth is durable, strong, inspirational, and unifying. Things that survive for a long time tend to be true. Lies have a short shelf life. They are fleeting, weak, draining, and cause division.

On this scale, it seems like the more humility one has (the less ego) the more one moves up the scale. This is an important distinction because many scales or lists emphasize people with the most money, power, or fame for example.

We understand that not everyone indeed has a clear-cut hero in their life. Maybe you haven't met someone who embodies what you admire, or maybe you haven’t identified a hero that could be a past, present, or historical figure. But that doesn't mean a hero doesn't exist for you! It just means that you might not have thought of them yet. Imagine your hero. What makes them stand out? Don't worry about finding them in the real world just yet. Just share what you can.

We need heroes now more than ever. It is a time for increased awareness and clarity. It is good and noble for us to find and champion heroes. They speak to us today and they show us a better path forward. 

I’d like to better understand our community’s heroes. I think they would tell us a lot about us. Please share any thoughts, ideas or recommendations below and here are some questions to consider to help us better understand your heroes. 

Who are your heroes? Can be personal (like friends or family), in the past (historical figures), present or even fictional.

Do you have a picture or video that you can share here?

Why do you admire them (1-3 sentences)?

Where would you put them on the above scale? 

GlenM OP January 9th

@SparkyGizmo lots to unpack here! We share many heroes! I had read that "do it anyway" and have pasted below. I didn't realize it was attributed to Mother Teresa.

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give the best you've got anyway.

You see,
in the final analysis it is between you and God ;
it was never between you and them anyway.

Very insightful piece. It is a nice contrast to show that sometimes we can get wrapped up in how other people behave or think about us and ultimately it likely doesn't matter near as much as we think it does. And I like your point that it is a recipe for a good and fulfilling life! 

I've not watched the profit, but will check it out. And, glad you brought up Paul Buchheit. He is a brilliant guy. 2 posts I really like by him: 

He has a very unique way of seeing things that I admire and respect. If you read these posts, let me know what you think! 

And, yes, many heroes here on 7 Cups too! We collect them - or they find us - the very best people with the biggest hearts looking out for one another. 

SparkyGizmo January 9th


I'm glad that you really liked "Do it Anyway" 😊 ❤️ and it was so kind of you to share it here. I loved reading it again. Yes, my understanding is that Mother Teresa can't be said as the author, but yet it was coined by her as this was what was found written on her bedroom wall in the monastery upon her passing. 

I hope you get the chance to watch some of that tv show. I think you would really like his style! 

Thank you also for sharing the links that you most enjoy from P.B. I read them and enjoyed his hearing his thoughts as well. The first link, I felt like there was something there that you wanted for me to see, to understand, to be a "take away" for me. I think I got it, I think I understood 😊 ❤️ If I did, makes me feel pretty great! Thank you! ❤️

I liked the second one as well however, I'll have to go back and probably read that one many times over. I know there must be a deeper meaning, some things important for me to glean. I think I got some of it, but not quite sure and not sure if I got all of it.  That will take quite a few reads as clearly, I'll never be on that guy's level nor yours. It's always nice to try and understand though. Might take me a lot of tries and in smaller pieces when there are quieter days around my house and I still might not understand. If so, I'm happy to admit that some things are simply above my level of understanding. 

"And, yes, many heroes here on 7 Cups too! We collect them - or they find us - the very best people with the biggest hearts looking out for one another". This, I was able to understand and most completely!

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

Tinywhisper11 January 6th

@GlenM all my hero's fall in the catergory reason and integrity

My hero's are everyday people ❤ strangers saying hi to each other, front line workers saving lives, people fighting for their country, two elderly people still walking down the road holding hands. The kindness of a stranger. That poor person who gave money to a chariry. Everyday people lighting up the world like an answered prayer. I thank God their there, every day people ❤❤❤

if you take the time to look around you, their are miracles and magic happening everywhere

GlenM OP January 9th

@Tinywhisper11 this is so well said; "everyday miracles and magic everywhere if you can see it" - "people lighting up the world" <-- I really like these thoughts. Reminds me of JK Rowling's idea of wizards and muggles. Wizards can see the magic more readily. The muggles can't quite see it. I like to think on 7 Cups that we make it easier to see the magic. 

silentbonsai3 January 6th

@GlenM One of my heroes is my friend, let's call her Carrie. Carrie is a year younger then me and she has already experienced so many horrible things that have left her with trauma and yet she is really confidant, talented and knows exactly what she wants to do in life and is a great friend. I would love to be more like Carrie and I try to support her being her best self. 

GlenM OP January 9th

@silentbonsai3 so good; clear that you admire her. She has overcome a lot and through that has learned a deep sense of integrity and how to follow her own voice. Kudos to Carrie as that is not easily done! And kudos to you too for being your best self in supporting her. It seems you are both very fortunate!

Politonno January 7th

Evariste Galois is a personal figure I wanted to follow. He was a mathematician that revolutionized world's Mathematics at his teenagehood, but he died at the age of 21 becajse of complications with damage by a shotgun. I admire those kinds of people that managed to do what I couldn't: handle several responsibilities with determination at a very young age.

GlenM OP January 9th

@Politonno The first mathematician and maybe the first scientist mentioned! Thank you for sharing and adding additional variation to our list of heroes. Genius is fascinating, especially in young minds that can capture things others have missed.  

