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trigger warning self harmed after long time not

User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws February 5th

we went  few years self harm free but tonight we end up self harming just a very small cut but feel like end of the world to us right now not wanting to go back way use to be at all we know this was just a slip up but hurts a lot too we only just started feeling emotions from being numb a very long time the flooding of emotions getting to us a lot

words from another here in chat also did not help was few days ago but it got us thinking in away that we a burden to others that we always not doing good that we less then others that we worthless to be heard and seen most them things been said to us over and over in our life we seem to be having a great battle inside with our thoughts a lot lately too

see we live in high pain physically  24/7  with very little help from meds so ya we not doing well most the time and with trying to keep from self harming it a battle a lot angst  a unseen enemy  called physical  pain then add in this Sunday our birthday too were we was  sexually abused on that day was they said a birthday gift to us also physically  abused they said spanken and pinch to grow on but was more a beating and hard pinch from each of them too

so fear even with us being safe is also here

but also we feel we disappointed  others on here due to we did not reach out for help today we just ran off tried to handle the thoughts alone out of fear  of  comments being made that would hurt too so feeling shame guilt and  worthless right now the old words from abusers coming at us right now too

sorry for everyone we disappointed too

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 5th

@stormieandpaws Hello Storm 💜 I want to tell you how proud I am of all of you. You all went a long time with out sh and you've held yourself accountable here for the recent relapse. I know it hurts when these things happen but it doesn't take away or diminish all the progress you have made up til then. We all have days when everything is just too much and we fall back into old, less than healthy coping methods. 

Whatever that person said to make you feel that you're a burden or less than, was wrong. You deserve compassion and understanding just as much anyone else does. You are all worthy of being heard and seen. But I do understand how the thoughts we have after hearing these things can cause a great deal of internal conflict because it's often a replay of things we heard in the past from others. 

Even though time can help us move forward, the past and the pain and memories don't just magically go away. I wish they did but it doesn't work that way. It can be hard to reach out when all these things are going on inside and we're feeling like we don't deserve any help, even though we do. I hope that the day is gentle to you.
Sending you light and love 💜
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User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws OP February 5th


thank you we was told long time ago that self harms a addiction to  the hormones a person own body put out when it been injured. this  really made a lot of scenes  to us. so we understand it like our addiction to  boozes. we was a  bad  binge drinker. we been sober  since jan. 2 2006. so we glad that was not what we did as that would have been  more unhealthy. so yes we slipped up and gave in to self harm. but we had been fighting the thoughts for over 3 week too. so it was building up. but what push us over the edge  was what the other chatter said. have the emotions coming back flooding us has not been easy for us. truth is we hate asking for help. this was due to our training as a child.

we get what your saying too.  yes it not take away all the work we done on healing. kinda points out what we still need to work on. so we posted here as away to be accountable  too. but also it reaching out for help. 7cups has helped  is helping  but we know others can only help if we risk trusting them. that goes agnist everything we was taught. so very hard for most us here.

you and few others have  reached out to us but we know that even a hand reaching out to another has to be taken before they can help. just feeling shame. guilt and yes we almost ran away  lost night. fear of others we know we deserve  things like being heard being see and feeling love. we want that but at same time scared of it.

so we trying not to cycle bad into old ways of copping  but it hard too. so thank you very much

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 6th

@stormieandpaws Congratulations on being sober for so long! That is amazing!

You're right, when these things happen it does show us where we need to do more work. 
I'm glad that Cups has helped and is continuing to help. I must admit, it's hard for us to ask for help too, for a number of reasons. Trust is probably the biggest one. We've trusted the wrong people occasionally and have been deeply hurt because of it. Trust is such a fragile thing and isn't something that is done lightly.

May we all have more positive experiences when it comes to trusting others 💜 
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User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws OP February 7th


thank you we have a hard time with trust seem when we state how we really feeling over time. others feel we are always struggling too. but that the truth most the time we be struggling but if they put themselves in  our shoes they understand why or if they asked questions too. we live in high pain 24/7 it very hard on us. there really nothing more the doctors can do either. we do get a little help from medications, but the pain always there too. we try hard to stay positive  and help others a lot too. but yes it hard to trust due to we had some very negative  reactions to the truth spoken about how we feel and what we struggle  with.  yes we know the old ways of copping  are unhealthy and not work. but at times we fall back into them too.

this right now end badly due to feeling emotions again. the shame and anger at self is very strong right now. so we trying to work through that too.

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