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A Little Problem

orangeSail337 December 5th, 2022

So, I really love this app so far, but I think that mind's a bit broken. I can't leave conversations with listeners, unless I block them. The only options I have is to hide the conversation, which just makes it not visible until I get another message, or to block and report the listener. I don't know if that's how the app is supposed to work, but it seemed a bit peculiar to me.

RarelyCharlie December 5th, 2022

@orangeSail337 That is how the app and the website have always worked. The system has no way of knowing when a chat has ended.

On the website there is an "end live chat" button, but all it does is hide all the messages temporarily. If you return to the chat later, there is no indication that the chat ended.

I agree that it's peculiar. It has more serious consequences too. But when there was a lot of discussion about the issue some time ago, 7 Cups refused to fix it, in effect. I don't know why.


orangeSail337 OP December 5th, 2022

Ah, I see, thanks for explaining that to me.

iCareUK December 6th, 2022


Once again, I have to agree with Charlie.

I very rarely use the app for many reasons other than to check if I have received new messages, although, if you have android, I find that a back swipe on the bottom android menu works a treat.

Mine doesn't give me a lot of options, neither does it allow me to view my own profile without muddled words, doing role work on my phone is impossible, so I just tend to use PC here now :)

Phoenixnesting December 5th, 2022


I'll chime in here. I'm a listener on this site and there is an actual reason for the "open nature" of chats with listeners. The type of relationships we are encouraged to make with members is one that is supportive, not just for the time we are chatting with you, but in general and over time. Some people are comforted by and really like the opportunity to talk to the same listener as things occur to them because it saves them from having to explain themselves over and over again. They also like having someone check back with them from time to time. Having the chat being an ongoing conversation is something they view as a good thing in these cases and that is the type of interaction supported by this format.

If you've had a "just ok" interaction or a poor interaction with a listener and you don't want them to contact you again, it is perfectly ok to say that and establish that boundary. It is 100% ok to thank them for their time and to add that you would prefer not to be contacted by them in the future because you like coming back to the "queue" and talking to new people. Communicating that expectation is within your rights and if a listener doesn't respect that, you can bring that up as a larger issue-- because it is one. This site is member-driven and geared toward your best experience and you should always feel it is within your rights to tell listeners what that is.

I hope this helps!

orangeSail337 OP December 5th, 2022

Ok, thanks!

iCareUK December 6th, 2022


I don't think that is the initial question although a very useful response.

The general question from what I understand is the inability to close down an active and open chat and they are therefore stuck on the chat screen.

On my phone in particular, the back button works, but I'm unsure about any other types of phones, although, I don't really use the app anymore.

UnderstandingURpain December 6th, 2022

I understand that not all listeners are able to connect with people on the level that you want , nor are we perfect .

The best way is to say " i would like to end this conversation, you are making me uncomfortable" once a listener hears this i can tell you that the conversation will be over.

Listeners while do go through a significant training program are not proffesionals , nor are we able to help in the conventional sense , we are here to listen sometimes just to be a shoulder to lean on where you can vent and tell us what you are feeling.

If a listener uses his position to make you feel vulnerable you should tell them and they will get the picture