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sociableGrapes9795 August 17th, 2023

Does anyone have any tips on how to quit SH or stop from doing it everyday? It’s been a struggle to stop and I’m worried I can’t stop. I’ve tried the rubber band trick and that only worked for about 3 days.

juliak1968 August 18th, 2023


I wish I could remember how I stopped, but one day I realized I needed to take care of the man in the mirror as if he were my own child. When you can learn to be kind to yourself it will stop on it's own. Look deeply into the mirror and say I love you and mean it - Please try to try to be kind to yourself!

Blessings, Day

starsandthesky August 19th, 2023

Things that worked for me are

1. Putting my face in ice water

2. Drink lots of water. Like in that moment just go grab a glass and drink as many cups of water as you can (I have no idea why this works but it does for me so see if it might for you)

3. Distract yourself w music/ smth else (you can find distractions online)

4. Sometimes if you're on the verge of tears crying it out helps

5. Just lie down on the floor / anywhere and observe what you're feeling (your bodily sensations, where you feel the urge) see if the feeling subsides on its own

(I am not an expert, you can ask chatGPT/ find other options online, wishing you all the best)

EirwenAri September 2nd, 2023


Hold an ice cube in your hand until it melts when the urge comes. Draw whatever you want (make it positive!) over the area where you self harm. Doesn't have to be pretty, even hearts and squiggles work well. I use butterflies, and name people I care about after them, so I can force myself not to hurt myself and them in the process. Get a fidget of some kind - I prefer stress balls and fidget cubes, but find something that you enjoy that you can carry with you when the urge arises. Pop its work great too.

That's all I've got. You are loved dearly, and never forget how much it will be worth it when you're out on the other side <3

SmileOfFake September 2nd, 2023

I'm going to post a thread in just a second about a method.

impartialPlum5477 September 3rd, 2023

Rubber bands never worked for me. Neither did journaling or exercising. Talking, for me, rarely works. I had to have a consequence. Something worth losing other than my own life if I cut too deep. It sounds drastic but it genuinely worked for a long time. Maybe if I still had that I wouldn’t be back. Any time you need me please message I hope you’re okay 💗

trueconfidant123 September 4th, 2023


Hello there! I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with overcoming self harm. I would like to share a few informative posts which I hope you find useful. Take care and feel free to update us about your progress.