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Self-Forgiveness - A Short Video Message & Discussion

Laura May 7th, 2015

Watch this 3 minute video of me!It is a video message for all of youon the topic that has been on my mind this week: of self-forgiveness!

To me self-forgiveness is something we all can practice every day! Please watch the video and share your thoughts on this topic here :)

For those of you who don't know me yet, hello! I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

AshleyLawrence May 19th, 2015


FaithfulPerson May 20th, 2015

nice post, ~~pm229

much love and many blessings,


pm229 May 21st, 2015

@FaithfulPerson.. Much love to you too and a shower of blessings!!!heart

FaithfulPerson June 3rd, 2015

Thank you, my friend! You as well!

LydiaWatsonWinchester May 21st, 2015

Definitely! Thanks for sharing! ^^


Shiloh30 June 3rd, 2015

it's much easier to forgive yourself when others forgive you. if they forgive you, then there's no reason you can't forgive yourself as well. But what if they don't, or don't believe your apologies?

shyMap8400 May 13th, 2015

I thought that this was a lovely video by Laura talking about how forgiveness is important it helps us to move on after all no one is perfect

OliveLove4615 May 14th, 2015

I loved this video so much! I'm usually quite hard on myself, and will rag on myself constantly if I didn't do somethingperfectly.. And I'm so bad at self-forgiveness! It really helped to watch this, and it made me realize that I need to consciouslywork towards forgiving myself.

randomjean30 May 14th, 2015

It's weird how foreign it feels to forgive myself, to accept myself, to love myself. but it can make me feel so much better. I dunno why I resist this.

LanternIntheStorm May 15th, 2015

A good start to a long process for me... Thank you

aquaPlum5581 May 15th, 2015

I think self-forgiveness is a very important thing to do. In my opinion, it allows us to let go of the things that hold us back from becoming the best person that we can become. When we forgive ourselves for anything bad that we think we have done, it allows us to better help ourselves right now and in the future, which only allows us to become better people.

EnglishBirdy May 17th, 2015

This all sounds a lot easier said than done. It's easy to say "just forgive yourself" but for someone it could be difficult to move on or forward because of dwelling on the mistake. Some things take a longer time than others, but realization is the best first step.

manxology May 18th, 2015

Thank you for your thoughts and eloquence!

Wandering0711 May 18th, 2015

Forgiving one-self for something that they did which hurt the other person.. is really hard. For me, I was forced to make a few choices regarding my first and only relationship, that hurt my partner a lot... and then I was in my guilt mode for an entire year...

He said that it was too late to apologize ... because he had changed and the gy whom I hurt was no longer there...

So, I don't really think I ever forgave myself, but now I just don't think about it... it has become one of the harsh realities of my life that i never want to live through again...

dflowers290 May 19th, 2015

This is a wonderful concept, but for me has been hard to overcome. I have told from a young age that i was a certain way, because that was the way i was born, and even so i knew this was not true i buried a grudge within myself saying " i can never forgive myself, because this you i made myself to think."

i want to forgive myself, i really do but i guess it's harder for me,because in a way its because i was just born this way.

cathy63 May 19th, 2015

I liked the video on self-forgiveness. It was a life saver, literally.

123uandme May 19th, 2015

excelleny thx

kaw May 19th, 2015

Thank you Laura for sharing this video, I have to learn how I forgive myself, it will help me to be a better person​

JustMeFGS May 19th, 2015

It's interesting how many times I may not be consciously aware that I'm being so hard on myself. I'm now more aware and after much therapy but it's still an uphill battle. Thanks for video, it's a timely reminder for me personally. xox

EMHAN07 May 21st, 2015

greate work...awseome video

calmCupcake11 May 21st, 2015

Great video. Important subject. Feeling free of self-blame really opens us up to the world so makes us more able to help, to get inspired to action that help us thrive more in our lives etc...

