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I can’t stop to do it ?

passionateCat1919 20 hours ago

TW for thread - SA

i need help to stop doing this

DancingSongbird579 18 hours ago

Hey @passionateCat1919

I know you're really hurting right now, and I just want to say that there are a lot of people out there who really are on your side. The thing is, you're going to have to take the first step to trust an adult, possibly someone at your school. I'm guessing your school has some sort of school counselor. Or even if you have a favorite teacher... you don't have to give that person any details at all, just tell them that you need someone safe to talk to and I hope they would help direct you to the right person. 

I know that's scary as heck, but it also may be a lifeline, to have someone you can trust, that you can talk to. There really are a lot of people who would love to help you. 

Being hurt and abused is NOT your fault. You also always need to remember that. 


passionateCat1919 OP 18 hours ago

I did itttt I called the police tysmð©·ð©·, Now I will go with the police for some procedures.

DancingSongbird579 18 hours ago



DancingSongbird579 18 hours ago

That was really brave of you! TinyWhisper and I will be thinking about you and sending you lots and lots of (((((GOODLUCK)))))))) vibes. I hope you can get yourself to a place where you feel safe and are surrounded by people you can trust. 

passionateCat1919 OP 18 hours ago

Thank you all for helping me, thank you so much, I couldn't have done it without you ❤️

DancingSongbird579 17 hours ago

Hang in there @passionateCat1919

You're young. You're going to go through rough spots (we all do!) but we're all here to support each other.  Life is definitely a journey and it's good to know we don't have to do it alone. 

Feel free to check in and let us know how things are going. 😸

passionateCat1919 OP 17 hours ago

They arrested him.and They will do tests after I get better psychologically but I don't want to because I searched and knew what the tests are

DancingSongbird579 17 hours ago

Wow, things are moving right along! And also wow, I know that going through police and legal and medical stuff is scary but it's also sooo important to get as much information as they can. You totally deserve to live your life so you feel safe and secure and supported by people who really care about you.

We're here, behind the scenes, rooting for you.

You already made a really important step towards helping yourself and I know that wasn't easy, but you did it. That's something to be proud of, even if it's scary at the same time. Hang in there! 


passionateCat1919 OP 17 hours ago


affectionateNorth7484 10 hours ago

You are so so very strong! I am so proud of you. You deserve all the love in the world. Now is the time for you to heal and get better and go forward to have an amazing loving life! It may take time, but the worst is now behind you and your future is bright. I can’t wait to see what amazing things you do in the world.

Aside: To the other people on this thread that helped. You’re awesome too! You saved lives today! Be proud and hold your heads high!