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wanting to relapse

aviori May 27th, 2020

I am struggling right now. I am having thoughts about relapsing even though I'm at the longest time clean I've had since I started self harming. (I just passed my 3 years clean mark). I feel like it's the only thing that will help me feel better right now even though I know that probably isn't long term, but right now that feels okay. Does anyone else ever feel like this?

PiiiscesSky May 27th, 2020

@aviori This is totally normal! When it comes to relapse, it's important to find other methods of letting out those emotions. Something like journaling would be an example of a healthy way curve the craving to self harm. I wish you well on this. Congrats on three years clean.

(I'm just speaking from what I know, not trying to give medical advice.)

aviori OP May 29th, 2020

@PiiiscesSky thank you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

enthusiasticBeach5282 May 27th, 2020


Clearly suppressing your thoughts isn't working. If rather you reflect on why the craving to harm yourself arises, then perhaps you will gain insight into why you choose to do so and see feeling only as feeling. In that process you will see the futility of cutting yourself. It won't bring you long term peace. You are not your thoughts. You do not have to act on them. Three years is a very long time. It doesn't make sense to undo it all. If rather you sit with your feelings than run away from them again, then you will see that your thoughts have no power over you.

aviori OP May 29th, 2020

@enthusiasticBeach5282 thank you

TheAtticusFinch May 28th, 2020


Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time with trying to not relapse right now.. that's incredibly difficult and takes so much effort to go through. I've been there before and I know it's hard hon :( Not self-harming for 3 years straight is so so brave and courageous of you. That takes so much resilience and power and you are amazing for not self-harming for so long. Going through struggles right now might make you feel like self-harming is the right way to go, but I know that you know that it's not the healthiest way. :( You have already displayed and showed so much courage in the last 3 years and I know you will make it through the next few weeks and months and hopefully more. I'm going to link you some alternatives here and I hope you stay safe!

aviori OP May 29th, 2020

@TheAtticusFinch thank you. I haven't seen that list of alternatives before so I will try and use them. It is hard to push through my urges when it feels kind of pointless to but I am trying not to give up on myself.