how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)
I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.
It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be
you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.
and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.
I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.
if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.
Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?
I've been clean about a week.
@Kassidy5513 That's great! You can do it!
A few months ago I started again so it's been a few weeks since I last did but before that it was five years! Some days it's so hard, and it will be on my mind most of the day!
@itsmesara Yes some days are hard, but you can do it! You can get through this. I believe you can!:-)
I can relate. For me it's been almost 11 years, but it is such a struggle not to relapse. People who haven't gone through it don't understand that it is an addiction and even if you've been clean for so long that doesn't mean that you don't struggle anymore. You can do it! We are here for you.
@cyanKite7632 exactly, I keep it to myself because I know it's a complicated thing and people don't get it and they think it's simple to stop but it really isn't! It's been 4 weeks now and I've struggled a lot since I stopped but I'm hoping that the longer I distract myself it'll get easier to not resort to it! But thank you :) and congratulations on 11 years :)
Two years
@astray Awesome!!! Keep up the good work!!!
almost 6 months (175 days)
Hmm, about 18 years. I still think about it, but I would never do it again, that's a slippery slope.
I do sometimes bang my head, but only when very overwhelmed and having panic attacks and even then it is rare.
The scars don't bother me much any more, but they used to. I'm at the point where Okay ready to cover them with some beautiful tattoos. Onwards... :)
I've been harm free for around 3 nearly 4 months now!
Great Job! Congrats!
Just a day, things aren't very smooth, and I'm scared I'm falling into a habit.
Sometimes its easier to just focus on minute or one hour at a time! Every second without self harm is an accomplishment
hmmm, I know this sounds strange - but I don't keep track bc I know even though I am trying to stay clean , that this is an ongoing issue for me and I might go back and forth for my life. So, personally, for me, i see no reason to count and then be dissapointed ...
though this may be a really pessamistic way of looking at it - lol .
Thats ok, counting isnt for everyone!
I tell everyone it's been over a year, but really I had a slight relapse maybe...four, five months ago? and I've come close a few times since then. I try really hard to keep up with my medications. because if I fall behind everything starts up again.
proud of you 4-5 months is still great! Congrats!
I've been clean for about 3 and a half years now, but I've been so close to relapsing this past summer. The only reason I didn't was because I tattooed (one on each upper thigh) over the places I used to self harm, so instead of looking at skin, I look at powerful, beautiful art.
congrats on 3.5 years that is a truly great accomplishment