BelovedPurple1437 January 8th

@GlenM Thank you for uploading this post. It's highly thoughtful and beneficial.

1) Radhanath Swami ( formerly known as Richard Slavin) He's a spiritual master, as a teenager he had questions about faith, life, existence,  and the presence of a higher entity that watches over us. He overcame several obstacles, was courageous enough to leave the comforts of his life and travel the whole world in search of the answers to crate his meaning in life. The best part is that he, unlike many of us, heard his true calling and chased it, ultimately embracing his highest potential. He's a true modern hero in my eyes because after attaining enlightenment from his 'guru', he worked for the welfare of the society, giving meals to the needy, organizing events, lecturing in universities, and spreading the universal message of love, faith, and brotherhood. 

Truly, an inspiration. 

He would definitely be on the top of the scale, since he has attained spiritual enlightenment. And to know more about him, he has authored beautiful books that I have found life changing.

GlenM OP January 9th

@BelovedPurple1437 sounds like he was a gifted soul. thank you for sharing. Can you share a link to your favorite book by him here? and also an image if you have one?

BelovedPurple1437 January 9th

@GlenM Yeah, sure 


Here's my hero, always humble and smiling. Just looking at his eyes invoke a sense of calm within me.

The books he has authored are truly extraordinary, namely "The Journey Home" which is his autobiography and "The Journey Within". Both can be read separately. 

Although there's nothing better than reading the paperback version of the books which has dusty yellow pages, a beautiful font and cleverly crafted designs and photo, the following link gives access to the free pdf of the book, "The Journey Within" for those who wish to read it.

comfyblanket90 January 8th

My hero is my classmate...she is not strong academically, takes longer than others to understand concepts, and dropped studying altogether. But she has a way to get things done. To achieve what she wants. She knows the right kind of people to seek help from, she takes herself and her needs very seriously..and can go to great lengths to keep herself healthy and one of the most beautiful girls I have met. Her friendships are meaningful, and she would call her friend a night before exam and he would help her in getting just enough marks for passing. She is resilient, and she would go to great lengths to water the relationships she has with some people . She is hopeful towards life, and a believe in herself that she will get everything she wants. It's amazing how she would fulfil all her wishes by doing the right things for her.

GlenM OP January 9th

@comfyblanket90 this person sounds like she has a big engine and a big heart; despite challenges she is able to overcome them and look out for others. I liked your metaphor of her watering friendships like a plant. Thank goodness for people like her!

Samahmira January 8th


My hero is a woman who helped me when i broke down at a lake

She helped me get in contact with people who took me to an actual therapist.

She was for me trust

GlenM OP January 9th

@Samahmira a kind and compassionate person that you crossed paths with at just the right time. Beautiful and so glad you took the next step. Thank you for sharing!

GlenM OP January 9th

All, thanks for participating and more heroes are welcome! I've been reading through these posts, commenting and thinking of all that you shared. This is powerful. 

It makes me wonder about creating a sort of hall of heroes or a cloud of heroes or some way of capturing the people that we as a community admire. I'm not sure the best way to do this. The easiest first step would be to capture each person mentioned here in a list. If anyone is game to help me on this, then the help would be very much welcomed! 

unassumingEyes January 10th

Who are your heroes? My dad and my aunt.

Why do you admire them? Brave and very patient and understanding no matter what.

Where are they on the scale? Reason and Integrity category. 

GlenM OP January 12th

@unassumingEyes bravery and courage - such good qualities to admire - and I'm glad your family has them!

Zeraphim February 13th

I also reject the idea of heroes. Why? Because it is quite easy to reify and idealize human beings.

What I value are people who uphold the same values I share. However, if I find that they've acted in ways counter to these values, while being praised by the global community for supposedly upholding these values, what I see is not a hero or someone who truly values the things they're supposed to be praised for. What I see is a marketing campaign and an ideology around a person, like a lesser version of a cult of personality.

It becomes more important that this person is good than that this person actually lived the values they're taught. It becomes about maintaining appearances than being the genuine article. And since this tendency to carefully cultivate image throughout history and erase things worthy of criticism in order to turn human beings into heroes is so common, I reject the valuation of the concept.

I'm willing to take the good with the bad. If the bad overwhelmingly outweighs the good, it changes my opinion of a cultural hero. As it should for the actions of anyone. Lest we begin praising dictators for things such as their vegetarianism art skills and ignore their genocides (to take it to an extreme to demonstrate my point).

Let's listen to criticism of so-called heroes. Praising Ghandi is an insult to the dalits who suffer to this day because of his upholding of the caste system. That's a present day issue affecting real people. It literally is the upholding of bigotry to praise someone who wanted to maintain casteism as a "hero."

Countrygirl095 February 14th

@GlenM my heroes, or at least one of them would have to be my former fiancé who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth and then at 16 years old he got diagnosed with cancer and into this day he still fighting and although we're no longer in contact whenever I'm having a bad day I think of him 

HealingTalk February 14th

How inspiring!

He is definitely a real-life hero.

A role model of resilience and determination on the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Thank you for sharing his moving and exemplary life story!


Gettingbettertoday February 14th


I have never had hero/heroes. I don't see the point of putting someone on a pedestal. They are just people. Even the best people in human history don't inspire my worship.