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Hi (TW)

isitallinmyhead December 15th, 2019

Hi. I haven't self harmed in over a year. 374 days exactly. But some recent stuff is making me thinking of cutting again. Sorry, y'all probably don't want to hear about this. I can go.

carlylistens March 19th, 2020

@isitallinmyhead Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today. It is very brave and reaching out for help shows the greatest strength. I am very impressed with the progress you've made in recovering from the desire to self harm. I believe a great way to help with the urge you are feeling today is to do exactly what you're doing and share it with people. You are so strong and that strength can carry you through this rough patch once again. If you need someone to simply listen to the issues you are facing and the emotions that are accompanying them, you are completely safe in the 7 Cups community to express those things. Feel free to reach out to listeners for one-on-one conversations as well. Sending you the best vibes :-)

isitallinmyhead OP March 20th, 2020


after that post i relapsed a few times in the coming months and i finally am at one month clean

December 16th, 2019

Hi there @isitallinmyhead

I do want to hear about it, I do want to listen to you and support you as much as I can!

I am proud of you for being clean for more than a year, and I am proud of you for reaching out for help now. It makes sense that you would have urges back when dealing with a difficult moment. This is why our community is here: to support each other on those moments.

I am here for you

isitallinmyhead OP December 16th, 2019


thank you so much, it means more than you know

December 17th, 2019


You are very welcome and I meant every word. Do not hesitate if you need someone to listen to you heart

isitallinmyhead OP December 27th, 2019



I messed up. I cut. Only one cut. But still

December 27th, 2019

Hi there @isitallinmyhead , how are you feeling today? I hope you can look at what happened with curiosity and compassion... Relapses can happen, and even after a long time, and they do not delete the progress we have made. I am still so proud of you for your year without sh!

Can you name which feelings and thoughts triggered the urge to sh? Can you think of ways to deal with such a urge, should it reappear again?

isitallinmyhead OP January 13th, 2020


sorry for taking so long to respond. I messed up and cut again. I'm just hurting so much

January 13th, 2020


No worries, there is no pressure to reply heart

I am sorry that you are hurting so much... would you like to talk about this a bit more? I am here for you if you want. Sending you a safe thight hug if that is ok

isitallinmyhead OP March 19th, 2020


I'm feeling a bit better now. I've been clean for a little over a month with the help of someone I love

March 19th, 2020


I'm really glad to hear that, I am proud of you heart

TartRipeApples December 27th, 2019

Hi @isitallinmyhead

Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers - for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are. BUT YOU HAVE TO LOOK CLOSELY 👀