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My story(Possible trigger warning)

LydiaTheTheatreKid August 25th, 2019

So about 3 months ago I came out to my mom as bi and told her about my girlfriend. Boy was that stupid of me. She now insults me, like calling me a disgrace and many other things like that, so it's been an interesting summer. A little over a month ago I started cutting myself. I still do it once and a while. This past week I have felt like I hit rock bottom. I now have suicidal thoughts most days, I also have started cutting myself again. I have depression and really bad anxiety so that's doesn't help me at all. I haven't been really eating anything unless my mom forces me too. U couldn't find a specific category to put this in.

LydiaTheTheatreKid OP August 25th, 2019

If anyone has advice or anything that would be very helpful.

claralala August 26th, 2019


I am so sorry that you are going through this. There is no perfect answer one can give you.

First, is there a family member that you trust and can reach to to talk about this? It can be very traumatizing if you feel like your whole family is rejecting you, and discussing what is happening with your mother can be relieving.

The issues you are mentioning here are too serious to be addressed here. If there are lighters day, I would advise you this:

Try to focus on who you are and your identity. You may be feeling broken because everything seems to be revolving around your bisexuality right now, and you are being rejected because of it. Give yourself a break from these thoughts. What else are you? Who are you? Do you like to paint, to draw, to think, to make lists, to watch movies, to walk, to sort things, to take baths, to pet animals, to male cynical jokes, to write...?

Take a sheet of paper and try to find 3 or 5 things that can define you, even things that can seem very basic (like being kind), and try to set one very small goal related to these. For example, if you like to write, it would be to write a short text over a movie character you like. If you are kind, it would be making a compliment to a stranger. These are very small things that can help you focus on who you are and empowering yourself!

It may be too much for you right now, and it's okay. I hope these tricks can be helpful if you're feeling capable of it! You are not alone!

LydiaTheTheatreKid OP August 26th, 2019

@claralala Thank you!!

RarelyCharlie August 25th, 2019

@LydiaTheTheatreKid It sounds like you're in a really bad situation at the moment. In many places there are helplines you can call to talk to someone about suicidal thoughts and all the other stuff that's been going on. You can probably find out what's available to you locally by searching the Internet.

You can also talk to listeners here about most of these things, but we are not allowed to discuss suicide. If you'd like to chat to me, just click on my profile picture and send me a message.


LydiaTheTheatreKid OP August 26th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie Thank you!!

August 26th, 2019


Hi Lydia

I am proud of you for writing here and reaching out for support. I know it is not always easy. I am also really sorry that you are going through all that. It does sound very difficult and distressing. I would encourage you to lean on your support system: your girlfriend of course, perhaps a good friend or a family member that you trust. Your doctor could help with depression and anxiety, as well as therapy. Journaling could also be helpful in dealing with and releasing strong emotions.

You mention having suicidal thoughts. I am very sad that you feel this way. I know how painful this thought is. Please have a look at this page if you are considering suicide: I want to emphasize that crisis hotlines do help. If you find yourself in immediate danger or with increasing suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help.

You are not alone and we are here for you.

August 27th, 2019


Hi Lydia, I just wanted to check in on you and see how you are doing today. No pressure to reply :)