TheSilenceInHeights May 26th, 2015

@Laura Thank you for posting this video. I am going to share it with my family and friends to have them watch it :)

LiminalWanderer May 26th, 2015

Cool video, definitely an idea I need to work on.Thanks for sharing :)

gentleZebra3339 May 26th, 2015

Thank this is a great topic

myfreedom1 May 26th, 2015

Thank you. Very helpful.

Joannspups May 26th, 2015


FaithfulPerson June 3rd, 2015

Have you found a way?

gentlepenguin01 May 26th, 2015

I think the best way I've found to forgive myself for certain things (it doesn't really work for other things) is if I were to imagine myself as someone I knew at the age I was with the circumstances I had... and then rationalize if I would've held such a grudge against them for so long or blame them for what happened.

It's actually a trick a friend showed me once and it's been very helpful.

You are you're own worst critic afterall... thanks for the video! Accepting the way things were at the time and the person I was at the time and that it doesn't have to mean that it is me forever might help with the other things the first technique couldn't cover!

blueBirch5257 May 27th, 2015

this is all new to me and this support group is new to me as well. i have a very hard time forgiving people let alone myself. I hate myself to much to forgive myelf. sorry i should go. bye now

Evangeline18 May 31st, 2015


discreetCat9959 May 31st, 2015

Is justifying your actions the same as self forgiveness? I know why I did what I did, I dont regret what I did but other people wont see it the way I do. I did the wrong thing. Perhaps forgiveness is admitting what you did is wrong and moving on hopefully with the intent of not doing it again.

Shiloh30 June 3rd, 2015

sounds similar to my situation, except I regret what i did. in your situation, you admit you did the wrong thing, you might not regret it, but you know it was wrong. And it's okay to justify your actions. It means that you're not just a bad person who randomly does bad things. you had a reason you felt you had to do what you did. other people might not get it, but they don't know the whole story. You're right,as long as you admit what you did was wrong, and learn from it so that you hopefully don't repeat it, you'll be fine.

CallmeGomer June 7th, 2015

Your last sentence is the correct assumption. You did wrong, you admit it and you will strive to not do it again. I, personally, do not see it as a self-forgiveness but as a learning process. You grabbed a hot pan, you got burned. Next time you grab a hot pad first or you wait for it to cook or one of several other options. If you regret what you did and now vow to not repeat, then you are a smarter person.

blueHickory43 May 31st, 2015

when we don't forgive ourselves we get stuck in our problems and in our minds forever

Laura OP July 8th, 2015

Well said. It can be hard to keep these thoughts forever. Forgiveness is the only way.

yFrank May 31st, 2015

Hey! This video is great and makes a big point -- letting go. Most of us think letting go is always projected to things or people around us, but we most of the time forget that completely letting go is freeing ourselves from pain or blame. It is not easy to do it but IT CAN BE DONE by ourselves and our Savior.

If He died on the cross to pay for our sins and sufferings, who are we not to acquit ourselves from mistakes?

energeticPOS85 June 1st, 2015

I do agree on the idea that we need to forgive ourselves from time to time.

But me, personally, I would much rather beat myself up than forgive myself

At least I feel "better" via yelling at myself than telling myself lies to make myself forgive me.

Can't help but love ya!

yFrank June 5th, 2015

It is different from one person to another. If doing such helps you, then it should be therapeutic. But you may also consider controlling your emotions at times.

Rissa87 June 1st, 2015

I agree that self forgiveness is a good thing but how when it just feels so insurmountable? There is stuff that I allowed to happen and stuff I still allow to happen that generates feelings of anger, rage, hate and disgust within myself and towards others. How to I forgive myself for these feelings and get past them?

Shiloh30 June 3rd, 2015

identify why it is that you allow it to keep happening. that way you can either avoide it, or recognize it before it causes you to react in anger. try to take it easy on yourself. your human, your not perfect, you'll make mistakes. it's perfectly okay. the trick is to learn from them. wish you the best