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updated on May 29, 2020 by Hope
I love the app. Hate the done button on my keyboard though. Wish it was just a send button. I have iPhone. Thanks for this.
Used to love the app. Not sure whether something is up with my phone or what but I no longer can get on the Chat screen. It just comes up blank. Everything else opens.
At last I've got the phone and its been worth waiting for, taking awhile getting used to it though. x
Android no voice chat :`(((
Bug Chat window won't pull up at all. Just a blank screen. love this site/app though.
Its ok for chats, besides there being a huge delay inbetween messages. Its only good for forum stuff for threads you are following. Other than that, only a few threads are shown and they aren't organized by category like on the website. So if you're using it to talk to a listener or check the threads you're following, its alright. Other than that, I use the website. :p
The app is great, but it has been really laggy and glitchy lately. And it doesn't notify you if you get new messages... I hope that gets fixed at some point! Otherwise I'm pretty happy :) A great site and the app is slow, but still nice!
I can't emphasize enough how useful a Windows Phone app would be for 7cups.
I know it's a pain making a new app for a new platform but Windows Phone apps can actually be quite simple to make.
Windows Phone users often get left out of the loop of the biggest, most useful apps. Please don't leave us in the corner; we could really benefit from the app. Thanks
Great little app