Members - Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself Here!
Welcome to everyone who's joined our lovely community!
This post is outdated and no longer in use. Be sure to introduce yourself in our new official welcome thread for all users! Click here!
This post is dedicated to welcoming members. If you are a listener, please show support to the members who post here! Listeners can introduce themselves here.
Hi there! We are so excited you joined 7 Cups! Allow us to welcome you by posting in this thread!
Please tell us why you are here and what topic are you seeking support for?
How can we best support you?
Here is a resource you may find helpful: Find Welcome Pack here!
Practice compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Also, on successful completion, get a chance to earn a shiny badge known as "Compassion Hero". Open Here!
edited by ASilentObserver as of Feb 17, 2021
I am a Uni student and I wish to offer support and an listening ear to people suffering in this platform. I have been through depression and PTSD and during those times I wished I had someone to whom I can talk to, who will listen to me in a non judgemental and supportive manner. I can empathize with the people who seek support but this is my first time as a listener here. Needless to say, I am nervous. Any tips from people who listen and/or seek support here?
Hi, I'm Lisa
@ImYourShoulderTalk2Me Hi Lisa, I'm Sya, nice to meet you
I'm Boon, I am not new to 7 cups but just a newbie listener, I'll give my best to help out my fellow humans here
Welcome everyone
Hi All! Hope you're okay!
I've been a been on the other side of the chat so I understand how much it can help people. That's all I want to do really is just help. Sad thing is, is that I'm not very good at help. When people tell me their issues I just freeze and don't know what to say. I just end being very empathic and sometimes offer advice which I hate doing coz it doesn't help..! So I've come back to learn how to be a better listener and help people in my life and on this platform. I am also considering being a Art Therapist so this is a good way to get experience in talking to people having lots of different issues and seeing if I can handle it.. I am very sensitive so get very emotional and I'm too good at putting myself in other peoples shoes as I feel what they are feeling very real.
Hopefully with time and practice it'll all get easier.
What brought you here? :)
All members are most invited to feel free to discuss their problems here.
You can approach any listener. You can change them with another if you are not satisfied with them.
Keep posting and consider this space as your inner feeling and thoughts writing wall.
Hello and thank you for having me here on 7 cups
Hi, I'm excited to start my journey as a listener!
@Ari0905 We are so excited to have you here if you have any questions let me know if I can help in any way.
Hello, I am excited to join.