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how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)

User Profile: 1997Turtle
1997Turtle April 29th, 2015

I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.

It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be

you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.

and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.

I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.

if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.

Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?

User Profile: Acra101
Acra101 February 7th, 2016

I can say that I have been clean for a month and two weeks now. Unfortunately, resisting the urge to self harm hasn't been that easy. For one, I almost did it again yesterday. Plus, I can't say that I haven't been feeling suicidal lately.

Let's hope that I don't do anything rash. But, yay. I haven't cut since new year. That's an accomplishment.

User Profile: anonymousloser
anonymousloser February 7th, 2016

A week.

User Profile: Skaderi93
Skaderi93 February 7th, 2016

One week

User Profile: Alsofinandjake47
Alsofinandjake47 February 17th, 2016

About 8 hours

User Profile: anythinggoes240
anythinggoes240 February 18th, 2016

It's been almost 3 years since the last time I've self-harmed. It's definitely a challenge when things are blue to refrain from relapsing, but I must say I'm really proud of myself and I am proud of anyone who is able to pry loose from self-harming. If anyone cares to read this, stay strong <3

User Profile: PNT1441
PNT1441 February 19th, 2016

Almost 2 weeks. I hate feeling. I just want to escape everything.. if only just for a second.

User Profile: HatsEatYou
HatsEatYou February 19th, 2016

6 months 25 days.

User Profile: scb99
scb99 February 22nd, 2016

It was 6 months until last month when I relapsed. I haven't hurt myself again since last month and I'm trying really hard for it to stay that way but some days are still a struggle.

User Profile: decaffeinatedpopsicle
decaffeinatedpopsicle February 23rd, 2016

about two hours

User Profile: starryiero
starryiero February 23rd, 2016

it's been a week today!

1 reply
User Profile: coffeeandadvice
coffeeandadvice February 29th, 2016

Even small progress is still progress! I am so proud of you- keep up the good work! @starryiero

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