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Support/reassurance needed

SweetBeeHoney March 5th, 2023

@Fluffysheep8 - tagging you in this as you have given me so much support before (you have read some of this before but just wanted anyone reading this to have some more context.

Trigger warnings: SH, Sui, family issues

I am not in crisis by the way so please don’t take this as I am.

I just hate it when people bring up topics like SH and Sui without thinking about other people’s past. Like recently I relapsed with SH but no one in real life knows, so they talk about it without any thought at all. Hearing about the triggers given in the warning above make me want to curl up in a corner and cry but I can’t I have to be strong for my younger brother and cousin.

I just wish everything and everyone would just stop for a day, just one day is all I want, just a break from everything. People think I’m crazy when I say I look forward to school but it’s better than home at the moment. My house is literally like you’re walking on egg shells. My cousin is often trying to commit suicide or harm himself in other ways if anything and I mean anything upsets or annoys him and my parents are at breaking point themselves. I have really important exams in a couple of months which determine whether I can stay in education or not but I can’t concentrate at home or in school due to everything going on.

I can’t even talk about this with anyone in real life - my parents don’t like talking to me about it, friends get triggered and teachers have to report it (have already been down that route).

If anyone has any advice on how to cope or even just reassurance or support, I would really appreciate it.

burningRain127 March 6th, 2023

Hi @therapyneeded, so sorry you’re going through this! I definitely relate to your post, and I just wanted to share with you what a game changer working out is for me. I understand that it doesn’t work for everyone and it can be really hard to find the motivation 。But it’s helped me a lot , by giving me a chance to get away from stressful life at home, and it gives me something (painful) that I can control and helps me put my feelings into physical movement. I really hope you feel better, and no pressure or guilt if this doesn’t work for you. *so much love and cookies

burningRain127 March 6th, 2023


@therapyneeded you are so freaking valid and I’m so proud of you for staying strong. We’re all here for you!! Hit me up if you ever need anything 😊

Fluffysheep8 March 18th, 2023


It's completely understandable to hate it when people talk about SH and Sui without thinking about other people's past, it's very inconsiderate and disrespectful. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with SH relapse, and it must have been so triggering to hear about people using those terms and discussing those topics so carelessly. It's valid to want to curl up in a ball and cry, you're going through a lot. It must be so difficult to have to "stay strong" for the little ones in your life, you deserve to be able to express however you feel.

Oh my gosh, it sounds like you're going through so much. I'm sorry you're struggling. I'm here for you. It's completely understandable to wish it would all stop, I hear your pain. I wish I could make it better for you. I can't, but just know that I care and that I'm here for you. You don't deserve to be under this much pressure. It's not fair, I'm sorry.

I really, deeply understand how terrible it feels to be so alone in your struggles. I'm sorry that this is happening, you deserve all the support in the world.

I'm here for you, friend. I can't promise that everything will always be okay, but I can promise that you don't have to face all of this alone.

SweetBeeHoney OP March 22nd, 2023

Thank you to both of you who have responded.

Your words mean a lot to me each in their own way. Sorry I don’t really have much capacity to respond properly (due to my own disabilities adding to my situation) but I appreciate it. Thank you.

SweetBeeHoney OP April 16th, 2023

Ok, this isn’t totally related to my original post but I don’t want to create a new one.

New trigger warnings though: SH, Sui, mental health hospitals, A&E, parents generally doing messed up things.

I just need to rant/vent about some things my parents do and have done to me in the past before I go completely mad as they keep bringing things up.

It’s basically some messed up things my parents have done/said to me about mental health.

Now I’m older, they always say how I should be honest with them about everything including anything to do with mental health and I thought that after going through everything with Ethan, they would have got better but I couldn’t be more wrong really. Since then, they have basically said things like “don’t ever do that” when it comes to things like trying to end everything or self harm. Which in itself isn’t great but they have made sure to make a point of something they used to do to me when I was 11 which I used to block out as best I could even though it was always in my mind but they make sure I don’t forget it at the moment.

Basically for quite a while when I was around 11 (I just say 11 as it’s easier), I was going through what at the time seemed like an impossible situation to be in (looking back it doesn’t seem so bad but to 11 year old me it was). At that point I was a lot and I mean a lot more honest with my parents (perhaps a bit too honest). I had a lot of bad thought but would actually tell my parents exactly what they were and how I planned it each time and everything like that. I never actually did anything back then but each time they would drive me to our local mental health hospital and basically say things like if you ever do anything like that you’ll end up here, same for similar thing at A&E to get to the mental hospital. To this day I will never forget that drive every single time I told them anything.

I no longer trust adults in my life much at all especially my family in particular my parents.

SweetBeeHoney OP April 16th, 2023


Sorry I didn’t tag you @Fluffysheep8

SweetBeeHoney OP June 9th, 2023

By the way my cousin is referred to as Ethan in this post.

Fluffysheep8 June 12th, 2023


Oh my gosh, that all sounds so horrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You aren't alone in this, I'm here for you and I care about you a lot. I see you and I hear your pain, you aren't alone, I'm so sorry things are like this. It must be painful beyond words.