This is the start of my journey of a lot of health issues, so i thought i would start a page for support and place i could vent and ask for prayer and basically keep track of what is going on health wise from day to day in my life. In March 6 2013 was diagnosed with Depression and Plantar Fasciitis, in 2014 January 27 Acid Reflux, April 9 High Blood Pressure, June 11 Chronic Pain, August 5 Back Pain, September 4 had Lumbosacral Radiculopathy, In 2015 January 8 Bipolar 2, March 11 Migraine, June 11 Fatigue and Narcolepsy, 2016 January 28 Foot Drop July 21 Arthropathy and Osteoarthritis Knees, 2017 October 26 Gastritis and Gastroparesis.
not yet diagnosed possible asd and spd, did have learning disabilities all throughout school, a lot of sensorys have become an issue in the past yr or so with the texture or feeling of them. where i once was ok with them. I am currently out of the Gastroparesis flair i was in back in October 26 ‘17 for about the past week, by the added meds and doing the blended diet dr has me doing, will admit it is a pain but its helping i will do it. See ya in the posts